※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-06-10 20:06:31
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作者 標題 [花邊] Beal談未來:我將會去我覺得能贏球的地方
時間 Fri Jun 10 19:06:37 2022
“Obviously, I consider my family. What do they wanna do? Where do they wanna li
ve? What are they comfortable with?” Beal said in an interview with Taylor Rook
s of Bleacher Report. “And obviously, the team. So it is surreal in a lot of wa
ys to be in the position I am in. It is crazy numbers. It is what it is. It’s u
ncontrollable. It’s out of my control. But I’m blessed to be here. Again, I do
n’t shy away from that. I take it on with a full front and I have to do what’s
best for me. There is a little anxiety because I have to make the decision and
time is counting down, we’re in June now. But it’s fun to be in this position.
“I know what my decision will be based off of, and that’s gonna be where I fee
l like I can win. That’s going to be my decision,” Beal said. “If I feel like
I can win in D.C., that’s what I’m gonna do, and I want people to respect tha
t. You may or you may not, but I’m gonna work my ass off and I’m gonna compete
and I wanna make this team better. If it’s elsewhere, it’s going to be the ex
act same commitment… For the most part, I’m gonna do what’s best for me and I
can’t concern myself with what other people are saying, even though it may loo
k as ‘simplified’ as people may project it to be.”
Wizards news: Bradley Beal on future amid $242M contract decision
Bradley Beal speaks out on his future with the Washington Wizards amid his contract extension decision this summer. ...
Bradley Beal speaks out on his future with the Washington Wizards amid his contract extension decision this summer. ...
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推 : 換龜龜有機會嗎1F 06/10 19:07
推 : 吉巴+Beal+鉛筆 幾冠2F 06/10 19:07
→ : 羅莉、英雄/DR 熱火準備好了3F 06/10 19:08
推 : 巫師應該會要簽吧4F 06/10 19:09
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/10/2022 19:09:42推 : #龜龜5F 06/10 19:10
推 : 巫師會簽吧6F 06/10 19:11
推 : 有興趣加入王下七武海嗎7F 06/10 19:11
推 : p+8F 06/10 19:11
推 : 熱火不知道換不換9F 06/10 19:12
推 : 一句話 收不收龜10F 06/10 19:13
推 : 來P+啊 場均50分應該沒有問題11F 06/10 19:15
推 : 感覺熱火有可能 鉛筆則不太可能來 熱火隊很看重鬼父12F 06/10 19:15
→ : 來P+吧,真的可以一個打五個13F 06/10 19:15
推 : 76人要換嗎,把beal換來純砍分就好,控場給哈登14F 06/10 19:16
推 : 巫師老闆當初是說Beal要留的話 錢一定一毛都不少直15F 06/10 19:17
→ : 接給他 就看Beal自己的決定
→ : 接給他 就看Beal自己的決定
推 : 別再妄想鉛筆了 76怎麼可能放走?17F 06/10 19:18
→ : 國王 比爾 新入團18F 06/10 19:18
→ : Beal其實可以去勇士跟KT換 KT大傷後感覺不行了….19F 06/10 19:18
→ : (新北國王)20F 06/10 19:19
→ : 支持加入王下七五海21F 06/10 19:19
推 : 去熱火其實不錯22F 06/10 19:22
推 : 熱火不出JB其他包一包換不到鉛筆啦 Beal有可能23F 06/10 19:23
推 : kt哪換的到 他現在大概連j尻等級都沒了24F 06/10 19:23
推 : 鉛筆JB互換兩個都會氣死吧 都會覺得隊友很X25F 06/10 19:24
→ : ?26F 06/10 19:26
推 : 巫師不會想收KT27F 06/10 19:27
→ : 這是跟巫師說給我錢吧 不給就要走人囉28F 06/10 19:27
推 : 我將把我的天賦帶往勇士或塞爾蒂克29F 06/10 19:27
→ : 巫師好不容易送走Wall 龜又來個KT會起笑30F 06/10 19:28
→ : 他的意思是看巫師怎補強吧 年輕天賦有 但薪資沒解放
→ : 出來難補
→ : 他的意思是看巫師怎補強吧 年輕天賦有 但薪資沒解放
→ : 出來難補
推 : Tatum在週四訪談提到與Beal的要好,最後丟了一句話33F 06/10 19:32
→ : …I’m a see you this summer.”
推 : https://reurl.cc/yrlakl
→ : …I’m a see you this summer.”
推 : https://reurl.cc/yrlakl
Why Bradley Beal Got Emotional Receiving Message From Jayson Tatum
Bradley Beal was shown a video message from Jayson Tatum during an interview, and the Wizards guard got emotional after hearing his message. ...
Bradley Beal was shown a video message from Jayson Tatum during an interview, and the Wizards guard got emotional after hearing his message. ...
→ : LA36F 06/10 19:42
→ : KT現在是溢價約,巫師好不容易才清掉龜跟牆,除非他37F 06/10 19:43
→ : 們要坦了
→ : 們要坦了
→ : KT 那麼貴... 你勇還是留著讓他養老不好嗎?39F 06/10 19:43
推 : KT不差 不過他是二當家吧40F 06/10 19:44
推 : 龜沒清吧 還賣的很漂亮41F 06/10 19:45
→ : 不差..勇士留著用阿,目前表現配那張約交易一定得貼42F 06/10 19:46
推 : 熱火缺得分手43F 06/10 19:48
→ : 浪花兄弟不會拆的 就是勇士神主牌
→ : 浪花兄弟不會拆的 就是勇士神主牌
→ : 熱火換不到鉛筆的原因怎麼可能會是太看重阿爹XDD45F 06/10 19:52
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