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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [討論] 熱火詢價米丘,但爵士覺得不夠
時間 Mon Jul 11 13:33:16 2022
Report: Miami Heat offered trade package for Donovan Mitchell that Utah Jazz deemed ‘insufficient’
Report: Miami Heat offered trade package for Donovan Mitchell that Utah Jazz deemed 'insufficient' - Heat Nation
The Utah Jazz have already completed one blockbuster trade this offseason by sending big man Rudy Gobert to the Minnesota Timberwolves. ...
The Utah Jazz have already completed one blockbuster trade this offseason by sending big man Rudy Gobert to the Minnesota Timberwolves.
According to a recent report, another potential blockbuster deal was at least discussed between the Jazz and Miami Heat. The Heat reportedly offered some kind of offer for star guard Donovan Mitchell, but the deal was deemed “insufficient” by the Jazz.
「“As [Jazz general manager Justin] Zanik hinted, Mitchell’s status with the Jazz might then be determined by what other teams are offering for him — if the Jazz got a return that made them more likely to be a championship team, they’d do the deal,” wrote Andy Larsen of the Salt Lake Tribune.
“According to a league source, one offer came from Miami even before the Gobert trade was finalized. The Jazz, though, found that offer insufficient. In addition, Miami’s win-now roster has limited picks and young players to trade.”」
There have been numerous rumblings linking the Heat and Mitchell as of late, but nothing yet has truly indicated that a deal will get done in the near future. Of course, the Heat would love to have Mitchell on the roster. He’s a three-time All-Star and averaged 25.9 points per game last season.
Still, it seems the Heat are not willing to discuss parting ways with truly valuable assets in order to land him. At least, they’re not willing to do so just yet.最近很多熱火跟米丘的乳摸,但都離扣下板機很遠。當然熱火很樂意米丘出現在他們的球員名單,他是三屆As,上一季場均得25.9分
As for the Jazz, the organization now finds itself in a position of limbo. With the Gobert trade, the Jazz now have a slew of future draft picks to build a young and talented roster with. However, Mitchell is certainly interested in winning now. For that reason, the Jazz are definitely a team to keep an eye on as the 2022 NBA offseason continues.
他們有著大量的選秀簽- 來自狗貝的交易 (還有透過RO交易來的23首輪),他們可以建立一個年輕且有潛力的隊伍,但那是在未來,而米丘肯定現在就想要贏。
Though there have been some exciting deals already this offseason, nothing has really caused the major fireworks that NBA fans crave during the summer months. A Mitchell trade would change that immediately. Only time will tell if such a deal will take place.
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只能提供最多3個首輪 跟英雄為主的籌碼
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推 : 米邱會是熱火的解答? 要拆掉半隊去換吧1F 07/11 13:35
推 : 米丘才25 是可以圍繞他再重新建隊的2F 07/11 13:38
推 : 簽了就沒救3F 07/11 13:39
推 : 安吉的話,照狗貝包來喊價,五位球員 + 四張首輪籤4F 07/11 13:39
推 : 有機會成為解答啊,如果交易主體是英雄的話5F 07/11 13:39
推 : 好讚 米丘趕快來6F 07/11 13:41
推 : 熱火一定拿蘿莉+英雄換啊 問題是要拿多少簽阿爵才會7F 07/11 13:42
推 : 爵士確定要圍繞三分丘建隊...???8F 07/11 13:42
→ : 點頭 還有米丘的防守也在退步9F 07/11 13:42
推 : 米邱...不用急吧 還年輕 爵士留著自用都行10F 07/11 13:43
推 : 胃口被灰狼養大了LOL11F 07/11 13:43
推 : 米丘不是基石吧12F 07/11 13:45
推 : 米丘熱火拿多少來都不夠換好不好13F 07/11 13:50
推 : 米丘留著吧 不然明年鹽湖城明星賽爵士一個都沒有能14F 07/11 13:50
→ : 看嗎
→ : 看嗎
推 : 安吉又在搜集籤 然後自己選不賣16F 07/11 13:51
→ : 爵士的問題是 即使未來養了班底,也吸引不到FA17F 07/11 13:51
推 : 米丘不是基石 但也是爵士門面阿 真的要徹底拆光?18F 07/11 13:53
→ : 熱火主菜是誰安吉不會care啊 他就是要籤 無論好壞19F 07/11 13:53
噓 : 熱火沒這麼傻吧20F 07/11 13:55
推 : 簽就貨幣 但安吉很像松鼠 存著過冬 不會花掉...21F 07/11 13:55
→ : 油頭vs安吉,話說猶他不是明年要辦明星賽?賣了米邱22F 07/11 13:56
→ : 誰要當地主明星代表
→ : 誰要當地主明星代表
推 : Wade接班人你敢嘴24F 07/11 13:57
推 : 安吉準備好了25F 07/11 14:00
→ : 其實可以了啦,米丘沒那麼值錢...26F 07/11 14:04
→ : 狗貝換夠多籤了 爵士應該重整為主吧27F 07/11 14:04
推 : 熱火這詢價?認真要換?!28F 07/11 14:05
→ : 跟年紀啥的無關 只25歲又怎樣 上限很清楚擺明在那29F 07/11 14:08
→ : 但就跟上面說的一樣 鹽湖城最好不要亂放球星 你放了
→ : 下一個球星養起來不知道是甚麼時候
→ : 但就跟上面說的一樣 鹽湖城最好不要亂放球星 你放了
→ : 下一個球星養起來不知道是甚麼時候
推 : 鹽湖城在安吉操盤,應該會大量刷首抽吧?根本不需要32F 07/11 14:10
→ : 煩惱簽不到全明星…
→ : 煩惱簽不到全明星…
→ : 安吉真的是搶劫王34F 07/11 14:13
推 : 米丘果然是陽韋德35F 07/11 14:14
推 : 要比Gobert大包才換得到吧 不然小市場一次送走兩個36F 07/11 14:15
→ : 球星很傷
→ : 球星很傷
推 : 對手是安吉 沒那麼容易啊熱火38F 07/11 14:15
推 : jazz首抽米丘還不夠?要抽石佛才滿意?39F 07/11 14:16
推 : 比狗貝大包XD 不要再逼籃網了40F 07/11 14:19
推 : 熱火沒啥籤了吧 英雄歐拉換?41F 07/11 14:20
推 : 熱火拆一拆,季後賽除了雞巴其他跟路人沒兩樣42F 07/11 14:20
→ : 已經有英雄一個防守漏洞了,還要來一個43F 07/11 14:21
推 : 油頭vs安吉 我猜油頭贏44F 07/11 14:21
推 : 安吉在青賽也是洗首輪建隊的阿 不過想複製難度超高45F 07/11 14:22
→ : 還是留個米丘修修補補比較簡單
→ : 還是留個米丘修修補補比較簡單
推 : 熱火是蠻缺這種球員47F 07/11 14:26
→ : 但他跟士官長不一樣 逆境的得分手段..
→ : 但他跟士官長不一樣 逆境的得分手段..
→ : 熱火不拿阿爹出來基本沒得談49F 07/11 14:27
推 : 熱火後衛海?50F 07/11 14:31
→ : 拿阿爹 何必找米丘51F 07/11 14:32
推 : ayton:換我換我52F 07/11 14:32
推 : 我也覺得就留個米邱補一補 常打季後賽賺錢就好了53F 07/11 14:47
推 : 米丘之前不是說是非賣品54F 07/11 14:53
推 : 對安吉來說沒有非賣品就是了55F 07/11 14:54
推 : 安吉沒有非賣品,是你價出得不夠56F 07/11 14:54
→ : 雷丘注定扛不起球隊 問題熱火能拿出什麼好貨?57F 07/11 14:58
推 : 安吉連自己都能賣58F 07/11 15:01
推 : 換米秋熱火就又有核心了59F 07/11 15:03
推 : 米切爾跟巴特勒互換有好嗎60F 07/11 15:10
→ : 安吉: 沒有不能賣的球員 只有不想賣的價格 (誤61F 07/11 15:17
噓 : 這是出價,不是詢價。62F 07/11 15:21
推 : 換阿爹啦63F 07/11 15:37
推 : 有英雄和三首輪 爵士還不滿意 只能繼續抬價了XD64F 07/11 15:40
推 : 簽了熱火的防守就爛了65F 07/11 15:43
→ : 米丘不值得吧 就只是個普通的先發後場66F 07/11 15:46
噓 : 要這沒防守的c咖幹嘛67F 07/11 15:48
推 : Mitchell當年是防守評價比較高吧 這幾年比較像是自68F 07/11 16:17
→ : 己鬆掉了 去熱火給士官長電一下剛好
→ : 己鬆掉了 去熱火給士官長電一下剛好
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 30
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