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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-12-28 09:49:07
看板 NBA
作者 scott6065 (Dongsoso)
標題 [討論] 吹楊下家賠率目前獨行俠領跑
時間 Wed Dec 28 09:37:10 2022

Trae Young & Luka Doncic Teammates? Dallas Mavs Have Top Betting Odds for Atlanta Hawks Trade - Sports Illustrated Dallas Mavericks News, Analysis and More
There is a clear disconnect between Trae Young and the Atlanta Hawks. If he demands a trade soon, should the Dallas Mavericks consider pairing him wit ...


As crazy as it may seem, oddsmakers agree with us that this is a possibility t
o keep an eye on going forward. According to嚒portsBetting.ag, the Mavs have t
he top odds of being Young’s next team at +250. The Miami Heat are second at
+350, and the Boston Celtics are third at +400.




Rival executives in attendance at the NBA's annual G League Winter Showcase ar
e of the belief that Atlanta Hawks star point guard Trae Young could be the ne
xt player on a rookie max extension to request a trade if the team doesn't mak
e inroads come postseason time,” Haynes wrote.


The Mavs making a blockbuster trade is probably a matter of “when” and not
“if.” The Dallas front office knows it must upgrade its roster to maximize D
oncic’s chances of completing for a championship every year before his curren
t contract ends. Whether trading for a guard like Young gets the Mavs where th
ey want to go or not can be debated, but it’s a big move that Dallas might be
 able to swing if given the opportunity.


Despite being traded for each other in 2018 and being subjected to “which tea
m won the trade” debates over the years, Doncic and Young have always been fr



At that point, the Mavs will have all their future picks available, meaning th
eir chances of being able to make a blockbuster trade will rise.



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sezna       : 獨行俠沒有資產(完)1F 12/28 09:37
Qorqios     : ........2F 12/28 09:38
justice0926 : 這後場防守xddd3F 12/28 09:38
SCLPAL      : 東西合璧!? 然後甚麼東西可以換0.o4F 12/28 09:38
polo3869    : 換完直接不用防守只拼進攻5F 12/28 09:39
kenbo       : 好了可以直接學騎士前場三塔專門撿大號三分的子彈了6F 12/28 09:39
AtDe        : 小犢換不到吧....要換也是巫師比較可能7F 12/28 09:39
bestteam    : 獨行俠除了77還有誰有價值能換到楊哨俠??8F 12/28 09:39
※ 編輯: scott6065 ( 臺灣), 12/28/2022 09:41:29
supermeme   : 是有幾顆球9F 12/28 09:40
possible322 : 2個都不能無球 當庫版傻?10F 12/28 09:40
st890284    : 吹羊+首輪換7711F 12/28 09:40
a11011788   : 兩個罷球仔 吹羊又不打無球防守又爛12F 12/28 09:40
sezna       : 青賽就更好笑,換羊來幫自己挖洞?13F 12/28 09:40
realkoking  : 兩個都先發時,後場防守容易炸裂;誰要打無球?14F 12/28 09:40
k385476916  : 我賽不可能好嗎15F 12/28 09:40
aikensh     : 來打第六人剛好16F 12/28 09:41
jsliao9786  : 塞爾提克怎麼可能啦17F 12/28 09:41
dereklin    : 這兩個不可能同隊吧 都超吃球權的欸18F 12/28 09:41
vgil        : 你犢要拿誰換?  KP?19F 12/28 09:42
dwiee       : 不看好 吹楊不能無球又沒防守20F 12/28 09:42
skygray2    : 蛤?21F 12/28 09:42
sezna       : 吹羊連跟DJM都配不好,很難想像跟球權需求更多的7722F 12/28 09:42
accjm2440   : 球不夠…23F 12/28 09:42
love1500274 : 幻想文 老鷹體質這麼好 幹嘛隨便吹24F 12/28 09:42
dwiee       : 吹楊在老鷹當老大待好 去其他隊可能會落到龜的下場25F 12/28 09:43
ahsoo       : 吹楊+5首輪換7726F 12/28 09:44
xjapan329   : 請問吹羊算刷子嗎27F 12/28 09:44
ahsoo       : 算28F 12/28 09:44
realkoking  : 如果楊願意下去帶二陣,配合77打第六人,可能有得打29F 12/28 09:44
m122e       : 兩個都不能打無球的 別想了30F 12/28 09:44
SlamKai     : 吹楊 + 77  場上要幾顆球?31F 12/28 09:45
highwayshih : 現階段應該還是77控場強 可是吹楊又不打無球 怎麼搭32F 12/28 09:45
chiky       : 這兩個不好搭吧33F 12/28 09:45
sustainer123: 後場防守GG34F 12/28 09:45
asd12695    : 我賽拿誰換 笑死XD35F 12/28 09:46
Siika       : 這兩個球真的不夠= =36F 12/28 09:46
ru0701      : 怎覺得巫師可以去問看看啊 相對籌碼多很多吧 雖然37F 12/28 09:46
ru0701      : 約很大張
ginopun10477: 小牛要吹樣幹嘛啦39F 12/28 09:46
kase09521   : 認真想了一下這三隊有的籌碼,這賭盤是不是變相的40F 12/28 09:46
kase09521   : 再說吹羊沒什麼人想要
MarcPolo    : 我牛沒資產 也不需要這咖 是要看氣氛內戰嘛42F 12/28 09:47
s920223     : 難得沒有湖人的局43F 12/28 09:47
ken720331   : ?077跟吹楊?吹陽要打無球嘛44F 12/28 09:47

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