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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-01-24 00:10:22
看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] Kerr:現在的規則更偏向進攻方,很多情
時間 Mon Jan 23 23:16:15 2023


It is often said nowadays that there is no defense played in the NBA and the num
bers certainly back up that notion. We have seen some outrageous scoring outburs
ts this season and teams are seemingly scoring at a higher clip than ever before

現在人們常說NBA沒有防守,數據也證實了這一觀點。 本賽季我們看到了一些令人震驚的得

There has been some criticism aimed at the league because of it and commissioner
 Adam Silver had to address the outrageous scoring surge recently. He said the f
ans clearly seem to enjoy it but added that they are not afraid to reexamine the
 situation after the season. Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr was ask
ed about defense not being played these days and he stated that teams are trying
 to play defense, but that Stephen Curry and the rules in the NBA make it diffic

因此,聯盟受到了一些批評,聯盟主席Adam Silver最近不得不解決令人震驚的得分激增問
題。他說球迷們顯然很享受,但補充說他們並不害怕在賽季結束後重新審視情況。 金州勇
士隊總教練Steve Kerr被問及近期球隊沒有防守的問題,他表示球隊正在努力進行防守,但

"I think it's been an evolution over the last five or six years and some of it i
s [the] pace of play; everybody decided to play faster," Kerr said. "Some of it
is the influence of Steph [Curry] just shooting from where he does; now you're s
eeing so many guys come across mid-court and pull up from the logo. That's kind
of common to see that in any NBA game now."


"I think a lot of it is the rules," Kerr said. "The NBA has really slanted the r
ules towards the offensive player. You're seeing the offensive guys really gain
advantages in so many different situations. I think it's become almost impossibl
e to play defense in a lot of cases the refs will tell you 'He wasn't in legal g
uarding position,' and you're like, 'Yeah, but he barreled over my guy.' What is
 legal guarding position if somebody just runs right through you?


"But this is the way the league has gone over the last decade; it's really becom
e more open and free and mostly with positive results, but I think we've gone a
little bit overboard and we've taken away the power of some of the things that d
efense can do."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: arod1414 2023-01-23 23:16:15
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZpgJ1gx (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1674486977.A.ABB.html
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2023 23:18:16
e49523      : 例如踢蛋?1F 01/23 23:19
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2023 23:19:42
nanamiiwill : 不知道哪隊得利了2F 01/23 23:19
YellowTiger : 確實 三分線外一步開砲 還有一堆有的沒的擋拆3F 01/23 23:20
YellowTiger : 要怎麼防
YellowTiger : 還有一些神奇的裁判吹判
Tommy92C    : 近期就灰熊對湖人那場兩邊各40球罰球,把比賽吹到6F 01/23 23:23
Tommy92C    : 支離破碎,到底是打球還是罰球比賽
NOKIA8888   : 雀食8F 01/23 23:24
Tommy92C    : 裁判吹摸毛哨是真的煩,把節奏都吹亂9F 01/23 23:26
karmel      : 這每隊都有吧10F 01/23 23:26
nnkj        : 現代籃球最多冠的總教練所言極是11F 01/23 23:26
karmel      : 普遍得分都升高12F 01/23 23:26
zuzinajp    : 勇士講裁判不公平 哈哈哈哈哈13F 01/23 23:28
earldunn    : 科學家:拿分很簡單,所以打20年的411很簡單14F 01/23 23:30
pierce880321: 例如移動迷宮15F 01/23 23:31
inuyaksa    : 現在是要替勇士的破防守甩鍋嗎16F 01/23 23:32
ste14563    : 每隊都有吧17F 01/23 23:34
rbull       : 一開始就摸毛哨帶頭的 有大牌進攻方當然會很爽18F 01/23 23:36
ntusimmon   : 灰狼後衛:19F 01/23 23:38
henry910119 : 什麼防守都有破解方式20F 01/23 23:39
henry910119 : 更別說很多進攻球員基本都守不住
Broyz       : 阿所以你擺了四衛那段時間贏了嗎?我是吐了22F 01/23 23:39
jardon      : 例如移動迷宮23F 01/23 23:41
DuoDuokk77  : 我也是想到移動迷宮XD24F 01/23 23:41
yueyi313    : 我有防守悍將:嘴綠跟金身:柯瑞!看聯盟要玩哪一25F 01/23 23:41
yueyi313    : 種模式我都能切換!
candbilly153: 你他媽擺4衛是想守個屁啊27F 01/23 23:42
raku        : 那些拉基防守犯規 隨便切都有哨子28F 01/23 23:43
muvowen     : Kerr:我的意思是,移動迷宮更加的牢不可破29F 01/23 23:43
raku        : 看過一堆火鍋抄截都被吹犯規就知道防守很難了30F 01/23 23:43
BryantKobe  : kerr有說過411很簡單???31F 01/23 23:52
muscatsss   : 這是事實32F 01/23 23:53
Q12345Q     : 確實 看阿銀要不要從進攻教練 改當最強防守教練33F 01/23 23:55
flybow      : 現在的季賽數據其實都很水 沒什麼參考價值34F 01/23 23:57
flybow      : 球員打不打也是看心情跟身體狀況 可上可不上
heavensun   : 現在 很多人數據都和四大分衛一樣神36F 01/23 23:58
flybow      : 防起來沒進攻數據亮眼 又吃力 何必用心37F 01/23 23:58
ooxxman     : 商業規則,賣票最重要38F 01/23 23:58
flybow      : 更不要說三分落位快速投籃跟收守快速轉換 怎麼防39F 01/23 23:59
MosesMoody  : 那... 今天怎麼說xD40F 01/24 00:01
fxp87117    : Bogut: 我在勇士的時候都不會被吹非法掩護,超爽的^41F 01/24 00:01
lonzoslaker : 確實,基本就沒在防守42F 01/24 00:05
mirac1e     : 現在進攻數據嚴重通膨 看姆斯就知道43F 01/24 00:05
mirac1e     : 數據看起來跟十年前差不多 但是球隊戰績天差地遠
mirac1e     : 就表示這些好看的數據根本沒辦法轉換成球隊戰績

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