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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-08-16 11:46:06
看板 NBA
作者 kenbo (我愛蘇智傑)
標題 [情報] Bronny James面對U18法國隊 爆砍25分
時間 Tue Aug 16 10:53:24 2022

WATCH: Bronny James, LeBron's son, throws down emphatic poster dunk
Bronny James, son of LeBron, threw down an emphatic one-handed jam over an opposing player in Paris. Watch the highlight here. ...


Like father, like son.

Bronny James went coast-to-coast for an emphatic poster dunk against the U18
French National Select Team in Paris on Monday.
虎父無犬子,Bronny James在昨天對上U18法國隊的比賽中上演後場一條龍顏扣法國隊

Bronny finished with a game-high 25 points for California Basketball Club
(CBC), though it came in a 97-85 loss.

This was the second of three games for CBC on its AXE Euro Tour. Both James
brothers, the 17-year-old Bronny and the 15-year-old Bryce, are playing for
CBC, in addition to Justin Pippen, son of Scottie, and Ashton Hardaway, son
of Penny.
二代雲集的CBC不只有Bronny跟Bryce,還有Scottie Pippen與Penny Hardaway的兒子

Bronny, a rising senior at Sierra Canyon High School in California, is a
four-star recruit and the No. 49-rated prospect in the 2023 class, according
to 247Sports.

College basketball insider Adam Zagoria reported on Sunday that Memphis,
Michigan, Ohio State, Oregon, Rutgers and USC are among the schools that have
reached out to Bronny's AAU coach. Zagoria added that if the 6-foot-3 guard
chooses the college route over other options like the G League Ignite and
Overtime Elite, "most people in the industry" expect he'll attend a
Nike-sponsored school. LeBron has been sponsored by Nike since he entered the
NBA in 2003 and inked a lifetime deal with the company in 2015.
LeBron James自2003年進入聯盟以來,一直是NIKE贊助的球星

CBC, which dropped its opening game against Hoopsfix Elite in London last
week, concludes the tour with a matchup against Stella Azzurra in Rome on
Thursday. The game will air on ESPNU at 9 a.m. PT.

247SPORTS應該是給Bronny James預測選秀順位最高的了

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a23938554   : 繼續加油 想看父子對決1F 08/16 10:55
rlj0858     : 熟悉的全場最高分輸球XD2F 08/16 10:55
w45T54f     : 刷子父子3F 08/16 10:56
c27932589   : 2輪末應該還是有 除非像小皮朋一樣操作落選4F 08/16 10:58
Kai877      : 挖靠 左打狗貝 右打鉛筆 中出佛尼耶5F 08/16 10:59
hunt5566    : 結論:輸球刷數據6F 08/16 11:00
Kai877      : 49大>75大7F 08/16 11:00
gogorice    : 這灌籃有帥耶XD8F 08/16 11:01
huaiken     : 49 真的假的9F 08/16 11:02
kevinduh4   : 2輪仔10F 08/16 11:03
a0905070057 : 8.8 3.3 2.8 1.911F 08/16 11:04
leoncurry30 : 打法真的像龜12F 08/16 11:06
leoncurry30 : 不過投籃更好
love1500274 : 8.8 3.3 2.8 1.914F 08/16 11:07
VL1003      : 看今年變球隊第一人能打出什麼成績囉...15F 08/16 11:08
kickvsbrad  : 輸球喔16F 08/16 11:09
airsoar     : 熟悉的刷子,最對味17F 08/16 11:09
kickvsbrad  : 怎麼穿0號18F 08/16 11:10
purplebfly  : 刷...19F 08/16 11:11
love1500274 : 他上一場拿5分而已20F 08/16 11:11
Inori0912   : 他就是龜粉吧我記得21F 08/16 11:12
a22122212   : 感覺不夠虐22F 08/16 11:12
unc25       : Bronny最近進步很多23F 08/16 11:16
leo19841010 : 不愧是父子,刷數據輸球的基因24F 08/16 11:19
payton71213 : 狀元之子25F 08/16 11:21
wahaha303   : 布朗尼龜粉所以才選0號26F 08/16 11:21
rettttt5    : 力求數據翻倍27F 08/16 11:22
dog29635841 : 數據好但輸球 果然是父子28F 08/16 11:22
kenkuo1688  : 8.8 3.3 2.8 1.929F 08/16 11:23
kobebrian24 : 數據王之子!30F 08/16 11:23
qwe12345100 : 身高硬傷31F 08/16 11:26
oceanman0704: 兒子啥事都沒做就被跟著臭 酸酸有沒有這麼悲哀32F 08/16 11:27
GreenMay22  : 犬父無虎子,刷到分但球隊輸球33F 08/16 11:33
GreenMay22  : 一脈相承的風骨
Bigcookie2  : 要進NBA可能真的是2輪末了..35F 08/16 11:34
assggy      : 酸民真的無極限XD36F 08/16 11:35
ripmelo     : 他彈速看起來有點快37F 08/16 11:37
LCH41777    : 烏魚子38F 08/16 11:38
umin928     : 其實老詹不要一直放話拉他兒子可能比較好39F 08/16 11:41
h1346798520 : 看來大家都有在看terry40F 08/16 11:41
iahts23     : 有淡淡的龜味41F 08/16 11:43
Joey1999    : 酸酸在為喇叭退休做準備了,開始把戰場轉移到兒子42F 08/16 11:43
Joey1999    : 身上

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