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看板 NBA
作者 標題 Re: [情報] R.Williams 左膝關節鏡手術
時間 Wed Sep 21 10:40:03 2022
※ 引述《LENling (0.0)》之銘言:
: Boston Celtics center Robert Williams is undergoing arthroscopic procedure on
: his left knee and is expected to need 4-to-6 weeks for recovery, sources tell
: ESPN. Williams had meniscus surgery in March and played through the playoffs
: https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1572289900812337154
: 預計四到六週康復
: 還是開了…
來源:NBC Sports
Celtics told Robert Williams playing through injury won't make knee worse
Celtics center Robert Williams – playing (awesomely) through a knee injury – had divulged only so much about his situation. ...
Celtics center Robert Williams – playing (awesomely) through a knee injury – had divulged only so much about his situation. ...
“I was really having my knee drained a lot last series,” Williams III
confirmed to Yahoo Sports. “I stopped draining it because there was no
point, in my opinion. My knee kept filling back up with fluid. So, I’ve kind
of learned how to manage it to be able to play.”
The medical staff has ensured him that he is not at further risk of worsening
the repaired knee. It’s all a matter of pain tolerance.
然後另外一篇總管Brad Stevens在總冠軍賽後問到RW會不會需要手術:
Brad Stevens ponders how to improve his NBA finalists
The Celtics President of Basketball Operations also heads into the offseason with modest resources outside of an outright trade, from a second round p ...
The Celtics President of Basketball Operations also heads into the offseason with modest resources outside of an outright trade, from a second round p ...
“Nothing that I anticipate. Those guys just need some rest and they should
be good to go. And obviously, they played anyways. Rob’s knee, as he went
through the whole course of the playoffs, especially when we were playing
every other day in the second round and in the third round, it was very much
how he reacted day-to-day within the 48-hour window. He felt much better in
the Finals, and obviously played pretty well in the Finals. But he needs to
take some time. Both our doctors and others that we have consulted with have
said the same thing. There’s certainly no risk in being out there."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZAdc643 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1663728006.A.103.html
推 : 這隻威猛 祝康復1F 09/21 10:41
推 : 還好有簽約了2F 09/21 10:44
推 : 這種undersize退化得很快 還好至少有大約保障3F 09/21 10:46
推 : 矮湯當初就有發推嘲諷塞提4F 09/21 10:49
推 : 有簽新合約了 球團&球員願意承擔風險上場5F 09/21 10:50
推 : 這樣球團蠻有問題的6F 09/21 10:53
推 : 簽完整保障約了 所以沒有風險了(x) 無視風險了(o7F 09/21 10:55
→ : )
→ : )
推 : 這些話是安撫球迷的吧9F 09/21 10:55
推 : 好險蘿蔔簽了 不過還是期待他能健康回場上10F 09/21 10:57
推 : 膝蓋這個部位過一陣子才檢查出傷病的例子很多11F 09/21 10:59
→ : 當下就說沒問題只是場面話啦12F 09/21 11:00
推 : 有在關注他就知道打勇士已經跳不起來跑不太動13F 09/21 11:00
推 : 希望他身涯能久一點 冠軍賽那樣燒其實很傷~14F 09/21 11:01
推 : 有先簽約避開的風險不一樣吧 就不會跟矮湯一樣15F 09/21 11:03
推 : 比矮湯好一點的是他簽新約了 矮湯當初真的慘為打球16F 09/21 11:06
→ : 受傷然後也沒約 也讓我之後就不再喜歡綠賽這個隊了
→ : 受傷然後也沒約 也讓我之後就不再喜歡綠賽這個隊了
推 : 當下評估不會影響生涯的風險。先拼眼前的冠軍賽 休18F 09/21 11:06
→ : 賽季再來開刀,這蠻常見的作法吧
推 : 但矮湯就算沒被交易 安吉也不會給他運鈔車啊
→ : 賽季再來開刀,這蠻常見的作法吧
推 : 但矮湯就算沒被交易 安吉也不會給他運鈔車啊
推 : 蘿蔔當初打到後面很像在上面散步 看起來就超痛21F 09/21 11:08
推 : 不過說真的你賽醫療團隊問題很大就是,有問題也早22F 09/21 11:09
→ : 該在七,八月處理,拖到現在可能感恩節才能回來
→ : 該在七,八月處理,拖到現在可能感恩節才能回來
→ : 至少至少 先簽約了= = Y24F 09/21 11:11
→ : 當初不是一堆膝蓋專家說沒事嗎25F 09/21 11:12
推 : 唯一安慰的是至少球團知道狀況 還是有簽約26F 09/21 11:14
推 : 沒有風險只是對疼痛耐受度問題....黑人問號??27F 09/21 11:30
推 : 青賽價值28F 09/21 11:45
推 : 這張約有保障了 但是變成痛痛人 以後的約QQ29F 09/21 11:55
推 : 這就是風險自負…30F 09/21 11:58
推 : 已有簽約就沒差,IT就是太笨了31F 09/21 12:03
噓 : 這隊有啥好意外的..32F 09/21 12:04
→ : 還有人支持也是厲害
→ : 還有人支持也是厲害
噓 : 這隊嘴臉超扯 還是有一堆人護航34F 09/21 12:10
→ : 這隊吃相難看啊,當初主場還搞奧步,輸了真的活該35F 09/21 12:32
推 : 這張約跑完可能就只剩底薪了QQ36F 09/21 12:34
→ : 很多人的態度就是 約都簽了 不要操到生涯報銷就好37F 09/21 13:26
→ : 傷勢加重? 開個刀沒甚麼大不了的
→ : 傷勢加重? 開個刀沒甚麼大不了的
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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