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作者 標題 [外絮] 青賽老闆:Udoka的處分 是經過多月的調查
時間 Sat Sep 24 05:40:17 2022
Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck says suspension of coach Ime Udoka the result of monthslong investigation
Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck said a monthslong investigation led to the one-year suspension of coach Ime Udoka. Grousbeck added no decision has been ma ...
Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck says suspension of coach Ime Udoka the
result of monthslong investigation By Tim Bontemps
Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck said the organization's decision to
suspend Ime Udoka for the entire 2022-23 NBA season came after an
investigation by an independent law firm uncovered multiple violations of
team policies.
"I am concerned about the situation and its impact on everybody in the
Celtics' organization," Grousbeck said during a news conference Friday
morning at the team's practice facility. "I do hope this represents the
beginning of a new chapter, and a chance to turn the page and move forward
with things, to some extent, resolved."
Both Grousbeck and Celtics president of basketball operations Brad Stevens
said little about the specifics of the case involved, or what policies Udoka
violated. Sources previously told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski that Udoka had an
intimate relationship with a female member of the franchise's staff.
塞爾提克隊老闆 Wyc Grousbeck 表示,一家獨立律師事務所的調查到 Udoka 多起違反球
隊政策,並決定禁賽 Udoka 整個賽季。
Wyc Grousbeck和Brad Stevens都對所涉案件的具體情況以及Udoka實際違反了哪些球隊政
策幾乎沒有談到。 根據之前報導,Udoka 與球隊的一名女性員工有著親密的關係。
Grousbeck said once the organization had been made aware of a potential
situation in the organization within the past few weeks, it hired the law
firm to conduct an investigation, which concluded Wednesday.
It was at that point the team chose to suspend Udoka for a full season, with
Grousbeck saying the suspension will end June 30, 2023 -- the final day of
the 2022-23 league year. He said it would come with a "significant" financial
penalty, and that no one besides Udoka within the organization was going to
be disciplined as a result of the investigation.
Other than that, however, both Grousbeck and Stevens offered few specifics on
what transpired and how the decision came to be, nor would they discuss what
it would take for Udoka to return to the organization after his suspension
ends, saying only that it would be discussed "at a later date," as the team
said in its statement Thursday night.
Grousbeck 表示,塞爾提克在過去幾週內了解到 Udoka 潛在的情況,於是聘請了律師事
而球隊選擇讓 Udoka 禁賽整個賽季,Grousbeck 表示,停賽將在 2023 年 6 月 30 日結
束,也就是 2022-23 賽季的最後一天。 他說,這將帶給來 Udoka 重大的財務處罰。除
了 Udoka 之外,沒有人會因為本次調查而受到處分。
束,也就是 2022-23 賽季的最後一天。 他說,這將帶給來 Udoka 重大的財務處罰。除
了 Udoka 之外,沒有人會因為本次調查而受到處分。
Wyc Grousbeck和Brad Stevens都沒透露事件的具體細節,他們也沒有討論 Udoka 在禁賽
Stevens also declined to answer when asked directly whether Udoka would be
able to have contact with anyone within the organization during his
Grousbeck did, however, defend the decision to suspend Udoka for the entire
season, saying on multiple occasions it was the right outcome.
"We're not going to get into our deliberations," Grousbeck said. "This felt
right, but there's no clear guidelines for any of this. It's conscience and
gut feel.
"We collectively came to this and got there but it was not clear what to do
but it was clear something substantial needed to be done, and it was."
Stevens began his remarks by getting emotional, speaking of the impact the
past couple of days had on women throughout the organization.
"It's been a hard time," Stevens said. "The only thing I would like to say is
that I thought, and Wyc mentioned it already, we have a lot of talented women
in our organization and I thought [Thursday] was really hard on them.
"Nobody can control Twitter speculation and rampant bulls---, but I do think
we as an organization have a responsibility to support them now, because a
lot of people were dragged unfairly into that."
"I do hope this represents the beginning of a new chapter, and a chance to
turn the page and move forward with things, to some extent, resolved."
Wyc Grousbeck, Celtics owner
當被問及 Udoka 是否能夠在禁賽期間與球隊內的任何人聯繫時,Stevens拒絕回答了這個
Stevens情緒激動的說 “這是一段艱難的時期,我唯一想說的是,我認為我們的組織中有
Stevens confirmed that assistant coach Joe Mazzulla, 34, would be taking over
on an interim basis. Mazzulla is tied with former Celtics assistant and
current Utah Jazz head coach Will Hardy as the youngest coaches in the
league. Mazzulla's only head-coaching experience is two seasons at a Division
II college, Fairmont State in West Virginia, before being hired by Stevens as
an assistant in 2019.
Still, Stevens believes Mazzulla is the right person.
"Joe's going to be in charge," Stevens said. "It's not an easy timing for him
or the rest of the staff. But he's an exceptionally sharp and talented
person. I believe strongly in him and his ability to lead people, his ability
to galvanize a room and get behind him, and his ability to organize and
understand all that comes with running a team during the season."
Stevens was asked if he considered taking over, given he'd spent eight years
coaching the Celtics and leading them to the Eastern Conference finals three
times before moving to replace Danny Ainge last summer and hiring Udoka to
coach. Stevens said he did not -- though Grousbeck chimed in that there was a
brief conversation between the two about it.
"There's a lot of factors in play of why I wouldn't necessarily even want to
do that," Stevens said. "But I do think that -- and I've told Joe this -- I'm
going to be there for him, without stepping on his toes, as much as he needs.
"But he doesn't need much. I believe in that strongly."
Stevens證實,34歲的助理教練Joe Mazzulla將成為代理教練。Mazzulla 與現任猶他爵士
隊教練 Will Hardy 並列聯盟最年輕的教練。Mazzulla 唯一的總教練經歷是在
Division II的Fairmont州立大學工作兩年,然後在 2019 年被Stevens聘為助理教練。
儘管如此,Stevens 仍然相信 Mazzulla 是合適的人選。
“Mazzulla 將掌控一切,對於他或其他員工來說,這不是一個容易的時間點。但他是一
Stevens 被問到是否考慮接手總教練的位置,畢竟他才在去年夏天接替Danny Ainge,
的位置,但老闆 Wyc Grousbeck說兩人之間有就此進行了簡短的交談。
Stevens表示有很多因素讓我不想接任。但我確實告訴 Mazzull 只要他需要,我會在他身
Stevens addressed Mazzulla's arrests while he was a student at West Virginia
University. He was arrested in 2008 for underage drinking and aggravated
assault, a case in which he pleaded guilty and paid a fine, and then in 2009
for domestic battery after an incident at a Morgantown bar, a case that was
settled out of court and didn't go to trial.
When he hired Mazzulla as an assistant coach in 2019, Stevens said he
"thoroughly" vetted Mazzulla, and those incidents in particular, and said he
believes Mazzulla has learned from them and that Stevens himself personally
believes in Mazzulla's character.
"I will tell you this: I believe strongly in Joe's substantiveness as a
person," Stevens said. "I believe strongly, and he'll tell you, he's been
very open with me about how those moments impacted him in every which way and
you can see it in the way he carries himself. You could see that for a long
time. We've had years to get to know him.
"I believe strongly that that probably shaped him into who he is today in a
really, really good way. But he'll be the first to tell you, he's 110%
accountable for that, and I'll be the first to tell you that I believe in
Grousbeck said that both he and Stevens have met with the players ahead of
training camp starting next week and he said he would characterize their
feelings as "very concerned" about what has transpired.
"It's not a welcome development," Grousbeck said.
"But they also, I felt, have energy and focus and commitment and drive to
really accomplish great things hopefully this season. So that's the
commitment I'm feeling from the players and I bet, based on last year and
based on everything we know about them, I think that we will be fulfilled."
Stevens 談到在 Mazzulla 大學時期曾被捕。Mazzulla於 2008 年因未成年飲酒和嚴重毆
打而被捕,事後他認罪並支付了罰款,然後在 2009 年在 Morgantown 酒吧發生毆打事件
打而被捕,事後他認罪並支付了罰款,然後在 2009 年在 Morgantown 酒吧發生毆打事件
當 Stevens 在 2019 年聘請 Mazzulla 擔任助理教練時,就曾針對過去那些事件就徹底
調查了 Mazzulla,並表示他相信 Mazzulla 已經學到了教訓,Stevens 本人也相信
Mazzulla 的性格。
Stevens表示 “我堅信Mazzulla的本質,他一直對我非常坦誠,關於那些事件,你可以從
天的他。他會告訴你,過往的事件他有110% 的責任,而我將是第一個告訴你我相信著他
天的他。他會告訴你,過往的事件他有110% 的責任,而我將是第一個告訴你我相信著他
Grousbeck說,他和 Stevens 在下週的訓練營之前會球員們會面,並關心著球員們對整起
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推 : 推翻譯1F 09/24 05:44
推 : 推個2F 09/24 06:01
推 : 推3F 09/24 06:08
→ : 換了一個年輕的鐵拳教頭?4F 09/24 06:15
推 : 找個沒案底或管得住老二的優質黑人教練這麼難嗎5F 09/24 06:27
推 : 紫金跟綠衫 場上場下場內場外都一堆抓馬XD 看來是6F 09/24 06:32
→ : 成為歷史強權的條件之一
→ : 成為歷史強權的條件之一
→ : 沒有美國知恩 綠軍會下去嗎8F 09/24 06:50
推 : 翻譯棒棒9F 09/24 07:01
→ : 小三全身而退?10F 09/24 07:07
推 : 代理總教練今年34歲,比隊上的Horford年紀還輕11F 09/24 07:15
→ : 不過代理總教練也是黑人,休息室怪聲會少一點吧
→ : 不過代理總教練也是黑人,休息室怪聲會少一點吧
推 : 所以到底除了外遇明確作了啥不敢講?13F 09/24 07:33
推 : …你們要保護你們其他女性員工的名譽最好的方式不14F 09/24 07:37
→ : 就是把事情真相公開嗎…
→ : 就是把事情真相公開嗎…
推 : 推翻譯16F 09/24 07:40
→ : 是不是搞到老闆的老婆女兒so不敢講又明顯懲罰過重17F 09/24 07:42
推 : 他們這樣不一口氣講清楚只會不斷損害球團名聲吧18F 09/24 07:54
→ : 除非事情糟到講出來會大爆炸那又是另一回事
→ : 除非事情糟到講出來會大爆炸那又是另一回事
→ : 你講出來然後讓非公眾人物的女員工被攻擊?那你受到20F 09/24 07:56
→ : 的責難只會更多
→ : 更不用說當事人可能都沒希望這件事情完全公開了
→ : 的責難只會更多
→ : 更不用說當事人可能都沒希望這件事情完全公開了
推 : 到底是怎樣23F 09/24 08:07
推 : 有些事不公開才好24F 09/24 08:15
推 : 如果亂搞 還讓他多搞幾個月? 不當場衝進去抓?25F 09/24 08:15
→ : 照這發言,是要巫毒卡識相點自己走人吧。26F 09/24 08:19
推 : 青賽沒公開男女問題啊 是Shams27F 09/24 08:22
推 : 推翻譯28F 09/24 08:27
推 : 除非當事人想公開不然沒人能代替發言29F 09/24 08:33
推 : 鬧很大知情者出來批評然後懲處 就不講原因 怎麼感覺30F 09/24 08:33
→ : 在搞我們這些吃瓜觀眾
→ : 在搞我們這些吃瓜觀眾
推 : 這種事件公佈出來無論對錯 女方都一定會收到影響32F 09/24 08:33
→ : 不公佈是正確的
→ : 不公佈是正確的
推 : 不想被搞就不要吃瓜就好 沒人逼你吃34F 09/24 08:34
→ : 如果只是小事 教練不會乖乖發道歉聲明35F 09/24 08:41
推 : 這過一年回來在球員間還有威信嗎,而且其他球隊肯定36F 09/24 08:42
→ : 也不敢聘用他
→ : 也不敢聘用他
→ : 還是會有人用啦 Alex Cora都能回來了 哪有差38F 09/24 08:44
→ : 亞軍教練 百萬鎂 啪 沒了39F 09/24 08:44
→ : 除非這個板凳教練真的做得非常非常好 但應該沒很簡40F 09/24 08:45
→ : 單 還是需要前球員或執教經驗才壓得住
→ : 單 還是需要前球員或執教經驗才壓得住
→ : 膚色都救不了你了 都卡42F 09/24 08:46
推 : 照C’s的習慣 Udoka就算回NBA應該也不會回原隊就是43F 09/24 09:00
推 : 當事人如果是你的家屬,你還會希望球團講清楚說明44F 09/24 09:02
→ : 白?將心比心吧
→ : 白?將心比心吧
推 : 誰鳥吃瓜群眾啊XD 關他們屁事46F 09/24 09:16
推 : 把啦啦隊當後宮吧47F 09/24 09:21
推 : 除非當事人想提告主動公開 不然球團不宜公布48F 09/24 09:28
推 : 本來挺的人知道真相都收手 看起來沒啥好說了49F 09/24 09:32
→ : 球員也都沒有出來說話 大概就是確定了
→ : 球員也都沒有出來說話 大概就是確定了
→ : 發生這種事 在聯盟應該是默契封殺的51F 09/24 09:41
→ : 在NBA界的社會性死亡
→ : 在NBA界的社會性死亡
推 : 直接講另一方是誰是欠吉53F 09/24 09:49
推 : 推推54F 09/24 09:54
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 16
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