※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-11-07 21:30:08
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 米丘今天賽後送抗癌粉絲球鞋
時間 Mon Nov 7 17:25:49 2022
Donovan Mitchell shares MVP moment with cancer survivor
While Donovan Mitchell continues his MVP play in his first stint with the Cavs, he also doesn't forget to give back and inspire his fans. ...
Cavs star Donovan Mitchell proves why he’s a true MVP with epic gesture for
cancer survivor
Cleveland Cavaliers superstar Donovan Mitchell is an MVP on and off the
court. While he continues his brilliant play in his first stint with the
Cavs, he also doesn’t forget to give back and inspire his fans.
騎士超級明星Donovan Mitchell不管是在場上還是場外都是一位MVP。當他正在為騎士
On Sunday ahead of their showdown with the Los Angeles Lakers, Mitchell got
to meet a fan who fought and beat cancer. He interacted with the youngster
and promised him that he would give him his shoes after the contest.
Sure enough, Mitchell fulfilled his promised and gave his signed kicks to the
cancer survivor. The fan was clearly emotional after getting the sweet treat
from the Cavs star, while Mitchell himself showed his appreciation for the
incredible moment.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZQCyXgQ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1667813153.A.A9A.html
推 : 騎士老大推1F 11/07 17:27
[修正影片連結]※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/07/2022 17:27:50
推 : 推2F 11/07 17:29
推 : 好事,該推。3F 11/07 17:29
推 : 好丘好丘4F 11/07 17:30
推 : 暖5F 11/07 17:31
推 : 推6F 11/07 17:32
→ : 暖丘7F 11/07 17:33
推 : 推推推8F 11/07 17:34
推 : 又強又暖9F 11/07 17:38
推 : 好事推!10F 11/07 17:42
推 : spida !!11F 11/07 17:42
→ : 他在猶他就很會做粉絲服務了12F 11/07 17:43
推 : 暖13F 11/07 17:46
推 : 米丘一直都很有愛心14F 11/07 17:46
推 : 好事推15F 11/07 17:47
推 : 米丘人品一直很好16F 11/07 17:48
推 : 推米丘17F 11/07 17:52
推 : 好秋18F 11/07 17:52
推 : 真丘19F 11/07 17:55
推 : 米丘一直都是這樣啊,人超好20F 11/07 17:55
推 : 推好心21F 11/07 17:57
推 : 推22F 11/07 17:58
推 : 推爆23F 11/07 18:00
推 : 真的人很好。季外也沒對外說老東家什麼24F 11/07 18:00
→ : 作秀 但有回饋球迷 給箭頭25F 11/07 18:05
推 : 推個,看到好丘不小心笑出來26F 11/07 18:05
推 : 推27F 11/07 18:08
推 : 推28F 11/07 18:10
推 : 暖! 給推29F 11/07 18:11
推 : 推30F 11/07 18:16
推 : 溫馨31F 11/07 18:18
推 : 原來是好丘啊 那賣個bagel吧32F 11/07 18:19
推 : 米邱真的棒 今年騎士季後賽要靠他帶球隊33F 11/07 18:20
→ : 好丘是三小XDDD34F 11/07 18:23
推 : 好丘XD35F 11/07 18:26
推 : 之前在路上遇到別人車禍,他也是在旁邊照顧傷者,給36F 11/07 18:28
→ : 推
→ : 推
推 : 微暖!微熱山丘38F 11/07 18:29
推 : 米秋一直都這樣啊39F 11/07 18:31
推 : 推 希望騎士能有好的賽季 我勇迷正在廁所哭40F 11/07 18:33
推 : 推41F 11/07 18:33
推 : 推42F 11/07 18:34
推 : 推43F 11/07 18:34
推 : 好丘XD44F 11/07 18:40
推 : 皮丘 使出10萬伏特45F 11/07 18:45
推 : 推46F 11/07 18:49
推 : 聖騎士47F 11/07 18:54
推 : 推 米邱一直有在公益48F 11/07 18:59
推 : 推49F 11/07 19:03
推 : 聖光 是聖光50F 11/07 19:06
推 : 暖51F 11/07 19:08
推 : 好丘做好事給推52F 11/07 19:18
推 : 暖53F 11/07 19:25
推 : 推騎老大54F 11/07 19:41
推 : 推55F 11/07 19:42
推 : 推推56F 11/07 19:59
推 : 推57F 11/07 20:04
推 : 推好人好事58F 11/07 20:06
推 : 推59F 11/07 20:36
推 : 推60F 11/07 20:37
推 : 推61F 11/07 20:42
推 : 越來越喜歡他和現在的騎士62F 11/07 20:47
推 : 推米秋63F 11/07 20:58
推 : 米丘讚64F 11/07 21:11
推 : 好丘...四四南村是吧?65F 11/07 21:18
推 : 推66F 11/07 21:27
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 32
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