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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Gortat:老河是個好人,但無法信任其執教
時間 Wed Jan 24 22:30:17 2024
Marcin Gortat: “Randy Wittman was the only coach that was able to control John Wall” | HoopsHype
Marcin Gortat, former NBA center, famed for his Gortat screens, rebounding prowess and durability, sat down with HoopsHype to discuss his journey from ...
對鍋貼的一個長訪談 因為太長了所以節選一些我有興趣的問題
How was the experience of playing under Doc Rivers. What are your thoughts on
Doc Rivers' coaching style?
MG: I didn’t have the best time with Doc Rivers, unfortunately. He’s a good
dude and great to talk to with incredible stories and a rich history in the
NBA. However, I wouldn’t trust his coaching decisions. I just don’t have
confidence in them.
Who was the hardest person for you to guard in the post throughout your
MG: Dwight Howard, DeMarcus Cousins. Yeah, Dwight and DeMarcus Cousins, these
two were the toughest. DeMarcus was challenging because he is super skilled
but also is a bit of a loose cannon. And then Dwight, due to his physicality
and unmatched athleticism, man, that stupid strength was just overwhelming.
How was it to battle Dwight in practice?
MG: Oh my God, it was a nightmare. Covering Dwight in the game was a
different story than covering him in practice. There were practices where I
almost punched him in the face. I was like, ‘Alright, that’s enough; I’m
about to freaking hit you in a second.’ I was on the verge of losing my cool
because I was mad and pissed. I mean, I was bleeding in every practice, man.
Every practice, my lip, my teeth, my hands were scratched. I still have all
the scratches, everything from Dwight, my chest – everything. I mean, he
never cut his nails; Jesus Christ. Like I said, I was bleeding every single
time. And when Dwight fouled because we didn’t have whistles in practice,
every time I’d be like, ‘C’mon, guys, this is a foul,’ and instead, he’d
say, ‘Marcin you’re the worst referee in the NBA.’ Like, thanks. So I’m
just gonna punch him in the face. I mean, there’s no basketball. I’m gonna
literally gangster his ass right now on the court. I’m gonna jump him; I’m
gonna beat him up because that’s how it was.
Is there anything you regret about your career?
MG: I wish that after I was waived by the Clippers, I had gone to the Toronto
Raptors. They called me six times, and I didn’t go. I could have been an NBA
champion today. Instead, I decided to go to Golden State, and they lied to
me. They said, ‘No, no, no, we don’t need a big. We’re gonna take this
small guy. You gotta take an additional guard.’ And two or three weeks
later, they signed Andrew Bogut from the Australian League. That hurt.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: wai0806 2024-01-24 22:30:17
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1biHxzl0 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1706106621.A.BC0.html
推 : 你是好人1F 01/24 22:32
推 : 也是個壞人2F 01/24 22:32
推 : 魔獸和表弟都來過台灣XD3F 01/24 22:33
推 : 好人卡4F 01/24 22:34
推 : 最爛的裁判那邊很好笑5F 01/24 22:34
推 : 看來這傢伙不喜歡沒料雞湯6F 01/24 22:39
推 : 最後一段有夠好笑 選錯隊 當初記得他一直想上奪冠列7F 01/24 22:41
→ : 車
→ : 車
推 : 上錯車了9F 01/24 22:43
推 : 好人卡 遞~~~~~10F 01/24 22:43
推 : 好人卡11F 01/24 22:45
推 : 看來是鍋貼喝不慣雞湯12F 01/24 22:46
推 : 被金州騙?13F 01/24 22:47
→ : 暴龍那時候有那麼缺五號嗎? 鍋貼比馬甲還大一歲欸14F 01/24 22:48
→ : … 而且那時候還有個有油的 18 卡。
→ : … 而且那時候還有個有油的 18 卡。
推 : 可能只是打電話問功夫16F 01/24 22:58
→ : 上錯車17F 01/24 22:58
→ : 老實說他被裁之前就很難用了18F 01/24 22:58
推 : 吃鍋貼要配酸辣湯19F 01/24 23:05
推 : 你是一個好人 可是......20F 01/24 23:05
→ : 你是好人 但不要過來21F 01/24 23:06
推 : 最難守的都來過台灣了22F 01/24 23:07
推 : Friend Zone發得真快夠狠23F 01/24 23:08
推 : 打球不剪指甲真的是顧人怨24F 01/24 23:19
推 : 最後一段笑死 XD25F 01/24 23:20
推 : 等等 所以最後暴龍的車位是書豪上的?26F 01/24 23:21
→ : 和魔獸那段怎麼感覺好色喔27F 01/24 23:25
推 : 波蘭大鐵鎚 還是經不起指甲28F 01/24 23:26
推 : 魔獸又表弟,是不是以後也會台灣見XD29F 01/24 23:27
推 : 你是好人,不適執教30F 01/24 23:27
推 : 應該是暴龍大V受傷的時候,急需補充內線...31F 01/24 23:30
→ : 沒有鍋貼..後來出清大V+板凳換馬甲
→ : 沒有鍋貼..後來出清大V+板凳換馬甲
推 : 他還有在打球嗎33F 01/24 23:33
推 : 魔獸跟表弟都來雲豹34F 01/24 23:37
推 : 防魔獸那段怎麼有點甲XD35F 01/24 23:40
推 : 你去暴龍哪有位置 伊巴卡跟小賈索內線都滿了 何況36F 01/24 23:41
→ : 他又沒有投射能力
→ : 他又沒有投射能力
推 : 版上還有文,大V被嘴綠抄球一巴掌打到左手拇指脫臼38F 01/24 23:43
推 : 這裡是NBA…39F 01/24 23:46
推 : 不剪指甲真的很垃圾40F 01/24 23:49
推 : 大槌也可以來台灣了41F 01/24 23:52
推 : 胸膛充滿抓痕....男上加男嗎?42F 01/24 23:58
推 : 最難守的都來臺了43F 01/25 00:02
推 : 巔峰魔獸沒幾個人守得住吧44F 01/25 00:04
推 : 最後一段也太哀傷了XDDD45F 01/25 00:17
推 : 天公伯啊 台語不錯喔 可以來台灣了46F 01/25 00:21
推 : 最後一段翻譯的超好笑47F 01/25 00:27
推 : 不是有些球員都會故意不剪指甲不洗澡讓身體臭到別人48F 01/25 00:28
→ : 應該是倒數第二段49F 01/25 00:28
→ : 不敢碰到50F 01/25 00:28
→ : 腦中響起:你是好人 也是個壞人51F 01/25 00:37
推 : <我的胸都是他搞的>52F 01/25 01:04
推 : 金州:「不不不,我們不要大個了,我們要打小陣容,53F 01/25 01:14
→ : 多簽一個後衛吧。」
→ : 這套方針現在還在使用
→ : 多簽一個後衛吧。」
→ : 這套方針現在還在使用
推 : 幫QQ56F 01/25 01:41
推 : 魔獸真的很怪 人緣差57F 01/25 05:29
推 : 笑死58F 01/25 06:16
推 : 最後一段XDDDDDDDDDDDD59F 01/25 06:47
推 : 天公伯喔60F 01/25 07:57
推 : 暴龍缺第3號內線,最後簽了Eric Moreland61F 01/25 07:57
推 : 這傢伙講話意外有梗XD62F 01/25 08:03
→ : 生涯遺憾 最後沒搭到車63F 01/25 08:05
推 : 看來DH人品應該是真的爛64F 01/25 08:07
→ : 而且這種爛法聽描述是比表弟爛很多
→ : 而且這種爛法聽描述是比表弟爛很多
→ : 你是好人 也是個壞人~66F 01/25 08:19
推 : 感謝翻譯67F 01/25 08:21
推 : 不剪指甲北爛68F 01/25 08:21
→ : 不過DH這樣滿北爛的 每球都犯規說實在沒啥意義 只
→ : 會讓隊友不好練
→ : 不過DH這樣滿北爛的 每球都犯規說實在沒啥意義 只
→ : 會讓隊友不好練
推 : 輸球就公開叫球員背鍋的好人71F 01/25 09:04
推 : 魔獸打球怎麼像公園阿伯72F 01/25 09:43
→ : XDDDDD 最後一段73F 01/25 11:04
推 : 笑死74F 01/25 11:38
推 : 最難防的兩位都來台灣了75F 01/25 11:43
推 : 最難守的都在台灣了 果然台籃是頂級聯盟76F 01/25 20:49
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 20
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