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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-06-26 16:21:03
看板 NBA
作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
標題 [外絮] 灰熊據稱在聰明哥交易前對嘴綠有興趣
時間 Mon Jun 26 08:29:50 2023

原標題:Draymond Green Rumors: Grizzlies Had Interest in Warriors FA Before
        Smart Trade
        (Draymond Green 乳摸:灰熊在 Smart 被交易前,據稱對勇士隊自由球員有興

Draymond Green Rumors: Grizzlies Had Interest in Warriors FA Before Smart Trade | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report
Prior to acquiring veteran point guard Marcus Smart from the Boston Celtics in a three-team trade ahead of the 2023 NBA draft, the Memphis Grizzlies… ...


作者:Doric Sam


Prior to acquiring veteran point guard Marcus Smart from the Boston Celtics
in a three-team trade ahead of the 2023 NBA draft, the Memphis Grizzlies
reportedly had their eyes set on another defensive specialist.

在二零二三年選秀大會上,於三方交易中從青賽隊得到控球後衛老將 Marcus Smart (下

According to NBA insider Marc Stein, the Grizzlies had substantial interest
in Golden State Warriors star forward Draymond Green, who is set to be a free
agent this summer.

根據NBA 內幕記者 Marc Stein 的報導,灰熊隊曾對將在今年夏天成為自由球員的勇士隊
明星前鋒 Draymond Green (下稱「嘴綠」)表示過很大的興趣。

"I'm told that the Grizzlies' pre-Smart interest in Green was genuine," Stein
wrote. "And it's fascinating to simply consider the idea of Green engaging
Memphis in free agency conversations after the teams' past battles."

Stein 寫道:


As Stein mentioned, the Grizzlies and Warriors have developed a rivalry over
the past few years that would've made it interesting to see how negotiations
played out between Memphis and Green, who declined the $27.6 million option
on his contract to test the open market this summer.

如Stein 所言,灰熊和勇士在過去數年間形成了對抗關係,這將使灰熊和在今夏跳出二千

In the 2022 playoffs, the Warriors defeated the Grizzlies in the Western
Conference Semifinals on their way to claiming their fourth championship in
eight years. During that second-round series, Golden State guard Gary Payton
II suffered a broken elbow after a hard foul by Memphis swingman Dillon
Brooks, which prompted Warriors coach Steve Kerr to say Brooks "broke the

總冠軍。在該系列戰中,勇士隊後衛 Gary Payton II (小手套) 曾遭遇灰熊球員 Dillon
Brooks (狄龍) 的惡意犯規、且導致後肘骨折,令勇士隊主教練 Steve Kerr 說狄龍「破

This year, the two teams split the regular-season series 2-2, with each
matchup featuring trash talk from star players. Green, in particular, was
subjected to a slew of disparaging remarks from Brooks.


"I don't like Draymond at all," Brooks told ESPN's Tim Keown in March. "I
just don't like Golden State. I don't like anything to do with them. Draymond
talks a lot. Gets away with a lot, too. His game is cool -- with Golden State
-- but if you put him anywhere else, you're not going to know who Draymond
is. He plays with heart, plays hard, knows the ins and outs of their defense.
I guess that's why they like him over there."

狄龍在三月向 ESPN 記者 Tim Keown 說:


It sounds like they would've liked Green in Memphis, too, but we'll likely
never know thanks to the arrival of Smart. The 2022 Defensive Player of the
Year, Smart provides some insurance for the Grizzlies while they're without
star point guard Ja Morant during his suspension for the first 25 games of
next season.

的前二十五場比賽中,不會有明星控球後衛 Ja Morant 的參與。


真的讓嘴綠去了的話,畫面還真的美到不敢想像... (?)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 作者: laptic 2023-06-26 08:29:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1acDm1at (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1687739393.A.937.html
yowhatsupsli: 曼菲斯功夫隊1F 06/26 08:30
tger        : 真。全員惡人,防守大隊2F 06/26 08:30
yoiverson   : 要來教育8ja9?3F 06/26 08:31
WardellSteph: 現代版壞小子軍團4F 06/26 08:31
xshinx      : 總要有人幹髒活5F 06/26 08:31
jack34031   : 都有鴨蛋跟JJJ了6F 06/26 08:31
jack34031   : 要嘴綠幹嘛,花大錢打替補?
Leaflock    : 灰熊要組什麼矮子打鐵大隊嗎8F 06/26 08:31
SA8699      : 武術指導9F 06/26 08:32
curry0402   : 曼菲斯國術館 正式開張10F 06/26 08:32
shawncarter : 打算反派演到底了嗎11F 06/26 08:32
AtDe        : 曼菲斯少林隊12F 06/26 08:33
jorden      : 灰熊要收集幾把鎖?13F 06/26 08:34
※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 06/26/2023 08:34:54
totoro7923  : 武器,拳頭一個都不能少14F 06/26 08:34
jay228      : 灰熊還是早點把潛力拿去換個第三星 找一堆沒外線的15F 06/26 08:35
jay228      : 雜魚幹嘛
julian42    : 有興趣就簽啊,抬價新聞17F 06/26 08:35
hank13241   : 都說是聰明哥交易前了,現在大概沒興趣了18F 06/26 08:35
Y225        : 先發五人都要武術大師嗎?19F 06/26 08:36
smik        : 灰熊那超討厭勇士,灰熊拿嘴綠回頭打勇士超有趣20F 06/26 08:37
thindust    : 三個dpoy 目標讓對手拿不到九十分21F 06/26 08:38
pickchu22001: 嘴綠=空手組達人,ja9=武器組達人22F 06/26 08:39
ijk77692    : JA+聰明+狄龍+嘴綠+JJJ23F 06/26 08:41
ijk77692    : 這要殺人誅心了
lsj049      : 防守5人25F 06/26 08:41
ijk77692    : 不過狄龍應該不會簽回了26F 06/26 08:41
penny2k1    : 湖人對全部的自由球員都有興趣27F 06/26 08:42
Ayanami5566 : 要組壞孩子軍團?28F 06/26 08:42
vltw5v      : 聰明+狄龍+嘴綠29F 06/26 08:43
vltw5v      : 這是魔鬼隊嗎
johnbill    : 曼非斯武館31F 06/26 08:45
o0991758566 : 曼菲斯監獄隊發威了32F 06/26 08:46
aheartcool  : 聰明哥也快的30了33F 06/26 08:48
sunti0519   : 曼菲斯整骨隊34F 06/26 08:48
Tmmontal    : 嘴砲哥前腳才走35F 06/26 08:50
iwstrong    : 好想看...36F 06/26 08:52
sunti0519   : 我好想看聰明+狄龍+嘴綠阿!對手骨頭可以斷幾根37F 06/26 08:52
zsp9081a    : 活塞是場內壞小子,他們要組場外壞小子逆?38F 06/26 08:53
Anyotw      : 來整骨啊39F 06/26 08:54
Anyotw      : 對面能得幾分不知道,但肯定一季打不滿60場
tupacshkur  : 嘴綠+狄龍+聰明41F 06/26 08:58
kixer2005   : 有點想看  邊打球邊打人  硬漢籃球42F 06/26 09:00
godgod00    : 整骨教頭Kerr43F 06/26 09:01
greedfat    : 狄龍不是說不簽了44F 06/26 09:02
im31519     : 晚了我們就不要了45F 06/26 09:03
GHowPan     : 你們剩四個人 如果沒替補我要判你們輸球了46F 06/26 09:12
EvansChang  : 髒狗貝 迪隆 再交易回鬼神艾倫 教練聘zaza47F 06/26 09:13
pp3435      : smart優於嘴綠,光年齡看嘴綠就有退化的風險了48F 06/26 09:14
midevening  : 再拿個OG嚇死你們49F 06/26 09:14
stayforever : 對手只要能走出球場就算贏了50F 06/26 09:16
hsienhao    : 就要防守大隊51F 06/26 09:16
gtq         : 全員整骨大隊,打的是格鬥不是籃球52F 06/26 09:21
Carters1109 : 勇士:爲什麼不早說?53F 06/26 09:23
lafeelbarth : 還來得及?54F 06/26 09:29
SlamKai     : 大風吹! 吹什麼? 吹,穿3號球衣的人!55F 06/26 09:32
SlamKai     : 推錯篇 XD
karmel      : 防守大隊57F 06/26 09:39
dragon2000  : 活塞2.058F 06/26 09:46
kevinacc084 : 曼菲斯少林寺59F 06/26 09:56
Rinehot     : 蝦仁豬心啊60F 06/26 09:58
sanadayasu  : https://i.imgur.com/5F86MHd.jpg61F 06/26 10:00
sanadayasu  : 那可以換回舊的隊徽了
qazqaz69    : 壞孩子軍團?63F 06/26 10:04
qazqaz69    : 水行俠:同隊就不會被踢蛋蛋了
emptie      : 活塞復活了65F 06/26 10:05
coollonger  : 壞熊熊66F 06/26 10:09
koae50      : 是打球 不是打架67F 06/26 10:12
NeverNight  : 假摔>>>>嘴綠68F 06/26 10:16
sunnyyoung  : 灰熊國術館69F 06/26 10:21
vasia       : 灰熊對防守有偏執,某一年的陣容Gasol,T.prince,T.a70F 06/26 10:24
vasia       : llen,Conley,硬
st890284    : 讓8Ja9體會一下禁區塞滿人的痛苦72F 06/26 10:30
desk90147   : 直接上八角鐵籠73F 06/26 10:30
saya2185    : 曼非斯功夫隊74F 06/26 10:42
kizo        : 總教頭75F 06/26 10:47
GodMune0608 : 曼菲斯銅人隊76F 06/26 11:18
asn2819     : 嘴綠去灰熊,灰熊靠防守就冠軍了77F 06/26 11:25
yajam       : 翻譯讓我看的好累78F 06/26 11:36
sunnydragon7: 是打球沒錯,打持球的79F 06/26 11:43
sunnydragon7: 曼菲斯MMA武術隊
elvita      : 富保羅開始放消息啦81F 06/26 11:45
rayarising  : 誰要進攻82F 06/26 11:50
ATand       : 笑笑湯→Ja、羅德曼→嘴綠。新壞孩子誕生惹83F 06/26 12:05
OnePiecePR  : 感覺灰熊想挖咖喱佛祖圍巾84F 06/26 12:30
mark50717   : 在收集各大絕學嗎?85F 06/26 12:45
rony98      : 普爾:誰說跟嘴綠同隊就會沒事的?86F 06/26 13:06
SIMONKID    : 場內打人場外開槍,超強87F 06/26 13:10
sj210444    : 有點可惜,想看嘴綠的拳頭 vs. Ja磨練的槍88F 06/26 15:09
kw003266    : 真的想看這三人 合體,感覺開打每晚都是大場面89F 06/26 16:04

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