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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Evan Fournier: 尼克扣我當人質
時間 Thu Sep 28 15:53:34 2023
Evan Fournier: Knicks holding me 'hostage' with season approaching
As training camp nears, Evan Fournier’s tone has somewhat shifted. ...
As training camp nears, Evan Fournier’s tone has somewhat shifted.
The veteran guard went from expecting a change of address to merely hoping
for one, even suggesting he felt like was being “held hostage,” Fournier
said in an interview with French radio station RTL.
“I’m still in New York at the moment,” Fournier said. “I want to leave.
But beyond leaving, I want to have the opportunity to get some playing time
back. That’s all. That’s mostly it. Because in New York, I feel extremely
good. I love living there, I love the franchise, I love playing at Madison
[Square Garden], I love the guys on the team.
隨著訓練營的即將到來,Evan Fournier 似乎有改變他的態度。
,Fournier 在接受法國電台RTL的訪談中提到。
Fournier 表示:“我目前還待在紐約。我想離開。但除了離開,我想重新獲得一些上場
“So I just want to play, that’s all. It’s true that finding another club,
changing franchises, if that’s what you have to do to play again, that’s
what I would like to do.”
Fournier was out of the Knicks’ rotation by late last November after
beginning the year as a starter and only played meaningful minutes due to
injury from that point on.
Fournier 在去年11月掉出了尼克輪替陣容,當時他還是一個先發球員,之後只有在有球
He was a good soldier until the season wrapped up.
After the Knicks were eliminated by the Heat in the second round of the
playoffs, Fournier told reporters he expected to be gone and detailed the
frustrating season in which he became an expensive cheerleader.
But the Knicks have yet to move him, mostly because his expiring $18.9
million contract is a valuable trade chip to match contracts if the right
deal comes along.
尼克在第二輪被熱火隊淘汰後,Fournier 告訴記者,他期望自己會離開,並詳細描述了
但尼克還沒有交易他,主要是因為他的到期的合約高達$18.9 M,如果合適的交易出現,
Media day is Monday followed by the start of camp and Fournier remains a
“If I knew, for example, that the coach was going to give me 10-15 minutes
here and there, I know that I could make the most of it and grab minutes
gradually and perform well,” the 30-year-old Fournier said. “But that’s
not even the case. I don’t have the opportunity to play and even worse, I
feel like I’m being held hostage. I hope this situation will resolve itself
and I especially hope that the Knicks will give me a chance.”
尼克的媒體日是星期一,接下來就是訓練營,而Fournier 仍然是尼克的一員。
Fournier 表示: “如果教練給我每場比賽10-15分鐘的上場時間,我知道我可以充分利用
Fournier 表示: “如果教練給我每場比賽10-15分鐘的上場時間,我知道我可以充分利用
Fournier: 在我心上用力的開一槍
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2023-09-28 15:53:34
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b5J42lO (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1695887618.A.BD8.html
推 : 小喬丹:我懂1F 09/28 15:54
→ : 現在搜他名字都沒噁圖了2F 09/28 15:55
騙我= =→ : 當人質(X) 賣不掉(O)3F 09/28 15:55
推 : 讓一切歸零 在這聲巨響4F 09/28 15:56
推 : 他不夠強嗎?記得不錯啊5F 09/28 15:57
→ : 尼克在放一年,然後明年不執行TO,他回歐洲打球6F 09/28 15:57
推 : 在我心上用力的開一槍7F 09/28 16:00
※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 09/28/2023 16:01:59推 : 習包子討厭的球員,這季應該會交易了吧8F 09/28 16:07
推 : 不是 是你太爛9F 09/28 16:08
推 : 為何不能孤狗他的名字阿?10F 09/28 16:08
推 : 可惜了祝他有個好去處,不然跟紅茶打包拿去換大橋11F 09/28 16:09
→ : 謝謝
→ : 謝謝
推 : google幫他改掉了吧13F 09/28 16:11
推 : 人質在這一刻得到釋放14F 09/28 16:13
→ : 0元買斷馬上讓你走 你又要錢又打很爛 怪誰15F 09/28 16:13
推 : 你支付寶帳密沒打出來誰知道要怎麼救你= =16F 09/28 16:14
推 : 去搜尋fournier就知道了17F 09/28 16:14
推 : 會不會開始想回法國打球18F 09/28 16:19
→ : 除非尼克把他交易然後他又打得很不錯,不然也很難再19F 09/28 16:25
→ : 有下張大約,說不定真的就回法國打球。
→ : 有下張大約,說不定真的就回法國打球。
推 : 在我心上用力的開一槍21F 09/28 16:25
→ : 為啥會取這種名字...22F 09/28 16:38
推 : 這是姓吧23F 09/28 16:42
→ : 這是姓,就算是名字好了,取了也正常阿。24F 09/28 16:47
→ : 因為發表這種壞死症的人就叫 Jean-Alfred Fournier
→ : 因為發表這種壞死症的人就叫 Jean-Alfred Fournier
推 : 就跟最夯的亞斯伯格一樣 發表的人就叫這名字26F 09/28 16:59
→ : 想名留千古八
→ : 想名留千古八
→ : 在我心上用力的28F 09/28 16:59
推 : 開一槍29F 09/28 17:11
推 : 來台灣阿!包準場場先發30F 09/28 17:22
推 : 被冰爛,球員本身受不了太合理31F 09/28 17:26
推 : 尼克不意外32F 09/28 17:53
→ : 18.9M的VIP觀眾席人質,我也想當這種人質33F 09/28 18:21
推 : 世界盃法國最凱瑞的 狗貝超雷34F 09/28 18:29
推 : 如果愛是說什麼 都不能放 我不掙扎35F 09/28 20:42
推 : 推文直接唱張惠妹的歌 XD36F 09/28 20:43
推 : 靠杯啊你們唱歌是三小XD37F 09/28 20:46
推 : 反正我也 沒差38F 09/28 20:47
→ : lol39F 09/28 21:32
→ : 好久沒有NBA板的K歌房了XD40F 09/28 21:59
推 : 錢跟自由41F 09/29 01:01
推 : 薪水也沒有少給你耶42F 09/29 01:59
→ : 去其他隊絕對還有油,但偏偏碰到席包子43F 09/29 09:25
推 : 就球隊有比他更好用的人啊,冰他球隊是拼墊底是不是44F 09/29 10:18
→ : ?
→ : ?
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 12
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