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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2025-01-07 10:00:32
看板 NBA
作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)
標題 [外絮] Bronny因缺席南灣比賽而面臨球迷批評
時間 Mon Jan  6 12:33:31 2025

Bronny James Faces Heat From Fans As He Skips Out On Mexico City G-League Games

Bronny James Faces Heat From Fans As He Skips Out On Mexico City G-League Games (Fadeaway World)
Bronny James has found himself in the center of controversy after skipping two highly anticipated G-League games in Mexico City against the Capitanes  ...


Bronny James has found himself in the center of controversy after skipping two h
ighly anticipated G-League games in Mexico City against the Capitanes CDMX. Fans
 expressed disappointment and frustration as Bronny chose to remain with the Los
 Angeles Lakers' main roster, sitting on the bench during their game against the
 Portland Trail Blazers at Crypto.com Arena, instead of traveling with the South
 Bay Lakers, the Lakers’ G-League affiliate.

Bronny James在墨西哥城的兩場高關注度G-League比賽缺席後,成為了爭議風暴的核心。這
些比賽原定於1月3日和4日,對陣Capitanes CDMX。球迷們表達了失望與沮喪,因為Bronny

The Capitanes CDMX games on January 3 and 4 had been marketed as a marquee event
, with tickets selling rapidly amid speculation that Bronny James would play. Fo
r many fans, the chance to see Bronny, a rising basketball prospect with signifi
cant buzz due to his family legacy, was a major draw. When it was confirmed that
 Bronny would not participate, the reaction from fans in Mexico City was swift a
nd critical. One fan who was at the game said that most tickets were sold to see

這場Capitanes CDMX的比賽原本被營銷為一場重磅賽事,門票銷售迅速,因為有傳聞指出Br
onny James會參賽。對許多球迷來說,能看到Bronny這位因家族傳承而引起高度關注的新星

Social media platforms were filled with comments from disappointed fans, some ca
lling for clearer communication from the South Bay Lakers and the league regardi
ng player availability.


One fan said, "Oof yea that is tough, Bronny is the biggest draw for any G-Leagu
e team by far."


Another fan commented, "The burden of the G-League rests on Bronny’s shoulders.

 Just like his dad with the NBA."


A third fan joked, "Bron getting LeBlamed already." This pokes fun at how LeBron
’s influence or decisions often end up as a target for blame, even indirectly i
nvolving Bronny.


One fan sarcastically remarked, "We needed him to play those garbage time minute
s in the Hawks game."


Another fan said, "I’d be pissed too although it’s not really Bronny’s fault.


Lastly, one fan explained, "I mean he’s technically not a G-League player, ther
e’s no saying whether he will be at a game or not."


Bronny James has been gradually finding his rhythm in the G-League after a tumul
tuous year that included recovering from a cardiac arrest. In nine G-League appe
arances this season, he has averaged an impressive 14.7 points, 4.4 rebounds, 4.
2 assists, and 1.3 steals per game.

Bronny James在經歷了一個充滿挑戰的一年後,逐漸找回了在G-League的節奏,包括從心臟

He also had a standout performance in December, scoring a career-high 30 points.
 LeBron James addressed the performance during a press interaction, emphasizing
Bronny’s gradual return to basketball after his health scare.

他在12月也有一次亮眼表現,砍下生涯新高30分。LeBron James在一次媒體互動中提到這場

Despite his struggles in limited NBA action, where he has averaged just 0.6 poin
ts on 12.5% shooting, Bronny’s G-League progress has been encouraging. His time
 with the South Bay Lakers has shown glimpses of his potential and solidified hi
s status as a prospect to watch. However, his absence in Mexico City games has r
aised questions about his priorities and the team's decision-making.


LeBron’s comments were seen as a defense of Bronny’s development path and a re
minder of the physical and mental challenges Bronny has faced in the past year.
However, for fans in Mexico City, this explanation did little to quell their dis


Bronny’s decision to skip the Mexico City games highlights the challenges young
 players face in balancing personal growth with public expectations. While it is
 evident that Bronny is making strides in his career, the decision to prioritize
 sitting on the Lakers’ bench over competing in a high-profile G-League event h
as sparked debate.


The incident raises questions about communication between G-League affiliates an
d fans regarding player availability. It also underscores the unique pressures f
aced by Bronny as he navigates his basketball journey under the shadow of his fa
ther’s immense legacy. Moving forward, the South Bay Lakers and the G-League ma
y need to manage fan expectations more carefully, especially when players with t
he star power of Bronny James are involved.

許需要更加謹慎地管理球迷的期望,尤其當涉及到像Bronny James這樣具有明星影響力的球



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-01-06 12:33:31
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dUrqT1h (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1736138013.A.06B.html
Chanlin01   : 每日郎尼1F 01/06 12:34
jeff1013    : 77真鐵粉 給推2F 01/06 12:35
jason0829   : 硬了3F 01/06 12:35
Nightking   : 終於有了 推4F 01/06 12:35
kingbar815  : 南灣票價到底多少其實?5F 01/06 12:35
alittleghost: 真愛無誤6F 01/06 12:36
kingbar815  : 不然弄得好像一堆人買......7F 01/06 12:36
DogBe106    : 這季主打父子同台好嗎大家不要搶8F 01/06 12:36
Kai877      : 布朗尼差不多能丟了 布萊思準備上位9F 01/06 12:36
cool34      : 看來墨西哥球迷也蠻想看到皇子的10F 01/06 12:36
wai0806     : 12.5%!? 知道他爛沒想到這麼爛...11F 01/06 12:37
windowdoor  : #努力  勿嘴12F 01/06 12:37
Sessyoin    : 看到今天的比分 有這篇也不奇怪惹13F 01/06 12:39
sony0223098 : 因為有傳聞指出Bronny James會參賽。14F 01/06 12:39
sony0223098 : 有點像當初魔獸事件? 傳說要打但沒打
Dong02      : 勇士輸球=找布朗尼新聞16F 01/06 12:40
k960674     : Bronny這位因家族遺產而引起高度關注的新星17F 01/06 12:40
k960674     : 不是  哥們  你這句翻得不行啊
Sakurajima99: 家族遺產到底什麼鬼翻譯19F 01/06 12:41
k960674     : family legacy在有人逝世的新聞時是能這樣翻啦20F 01/06 12:42
ZIDENS      : 原文是family legacy 但要怎麼翻21F 01/06 12:43
R2der       : 噓ID也噓翻譯22F 01/06 12:43
Sessyoin    : 這翻譯品質我是不意外23F 01/06 12:44
ZIDENS      : 77你這部分要不要直接用原文 好好笑 這題好難24F 01/06 12:44
sbdr        : 大膽  朕要給你看的 你才能看25F 01/06 12:44
ZIDENS      : 紀錄 傳承 資產 地位 好像都行26F 01/06 12:45
sbdr        : 朕不給你看的 你不准叫  在那邊叫麼27F 01/06 12:46
Sakurajima99: 翻成家族榮譽/偉業/成就都比遺產好吧28F 01/06 12:47
gogorice    : 家族餘蔭29F 01/06 12:48
skylion     : 確實滿不好的30F 01/06 12:49
※ 編輯: LukaDoncic77 ( 臺灣), 01/06/2025 12:49:29
a516013     : 今天湖人輸球了 看某族又要跳什麼XD31F 01/06 12:49
k960674     : 這個地方翻成聲望  威名之類的也可以32F 01/06 12:50
LukaDoncic77: 改惹,英文菜雞感謝大家指導33F 01/06 12:50
shellback   : 其實只是墨西哥城太遠懶得去吧34F 01/06 12:51
NBAMLB      : 湖人輸球的話 就要看某族群怎麼順風了35F 01/06 12:52
VichanGer   : 恐怖情人又來嚕 丟臉36F 01/06 12:57
nothing188  : 布朗尼應該一直待在G 聯盟37F 01/06 12:59
Weasley40   : 推真粉38F 01/06 13:07
gtq         : 沒想到幫你煎這麼紅39F 01/06 13:16
kobegary34  : 補血40F 01/06 13:24
WinDeity    : 滾41F 01/06 13:34
windsp0419  : 遺產42F 01/06 13:34
druu        : 不想出遠門43F 01/06 13:46
potterpig   : 神經病才看這種廢咖44F 01/06 13:47
EXUAN       : 死忠太子粉跑去太子爸那邊亂45F 01/06 14:08
liusim      : 可以早點學LBJ的生意經 父子同場的階段性任務完成46F 01/06 14:25
liusim      : 了 父子一起退休也是蠻有話題的
gtq         : 他真的比較適合打G聯盟之後蛻變再說吧48F 01/06 14:26
Royalweger  : 幫你煎被湖人帶著也沒辦法吧,還是他能自己選要不49F 01/06 14:53
Royalweger  : 要下去?
puro        : 幫你煎如果一直在G聯盟應該也可以跟老爸一樣競爭GOA51F 01/06 15:05
puro        : T了 G聯盟的
sai511477   : G聯盟的神53F 01/06 15:28
k2215777    : 這語言能力... 多翻幾篇小小皇文54F 01/06 15:44
k2215777    : 多進步吧 唉
jamescle23  : Bron已經被惹怪罪了>>> 這是啥文法56F 01/06 15:48
jamescle23  : 我們真的需要他在老鷹比賽中打那些垃圾時間的分鐘數
martinjfc   : 每日任務(1/1)58F 01/06 15:59
john91018   : 這是ChatGPT翻的嗎59F 01/06 16:35
silentsky555: 墨西哥危險啊老爸不給去吧60F 01/06 16:58
hitomi47    : 認真賣票啊朗尼 不務正業61F 01/06 17:05
mambarko    : 投籃命中率12.5% 三分命中率應該還是完美的0%62F 01/06 17:51
Puye        : 真的需要你賣票時 你卻不在63F 01/06 23:18
Sabo5566    : 批評什麼,爸爸是偉人欸64F 01/07 02:14

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