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作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 [外絮] 明星賽民調
時間 Wed Feb 19 10:14:08 2025

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NBA All-Star player poll: Paris expansion? Bigger incentives? Here’s what players said - The Athletic
Not everyone polled answered every question, but they all had plenty of ideas in the Bay Area over the weekend. ...


一樣就機翻民調的部分 引言我懶

Should a regulation NBA game be reduced to 40 minutes?
Yes:  0
No: 14


Y: 0
N: 14

(可憐哪 阿銀)

Cam Johnson, Brooklyn Nets, 3-point contest: “I think what it would do is
kind of eliminate bench minutes. I think starters would still play that 30-
to 35-minute range. And all that means is that your bench is playing five, 10
minutes, which would dramatically change roster building.”

Cam Johnson,布魯克林籃網,三分球大賽:「我認為這樣做會削減替補球員的上場時間
。我覺得先發球員依然會打 30 到 35 分鐘,這意味著替補球員只會打5到10分鐘,這將會

Toumani Camara, Portland Trail Blazers, Rising Stars: “I don’t think they
should because I feel like the extra minutes toward the end is probably the
toughest part (of the game). You can see the mistakes and the mental fatigue.

Toumani Camara,波特蘭拓荒者,新秀明星賽:「我覺得不應該縮短,因為比賽最後的額

Zaccharie Risacher, Atlanta Hawks, Rising Stars, skills challenge: “As a kid
in France, I always looked up to the NBA because of the great players and the
great organizations, but also about the rules. So I feel like it would be too
much to change the rule.”

Zaccharie Risacher,亞特蘭大老鷹,新秀明星賽,技巧挑戰賽:「小時候在法國,我一
直仰慕 NBA,不僅因為這些偉大的球員與球隊,還有它的規則。所以我覺得改變這條規則

Trae Young, Atlanta Hawks, All-Star: “The other leagues should be chasing
what we do every year.”

Trae Young,亞特蘭大老鷹,全明星賽:「其他聯盟應該學習我們的做法,而不是我們去

(Make NBA Great Again(X))

Pat Spencer, Golden State Warriors, Rising Stars: “Obviously, people want to
talk about ratings and stuff. It’s something that comes from the narrative
that gets pushed. We have to do a better job of redirecting those
conversations a little bit. The product itself is still a great product.”

Pat Spencer,金州勇士,新秀明星賽:「顯然,大家都在討論收視率的問題,這主要是
某種敘事導向的結果。我們應該更好地引導這類討論。畢竟,NBA 本身依然是優秀的產品


Ryan Dunn, Phoenix Suns, Rising Stars: “I like the 12 minutes. I like the
old NBA where everything was the old way.”

Ryan Dunn,鳳凰城太陽,新秀明星賽:「我喜歡 12 分鐘的比賽時間,我喜歡舊時代的


Should the NBA make a rule change to impact 3-pointers, like moving the line
or introducing a 4-point shot?
Yes: 4
No: 7

Y: 4
N: 7

Keyonte George, Utah Jazz, Rising Stars: “That’s messing with the game too
much. There’s no need to mess with the game of basketball, this beautiful
game that we play.”

Keyonte George,猶他爵士,新秀明星賽:「這樣改動會過度干涉比賽。籃球是一項美麗

(其實可以看出來 大部分球員對於改動立場都是趨於保守的 畢竟要適應新規則並花時間的

Norman Powell, LA Clippers, 3-point contest: “I think once you start to
change different things that have been implemented for so long, you kind of
lose the origin of what the game meant.”

Norman Powell,洛杉磯快艇,三分球大賽:「當你開始改變那些已經存在這麼久的規則

JD Davison, Boston Celtics, Rising Stars: “I’d say bring in the 4-point
line because guys like Steph (Curry) are shooting from half court. It’d make
it more competitive.”

JD Davison,波士頓塞爾提克,新秀明星賽:「我覺得應該加入四分線,因為像 Steph(

Darius Garland, Cleveland Cavaliers, All-Star, 3-point contest: “I’d
introduce a 4-point shot. Just a couple of feet back — not too far.”

Darius Garland,克里夫蘭騎士,全明星賽,三分球大賽:「我會引入四分球,但只要把

Evan Mobley, Cleveland Cavaliers, All-Star, skills challenge: “I can see
lengthening the 3-point line just because it’s getting easier and easier for
guys to shoot. But a 4-point line is kind of crazy because you change the
whole game.”

Evan Mobley,克里夫蘭騎士,全明星賽,技巧挑戰賽:「我能理解延長三分線的想法,

Victor Wembanyama, San Antonio Spurs, All-Star, skills challenge: “Right
now, I think the defense has to catch up, and maybe NBA teams will shoot less

Victor Wembanyama,聖安東尼奧馬刺,全明星賽,技巧挑戰賽:「目前,我認為防守需
要跟上這個趨勢,也許未來 NBA 球隊投三分的次數會減少。」

Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors, All-Star: “I don’t have any problem
with guys and teams shooting a lot of 3s. Obviously, that’s the way that I
play, and I love that factor in the game, but you’ve also got to put the
work in behind the scenes to take full advantage of it.”

Stephen Curry,金州勇士,全明星賽:「我不認為球員或球隊投太多三分球有什麼問題

Damian Lillard, Milwaukee Bucks, All-Star, 3-point contest: “I think
obviously the game could be cleaned up in a few ways, but I don’t think it’
s just on shooting too many 3s.”

Damian Lillard,密爾瓦基公鹿,全明星賽,三分球大賽:「我認為比賽確實可以在某些

Risacher: “I think it could be fun. We got to think about it. A 4-point line
would be kind of crazy.”



Which city, anywhere in the world, should the NBA pick for expansion?
Las Vegas: 8
Seattle: 4
Paris: 4
Mexico City, London, Nashville, Dubai, Saint-Tropez: 1

NBA 應該在哪座城市擴張?(不限全球範圍)
拉斯維加斯: 8
西雅圖: 4
巴黎: 4
墨西哥城、倫敦、納許維爾、杜拜、聖特羅佩: 各1

Powell: “I live there, so if Vegas got a team, I’d be the first one to

Norman Powell:「我住在那裡(Vegas),所以如果拉斯維加斯有球隊,我會第一個申請加

Garland: “Nashville, because I live there. How about we move Memphis to
Nashville, put a team in Vegas, a team in Paris, a team in Dubai and a team
in Saint-Tropez?”

Darius Garland:「納許維爾,因為我住在那裡。怎麼樣,把灰熊搬到納許維爾,在拉斯

(幹 原來都各一票就是你這傢伙搞的)

Alex Sarr, Washington Wizards, Rising Stars, skills challenge: “I’ll say
Paris. Get a quick plane.”

Alex Sarr,華盛頓巫師,新秀明星賽,技巧挑戰賽:「我會選巴黎,搭飛機很快就到了

Dink Pate, Mexico City Capitanes, Rising Stars: “Mexico City is alive, man.
They bring the fans, they bring the energy. They love us and support us, and
we’re a G League team.”

Dink Pate,墨西哥城 Capitanes,新秀明星賽:「墨西哥城很有活力,他們的球迷熱情
洋溢,支持我們。他們愛我們,而我們還只是一支 G 聯盟球隊。」


Bryce McGowens, Portland Trail Blazers, Rising Stars: “Probably Vegas, or
probably go back to Seattle. Vegas, I feel like it’s one of those cities
where a lot of people are attracted to. And then Seattle, just going back to
the SuperSonics days, it was cool to watch.”

Bryce McGowens,波特蘭拓荒者,新秀明星賽:「應該是拉斯維加斯,或者回到西雅圖。


What one sentence describes your reaction to the Doncic Lakers trade?


Anthony Edwards, Minnesota Timberwolves, All-Star: “It made it fun again
because I think we play the Lakers again one more time, so it should be fun.”

Anthony Edwards,明尼蘇達灰狼,全明星:「這讓比賽變得更有趣了,因為我們還會再

Jaren Jackson Jr., Memphis Grizzlies, All-Star: “I was double-checking to
make sure it was real, checking the accounts, stuff like that.”

Jaren Jackson Jr.,曼菲斯灰熊,全明星:「我反覆確認這是不是真的,檢查帳號之類

Nikola Jokic Denver Nuggets, All-Star: “I think a trade is not such a big
thing, but if you trade someone like that, I think it becomes a little bit of
a big thing, and maybe players become a little bit serious about it.”

Nikola Jokic,丹佛金塊,全明星:「我覺得交易本身沒什麼,但如果交易的是這種級

Wembanyama: “What I remember from it, what really strikes me, is how the
Mavs fans are hurting, how they feel.”

Victor Wembanyama:「我印象最深刻的,是獨行俠球迷有多痛苦,他們的感受讓我難忘

Powell: “Weird, honestly. That was a weird trade.”

Norman Powell:「說實話,感覺很奇怪,真的很奇怪。」

Davison: “Oh my God, nobody’s safe.”

JD Davison:「天啊,沒有人是安全的。」

Garland: “Is this fake?”

Darius Garland:「這是假的吧?」

Pate: “Life goes on, to be honest with you.”

Dink Pate:「老實說,生活還是會繼續。」

Dunn: “Ridiculous, insane, insane.”

Ryan Dunn:「荒唐,瘋狂,太瘋狂了。」


Was the new All-Star tournament a good idea?
Yes: 12
No: 2



Y: 12
N: 2

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City Thunder, All-Star: “If you’re asking
where my stance is, I would love to play like a pickup game, like we do in
the summertime.”

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander,奧克拉荷馬雷霆,全明星:「如果你問我的立場,我更喜歡

Garland: “It has its good and its bad. But I mean, I think it’s cool to
highlight the Rising Stars playing against some of the All-Stars. I think that
’s cool. It’s a cool experience for the younger guys.”

Darius Garland:「這有好有壞。但我覺得讓新秀挑戰全明星這個概念很酷,對年輕球員

Risacher: “I feel like that was a good idea because it changed a little bit,
and I think change was good. At the same time, I don’t know if this edition
was as good as the last one.”

Zaccharie Risacher:「我覺得這是個好點子,帶來了一些變化,而改變通常是好的。但

Young: “I don’t think so. I don’t think it was a great format. Obviously,
I feel like the long breaks were a lot on the players and things like that.
Obviously we’re trying to stay warm and play hard and play as much as you
want us to be competitive. I mean, it’s not easy on your body when you’re
taking that long of breaks in between.”

Trae Young:「我不覺得這是個好賽制。中間的長時間休息對球員來說負擔很大,我們要

Mobley: “I think it was a good idea. I think it got us more engaged, more
involved and (got) the intensity up a little bit.”

Evan Mobley:「我認為這是個不錯的主意,讓我們更投入、更專注,也讓比賽的強度提

Ausar Thompson, Detroit Pistons, Rising Stars: “I like it, definitely. It’s
more of a motivation to play a little harder. Anytime they can boost the
competition, it’ll make (the All-Star Game) more exciting to watch. So that’
s always fun.”

Ausar Thompson,底特律活塞,新秀之星:「我喜歡這個賽制,這確實讓人更有動力去更

Lillard: “I think that’s probably why they put this type of format in, to
kind of heighten that sense of pride and not wanting to be on the wrong end
of that.”

Damian Lillard:「我覺得這就是他們設計這種賽制的原因之一,提升球員的榮譽感,讓


What’s the easiest way to convince players to care about competing in the
All-Star Game?


More incentives: 7
U.S.-World Game: 2
Play for the fans: 2
Rule changes: 1

更多獎勵($$$$$ or 主客場之類的): 7
美國vs.世界賽制: 2
為球迷而戰: 2
改變規則: 1

Young: “I feel like the way to make it better is to go back to East-West and
then give the winning team a very high incentive and then the losing team
little to nothing. I feel like pride will kick in.”

Trae Young:「我覺得最好的方法就是回到東區 vs. 西區的賽制,然後給贏家非常高的

Powell: “Doing it for the fans. This is what this whole weekend’s about.
They support us throughout the season, and they’re coming out here to see
the best of the best compete against each other. I think that’s when the
All-Star Game was in its prime. You know, when it was East and West. It was
simple. They were competing. They’re getting after it. And that’s what the
fans want to see.”

Norman Powell:「為球迷而戰,這就是這整個週末的意義。他們整個賽季都支持我們,

Garland: “A million dollars per player.”

Darius Garland:「每個球員給一百萬美元獎金。」

Camara: “The buildup to the games is important. Maybe on game day, not
having many things to do before the game.”

Toumani Camara:「比賽前的氣氛很重要。也許在比賽當天,不要安排太多其他活動,讓

(有不少都抱怨明星賽應該要把所有額外的事情在星期六就做完 星期天打比賽就好 雖然這


Marc Spears:

From taking to NBA players and their handlers, the best solution to the NBA
All-Star Game seems to be simplicity and focusing on THE GAME. Photos,
rehearsals, commish meeting, etc, do that Saturday. Sunday, make it about THE
GAME only & let the players have their usual routines.


Pate: “Put some real money on the line. I bet they start going 100 percent.”

Dink Pate:「放點真錢上去當賭注,我敢打賭球員就會開始全力以赴。」

Wembanyama: “(U.S. vs. World) — My opinion is that it’s more purposeful.
There’s more pride in it. More stakes.”

Victor Wembanyama:「美國 vs. 世界賽制——我覺得這樣更有意義,會帶來更多榮譽感

Dunn: “Have more incentives or something (that) favors the winner. If you
win, you get home-court advantage in Game 1 (of the playoffs) or maybe a cash
prize. Something like that, that can make people say, ‘All right, I want to
play for that.’”

Ryan Dunn:「提供更多獎勵或是讓勝方有某種優勢,比如季後賽第一場的主場優勢,或


Who will be the best player in the NBA in five years?

五年後誰會是 NBA 最佳球員?

Victor Wembanyama: 6
Evan Mobley: 2
The Field: 2
Cade Cunningham, Jayson Tatum, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Anthony Edwards, Dink
Pate: 1

Victor Wembanyama: 6
Evan Mobley: 2
其他球員(就是外卡 現在不知道是誰的球員): 2
Cade Cunningham、Jayson Tatum、Shai Gilgeous-Alexander、Anthony Edwards、Dink
Pate: 1

Garland: “Evan Mobley. He’s a dawg, he’s a unicorn.”

Darius Garland:「Evan Mobley。他是個狠角色,是獨角獸。」

Pate: “Once I get up there, I know my confidence level. I think I can be one
of them dudes, too.”

Dink Pate:「等我上去後,我知道自己的信心水平。我覺得我也可以成為那種球員之一

(註:他原本去年簽2年約進Ignite 但他打了一年Ignite就解散了 也還沒有拿到選秀資格

Edwards: “That’s what they got Wemby for.”

Anthony Edwards:「這不就是為什麼他們選 Wemby 嗎?」

Cade Cunningham, Detroit Pistons, All-Star, 3-point contest: “I’m going to
go with me.”

Cade Cunningham:「我會選我自己。」

Mobley: “Maybe me or Victor. One of those guys.”

Evan Mobley:「可能是我或 Victor,應該是這兩個人之一。」

(這個問題應該要包含不包括你自己的答案= =)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2025-02-19 10:14:08
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1djJvoRj (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739931250.A.6ED.html
pneumo      : 好長1F 02/19 10:14
cross980115 : garland在鬧啊XDD2F 02/19 10:16
ljk476820   : 賽制評價不錯 但認不認真打就是另一回事3F 02/19 10:17
Myosotis    : Dink Pate 有打過 Ignite 喔4F 02/19 10:17
cross980115 : 米丘花環這幾天明星賽都在耍寶5F 02/19 10:17
EZ78        : 喔隊欸 幹 我記錯 他是打完資格不符6F 02/19 10:18
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 02/19/2025 10:19:14
Myosotis    : 他跟 Scoot Henderson 一樣都是17歲就去打了7F 02/19 10:20
Myosotis    : 簽2年,第一年陪打無選秀資格 第二年才是他們選秀年
Myosotis    : 只是 Pate 沒等到第二年  Ignite 就倒了
chinhan1216 : 賽制好評啊 是中間塞太多543這鍋不是Curry要背吧10F 02/19 10:22
kusami      : 杜拜媽的那飛行..11F 02/19 10:22
EZ78        : Pate跟聯盟協商那時的文 還是我自己發的12F 02/19 10:22
EZ78        : 然後我自己忘記= =
coiico      : 等等 這樣本數也太低了14F 02/19 10:23
coiico      : 不算民調吧 就隨機訪問
hunt5566    : 咖哩這次說的不錯16F 02/19 10:24
jorden      : 那錢要少領阿17F 02/19 10:24
hunt5566    : 但是明星賽賽制真的別問他了18F 02/19 10:24
EZ78        : 參加明星賽的人 也就那麼多19F 02/19 10:24
EZ78        : 這篇是3個記者一個一個去問的
auron4041   : 從來都不是三分球太多的問題啦21F 02/19 10:26
auron4041   : 就只是勇士隊變爛了 以前那些看咖哩投三分球的不看
hh123yaya   : 那個超長休息應該不是賽制安排的吧 是流程問題?23F 02/19 10:27
auron4041   : 了而已24F 02/19 10:27
cool8418    : 改40分鐘先發根本沒差 苦的都是第8.9人25F 02/19 10:28
jim0619     : 賽制還可以吧可以把分數提高點 是一大堆活動把比賽26F 02/19 10:28
jim0619     : 切太碎了
jim0619     : 改成40分鐘對球員的數據會有差吧
kobe9527    : 炮哥說的有道理29F 02/19 10:29
onionandy   : 改40分鐘會縮減板凳上場機會 讓建隊更集中在先發30F 02/19 10:37
onionandy   : 球員工會第一個反對
darren2586  : 上個色好不好有夠難讀32F 02/19 10:38
Demia       : 我覺得吹羊對明星賽制採Winner takes all的建議不33F 02/19 10:40
Demia       : 錯,說不定會有用
EZ78        : 我才不要 上色就是最累的事情= =35F 02/19 10:42
micbrimac   : 球員都認證獎勵最有效了36F 02/19 10:42
Zacoe       : 斑馬真的很注意一人一城欸37F 02/19 10:44
Aether13    : 又有人在尬黑咖哩 笑死38F 02/19 10:50
JustDuHua   : 40分鐘  尼克會不會只用5人 XD39F 02/19 10:50
hbkhhhdx2006: 還有一堆人在幻想讓球員背負國家名譽就會認真打40F 02/19 10:53
MDAISUKE18  : 改40分鐘等於直接縮減工作機會41F 02/19 10:54
lsslz       : 阿銀:我認為你們都該停止抱怨42F 02/19 10:56
MG1211      : 好像48分鐘 替補就會打比較久一樣43F 02/19 11:06
MG1211      : 強隊互尻還是一樣操先發啦
MG1211      : 變成40分鐘不只是精彩度的問題
MG1211      : 本來就要降低球星的損耗程度
MG1211      : 巔峰詹的時候不就常常操到正常幾乎沒休
EZ78        : 其實現在替補很重要欸48F 02/19 11:06
MG1211      : 哪輪得到什麼替補上來頂49F 02/19 11:06
MG1211      : 啊正常有幾個人可以這樣燒體能
MG1211      : 變成搞賽季輪休或是下半場才開始認真
EZ78        : 現在至少例行賽 球隊實力都要看前8-9人了52F 02/19 11:07
EZ78        : 太廢的上來 分數一下就被拉開
ljk476820   : 替補超重要54F 02/19 11:09
monmo       : 改成40分鐘老錫大概真的會一天到晚五人4855F 02/19 11:12
monmo       : 五人40
MDAISUKE18  : 改40分鐘我看尼克直接變湘北57F 02/19 11:13
ARCHER2234  : 還不如就打一個大局58F 02/19 11:22
MG1211      : 第6-8人確實蠻重要 但不論40 48分鐘 會在意板凳深度59F 02/19 11:23
MG1211      : 的隊就是會在意 不在意操先發的球隊還是不在意
RamenOwl    : 問題之間加個空行吧 眼睛快脫窗了61F 02/19 11:32
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 02/19/2025 11:34:39
MG1211      : 降時說替補工作機會減少 倒不如換個觀念62F 02/19 11:34
MG1211      : 比賽因此更緊湊刺激->對觀眾利多->
MG1211      : 更多有錢人想投入資金->擴隊增加就業機會
wainkid     : 嘎藍好有趣 + 這季表現也棒 圈粉圈起來 XDDD65F 02/19 11:36
benen       : 推翻譯66F 02/19 11:55
lillardfor3 : 嫌三分投太多 卻又瞧不起西門之類不投三分的球員67F 02/19 12:27
ILLwill     : 改40分鐘其實GL也可以裁掉了68F 02/19 12:38
coke5130    : 這一篇案內容分為幾篇發底下討論比較不會這麼雜69F 02/19 12:42
orangeray   : 改成40分的話尼克就一堆人上不了場了?70F 02/19 12:45
laygoyolo   : 愛嘎蘭71F 02/19 12:49
DRAMAMEN    : 敢不敢問球員裁判執法的問題72F 02/19 13:02
inschool    : 明星賽新賽制真的還行阿 大家都知道問題在哪73F 02/19 13:21
mepass      : 四分球出現根本就不用防守了 大家輪番試手氣就好74F 02/19 14:52
mayeve      : 投巴黎 每年公費飛巴黎客場一次 爽啊75F 02/19 15:07
ayuro       : 既然都是都不會認真打 隨機分隊好像蠻好玩的 上場前76F 02/19 16:36
ayuro       : 直接抽籤 這樣有可能抽出 5個後場之類的XDDD 開放球
ayuro       : 員自己下注好像也可以XDDDDD
frank901212 : 推翻譯79F 02/20 12:59

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