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看板 NTU
作者 eri22099245 (新使用者)
標題 [徵才]Ericsson 2021 5G Elite Trainee (5G菁英儲備幹部)已經正式開跑囉~~~
時間 2020-05-25 Mon. 16:52:26


【Job Summary】
We are now looking for a young talent as 5G Trainee to support the KAM organization with product and solution expertise on different levels in pre-sales, design, and delivery of customer projects. Position Ericsson as a thought and technology leader. Secure that customer feedback is shared with R&D organization.

• You will position Ericsson as technology leader, communicate and discuss Ericsson’s technology strategy and vision with customer CTO/CIO and direct reports
• Provide sales support expertise, conducts in-depth technical discussions with customer
• Provide sales support for specific deals, propose solutions covering business requirements and present to Regions and Customer
• Contribute to knowledge sharing, ensure the customer vision & strategy including implications on Ericsson’s technology and solutions is communicated to the ones in need at Business Units, Group Function and Ericsson Research.

【Ericsson 5G Elite Trainee position provides you】
• A training program in our headquarter in Sweden
• Two-year rotation plan to work in three core departments in Project Management, Product Management and Sales
• Executive leader’s mentoring
• A fast track career developing opportunity
• A working and learning platform on an international scale

【We are looking for someone】
• Newly graduate with master’s degree or above with background in Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications, Computer Science and other related majors; overseas education experience is a plus
• With excellent capability of communication skills and presenting skills both in English and Mandarin.
• Have ambition, willing to work in cross-cultural company, capable of influencing, challenging and leading within a cutting-edge business.
• Are passionate and fast learner.

Work location: Taipei, Taiwan
Start from Taiwan, aim the world!
趕緊至 Ericsson Careers Website 手刀應徵吧!!

※ 作者: eri22099245 時間: 2020-05-25 16:52:26 (台灣)
※ 編輯: eri22099245 時間: 2020-05-26 10:53:25 (台灣)
※ 看板: NTU 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 65 
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