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※ 本文為 applejone.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-12 13:38:42
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 GJME ((╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴)
標題 Fw: [情報] 美光 m4 Bug確認
時間 Sat Jan  7 08:23:45 2012

※ [本文轉錄自 Storage_Zone 看板 #1F1u_Y-p ]

看板 Storage_Zone
作者 GJME ((╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴)
標題 [情報] 美光 m4 Bug確認
時間 Sat Jan  7 08:20:48 2012

Re: 0x00000f4 error on M4 64GB - Page 15 - Crucial Community
We are aware of an issue that is currently affecting a small number of users whereby their m4 causes their system to require a restart. This issue occurs after approximately 5,000 hours of actual “on time” use. Following the initial reboot, the sys
镁光Crucial m4 SSD蓝屏bug被确认 5200小时候每小时重启一次_cnBeta 硬件新闻_cnBeta.COM 有用户之前反映称镁光的M4 SSD在使用5200小时后会不断产生蓝屏,今天公司确认了这一问题并给出了新固件的公布日期。 大约在在2012年1月16日左右公布新的固件,该bug出现在SSD使用5200小时候,不论如何使用,每1个小时准时蓝屏一次,BSOD错误码0x00000f4,请有问题的M4 SSD用户做好升级准备。
有用戶之前反映稱鎂光的M4 SSD在使用5200小時後會不斷產生藍屏,今天公司確認了這一問
用,每1個小時準時藍屏一次,BSOD錯誤碼0x00000f4,請有問題的M4 SSD用戶做好升級準備

We are aware of an issue that is currently affecting a small number of users
whereby their m4 causes their system to require a restart. This issue occurs
after approximately 5,000 hours of actual 「on time」 use. Following the
initial reboot, the system then requires subsequent restarts after each
additional hour of use. However, the data on the SSD is unaffected and will not
be lost due to this condition.

Through our investigation, we have determined the root cause of the problem and
will be releasing a firmware update that rectifies the situation. We are
currently running through our validation and compatibility process. Once this
process is complete, the firmware will be made available to our customers.
Although we understand the desire of some people to start using unreleased
firmware now, we want to ensure that our solution works across multiple
chipsets, systems, and operating systems before publishing the release code. We
are currently targeting the week of January 16th, 2012 to publicly release the
new firmware update.

We understand the impact that this is having on some users right now and
apologize for this inconvenience. We appreciate your continued support,
feedback, and patience as we finalize code and resolve this issue.

※ 編輯: GJME            來自:       (01/07 08:22)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: GJME (, 時間: 01/07/2012 08:23:45
kimgtob:時間到了 該出去走走了?1F 01/07 08:34
corlos:還是傳統機械式硬碟好2F 01/07 09:31
WeasoN:2000元收M4 64GB3F 01/07 10:11
denix:會降價嗎4F 01/07 10:11
lovex:我也想收M4 64G來玩玩~有好心人願意便宜釋出嗎? 感謝!5F 01/07 12:22
tpe99:沒想到美光也出問題了6F 01/07 14:39
ChaosK:有沒有這麼準時XD7F 01/07 16:03
friedpig:5200/24= 217天  還好我還沒用很久... 等它修正吧8F 01/07 16:06
donging:on time9F 01/07 16:07
RIFF:MIB專用10F 01/07 16:58
vostro:幹嘛賠錢賤價 便宜釋出 RMA 換新就好了啊11F 01/07 17:17
joey0422:感謝分享12F 01/07 22:25
polo4321:好東西XDDDDDDDD13F 01/07 22:58
coolcliff01:http://tinyurl.com/8ykb2jr   M01上看到的...Orz14F 01/08 10:11
M4 128G 今天一早起來 發現系統掛了... - Mobile01
今天一早起來 打開螢幕的時候發現 Win7停留在鎖定畫面(要打帳密才能進桌面的那邊) 而鎖定畫面...
giannie:自爆裝置設定錯時間15F 01/09 19:19

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