※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-09-14 13:28:42
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] Intel說在Ivy Bridge面前Sandy Bridge也只能吃土
時間 Wed Sep 14 03:29:22 2011
Intel hypes Ivy Bridge, leaves poor old Sandy in its wake
Intel reps just can't resist whispering about their 2012 Core i-series.
AnandTech is reporting a claimed 60 percent boost in 3DMark Vantage scores
from the next-gen integrated graphics compared to Sandy Bridge, which could
well put an end to Intel's frame-rate humiliation at the hands of AMD's
A-series APUs. The bragging also extended to Quick Sync, which is "privately"
said to deliver video encoding at twice the current speed. However, these
claims only relate to the top tier of the Ivy Bridge range and they skirt
around the key battlegrounds of raw CPU power and pricing -- which is
precisely where we suspect AMD's FX series will bring the ruckus.
Intel迫不及待地吹噓新一代Core i系列的優點,
根據AnandTech網站報導:在3DMark Vantage測試下,
Ivy Bridge的內建顯示將比Sandy Bridge擁有高出60%的繪圖效能,
在Ivy Bridge加持下,Quick Sync將為影片轉檔帶來兩倍於SNB的效能。
還支援DX11, OpenCL 1.1 和 OpenGL 3.1
─┼──So we beat on, boats against the current, █
│ borne back ceaselessly into the past.────────────┐
└┐ 於是我們繼續往前掙扎,像逆流中的扁舟, ┌─┼┐
█ │ 被浪頭不斷地向後推入過去。 │ └┘
└─────────── -F. 史史考考特‧費滋傑羅 <大亨小傳> │
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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→ :騙人的啦 都閹割跟相容去了 還有對手也太弱 怎可能放大絕13F 09/14 12:05
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