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看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] Intel 可能延後 Ivy Bridge 產品發布
時間 Tue Feb 28 12:27:25 2012
是來自 Financial Times 的報導,白色字體為個人不負責任翻譯:
Intel expects its next-generation microprocessors to go on sale eight to 10
weeks later than initially planned, according to Sean Maloney, executive
vice-president of Intel and chairman of Intel China.
根據 Sean Maloney(Intel執行副總裁及Intel中國區主席)的說法,Intel 預計較原本計
In his first interview to discuss Intel’s business in China, Mr Maloney told
the Financial Times that the start of sales of machines equipped with Ivy
Bridge – the 22nm processor set to succeed Sandy Bridge in notebooks this
year – had been pushed back from April. “I think maybe it’s June now,” he
在他於中國的第一次對於Intel業務的訪談中,Maloney 跟 Financial Times 說配備
Ivy Bridge 的機器-今年在筆記型電腦中繼任 Sandy Bridge 的22奈米處理器- 被從四
Mr Maloney said the adjustment was not caused by a lack of demand but came
because of the new manufacturing process needed to make the smaller chips.
Maloney 說這項調整不是因為需求的缺乏而是因為做較小的晶片需要新的製程。
An Intel spokesperson said the company’s plans to start shipping Ivy Bridge
in the second quarter had not changed.
一個Intel發言人說公司預計在Q2開始發售 Ivy Bridge 的計畫仍沒有改變
Intel pushes back launch of processor - FT.com
Intel expects its next-generation microprocessors to go on sale eight to 10 weeks later than initially planned, according to Sean Maloney, executive vice-president of Intel and chairman of Intel China. In his first interview to discuss Intel’s ...
Intel expects its next-generation microprocessors to go on sale eight to 10 weeks later than initially planned, according to Sean Maloney, executive vice-president of Intel and chairman of Intel China. In his first interview to discuss Intel’s ...
可以組 Ivy-Bridge 了。
英特爾大帝表示:急什麼,Sandy Bridge 的庫存還沒清完呢。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :我的775主機板上星期才掛用NB在撐 怎麼還要延>"<1F 02/28 12:45
推 :AMD:精美的ppt馬上上市2F 02/28 12:45
推 :看來是新製程的原因 也許是有捨麼地方要調整吧3F 02/28 12:50
推 :Intel:哎呀~等一下AMD吧 不然像爾必達那樣倒了我也很困擾阿~4F 02/28 12:50
推 :不能獨大,還是要有個對手在5F 02/28 12:56
推 :intel只是想清Sandy的庫存吧6F 02/28 13:16
推 :TSMc加油7F 02/28 13:20
推 :這是說 Chief River 要延後上市嗎 XD8F 02/28 13:23
推 :快出啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9F 02/28 13:33
推 :真的延期 我的新電腦也要跟著延期了 囧10F 02/28 13:46
→ :e04!11F 02/28 13:46
推 :真是辛苦你了12F 02/28 13:48
推 :XDD 1155糾感心13F 02/28 13:51
推 :AMD難倒啦 光靠四核名號吃品牌機+5K以下顯示卡通吃...14F 02/28 13:54
推 :可惡!那之後的hasswell不就也跟著延!?15F 02/28 13:58
→ :筆電的延期,桌電的有延期嗎?16F 02/28 14:11
→ :短命的 ivy17F 02/28 14:24
→ :空冷7G先搔你癢XD18F 02/28 14:26
推 :希望 Maho Bay 不要延期阿 (回音19F 02/28 14:35
→ :不是空冷20F 02/28 14:36
推 :不知道Ivy和D3哪個會先出XD21F 02/28 14:40
推 :不過 hasswell 還是吃DDR3 所以RAM可以屯的感覺22F 02/28 14:42
→ :說錯了 是GN2 XD23F 02/28 15:10
→ :LN2..24F 02/28 15:12
→ :到時候應該都8G了吧
→ :到時候應該都8G了吧
推 :我的新電腦又要延期了...26F 02/28 15:16
→ :對手太弱27F 02/28 15:17
推 :果然要等等不完,先組先贏~SB可以再稱三年~28F 02/28 15:33
推 :...............29F 02/28 15:34
推 :看來可以再捏著等haswell30F 02/28 15:34
推 :末句重點31F 02/28 15:59
推 :Intel:其實我在等D332F 02/28 16:25
推 :大家看到有需求,都盡量推Sandy Bridge了,賣不完也沒辦法33F 02/28 18:34
→ :AMD也很配合,可謂萬眾一心,要怪自己生產太多吧。
→ :AMD也很配合,可謂萬眾一心,要怪自己生產太多吧。
→ :好險先買了XD35F 02/28 19:18
推 :再晚haswell就要出惹36F 02/28 19:22
→ :Intel:延後上市,因為競爭對手市佔太小(咦)37F 02/28 20:16
推 :沒對手 推出來只是打自己臉38F 02/28 20:22
推 :繼續等哈濕薇兒39F 02/28 21:23
※ 看板: PC_Shopping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 159
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