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※ 本文為 applejone.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-28 10:03:52
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 ZSMJ (蛛絲馬跡)
標題 [情報] 美光 Crucial M4最新韌體 010G
時間 Thu Sep 27 21:29:19 2012

Crucial M4 最新韌體 010G 適用於2.5-inch 7mm跟9.5mm(mSATA不適用)


Release Date: 09/25/2012

Firmware for the Crucial m4 2.5” SSD is being updated from version 000F to

The m4 is updatable to this new firmware starting from any previous version
in a single step.

This is an OPTIONAL update for any drive in the field. It is only recommended
if the end user is experiencing an issue related to the following items.
Do NOT use any other m4 firmware update for your 2.5” SSD such as the 01MG
firmware for the mSATA form factor.


Version 010G includes the following changes:

Improved Trim response time
Improved power-on-to-ready time (known as POR, or TTR for Time-to-ready)
Improved resume-time from low power modes, and improved reliability of warm
Improved power consumption by disabling HIPM (Host Initiated Power
Additional details can be found in the firmware guide


9/25就出來了  有板友更新的可以分享一下心得嗎??

不過看change log好像效能影響不大!?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
kidd232     :看到有人更新後效能降低1F 09/27 21:31
kivan00     :不要亂更新,UEFI的板子更新完可能會無法辨識...2F 09/27 21:51
Tmac        :現在主機板很多都UEFI的BIOS  那不就掰了??3F 09/27 21:54
giantwinter :當初選intel 330是對的4F 09/27 22:29
a259526:轉錄至看板 Storage_Zone                                 09/27 22:31
a259526     :借轉錄!!5F 09/27 22:32
a259526     :只能說好險沒更新...
ultratimes  :330是有比M4強嗎?7F 09/28 01:11
fin806      :330就保固好的sf8F 09/28 02:38

※ 看板: PC_Shopping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 854 
1樓 時間: 2012-09-30 09:49:24 來自: (台灣)
  09-30 09:49 TW
.....樓上說 UEFI 不支援...請去仔細看官網的英文解說...
官方指的是 "在Windows 底下更新的工具 不支援UEFI BIOS", 更新工具會出現識別不到硬碟,
而不是指 010G 韌體固件 不支援UEFI BIOS ....
Crucial : 
UEFI-based Systems: During validation of this firmware update "we noticed instances where our update tools do not recognize the SSD with some systems using UEFI." The target device is not recognized as an updateable device during the reboot process. If this happens, the firmware update will not occur, and you’ll retain the firmware version you started with. Windows will then restart normally. If this sequence occurs, you cannot upgrade to this firmware version at this time, but you’ve done no harm to your system (or your data).
==>"we noticed instances where our update tools do not recognize the SSD with some systems using UEFI."<==
Update Tool ....而不是指韌體...
使用UEFI BIOS的請用 Manual Boot File for Windows and Mac to update,
燒錄成光碟 用光碟開機方式更新...
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