※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-12 22:45:21
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有當駭客要學多久的八卦?
時間 Sun May 12 20:04:12 2013
※ 引述《Chris5566 (Chris)》之銘言:
: 看到鄉民這麼有心有義的攻擊菲律賓,我也好想加入啊!!
: 無奈當初學的不是資工系,不知道怎麼攻擊菲仔。
: 不知道有沒有什麼駭客聖經可以買來苦讀,成就駭客之王!
: 再來就是要苦讀多久才能學成呢
There are two sites, which have a lot of hacking quiz,
These can be used for a hacker training.
You can find some tips in the forum of website.
http://www.hellboundhackers.org/ [Hard]
http://www.hackthissite.org/ [Easy]
Hack This Site!
HackThisSite! is a legal and safe network security resource where users test their hacking skills on various challenges and learn about hacking and network security. Also provided are articles, comprehensive and active forums, and guides and tutorials. Learn how to hack! ...
HackThisSite! is a legal and safe network security resource where users test their hacking skills on various challenges and learn about hacking and network security. Also provided are articles, comprehensive and active forums, and guides and tutorials. Learn how to hack! ...
(I can not type some chinese word in Mac terminal.... )
聽說不足 20 中文字會被刪文,趕快切 VM 來補字。
Mac + terminal + luit encoding convert 一些中文字會打不出來
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :咪吐1F 05/12 20:04
推 :不能打中文的mac太潮了2F 05/12 20:04
→ :淹水拉 救命3F 05/12 20:05
→ :@明顯@ 你需要用走 ssh4F 05/12 20:05
推 :.ORG 鄉民果斷放棄5F 05/12 20:05
推 :感謝分享6F 05/12 20:05
推 :alright I got the point7F 05/12 20:05
推 :An apple a day keeps doctor away8F 05/12 20:05
推 :太 太潮了.......9F 05/12 20:05
→ :okok i know you meaning, thx a lots of10F 05/12 20:05
推 :your english is good11F 05/12 20:05
→ :gino0717 他講的 terminal 類似 dos 界面 但可以打中文12F 05/12 20:05
推 :hackthissite有玩過,還滿有趣的,不過我比較推overthewire13F 05/12 20:05
推 :不能打中文的mac太潮了14F 05/12 20:05
推 :有沒有中文版的啊15F 05/12 20:05
→ :我ubuntu不知道為什麼也不能打16F 05/12 20:05
→ :其實對英文不熟悉的話 搞這個會很有難度哦17F 05/12 20:06
推 :用了Mac連打字都會變成高級人種的語言 0.0!18F 05/12 20:06
→ :This is a book.19F 05/12 20:06
→ :i am appreaciate you help, plz fex your mac20F 05/12 20:06
推 :hi apple21F 05/12 20:06
推 :whr u saying?22F 05/12 20:07
推 :XDDDDDDD MAC不能打中文也太好笑23F 05/12 20:07
推 :This is an apple.24F 05/12 20:07
→ :是阿髮妻(敬禮25F 05/12 20:07
推 :How are you? I'm fine,Thank you.26F 05/12 20:07
→ :Thanks dude, I like it27F 05/12 20:08
→ :還有人fix打成fex28F 05/12 20:08
→ :What's your name?29F 05/12 20:09
推 :靠杯XDDD30F 05/12 20:09
推 :yo~what's up, man31F 05/12 20:09
→ :你怎麼知道他不是真心想打「傳真」32F 05/12 20:10
推 :A for Apple , B for Ball.33F 05/12 20:10
→ :Very helpful34F 05/12 20:10
推 :ok,this is a pen35F 05/12 20:11
推 :淹大水啦36F 05/12 20:12
推 :傳真不是fax嗎37F 05/12 20:12
推 :用welly就行了38F 05/12 20:12
推 :聽說駭客都自己寫os 不知道真der甲der39F 05/12 20:12
推 :what time is it?40F 05/12 20:12
推 :Good morning(幹!我早安還要用GOOGLE翻譯 英文老師已哭)41F 05/12 20:12
→ :傳真=fax,筆記
→ :傳真=fax,筆記
→ :打中文給你看lol43F 05/12 20:14
推 :趕快推 不然會被誤會看不懂44F 05/12 20:14
→ :This is a book.45F 05/12 20:15
推 :U have pussy n I have dick so what's the problem?46F 05/12 20:15
推 :你要補足20自中文 不然會被劣退 拎北昨天就是這樣被烈的47F 05/12 20:15
推 :How are you? I'm fine,thank you. And you?48F 05/12 20:15
推 :How do you do49F 05/12 20:15
推 :潮翻了50F 05/12 20:16
Typical reaction for stupid online arguments. No matter how much you argue. You'll still look like an idiot... So here's the solution: piss everyone off by t...
Typical reaction for stupid online arguments. No matter how much you argue. You'll still look like an idiot... So here's the solution: piss everyone off by t...

推 :I am a boy. This is my pen52F 05/12 20:48
推 :不能打中文的MAC 潮翻了53F 05/12 21:05
推 :How do you turn this on?54F 05/12 21:32
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