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看板 PokemonGO
作者 標題 [情報] 探索獎勵更新
時間 Tue Jun 22 07:02:13 2021
GO Fest活動結束後,在美國跟紐西蘭進行測試
1.薰香效果恢復成正常模式 (3分鐘1隻,每移動100公尺/分鐘1隻)
One of the delights of Pokémon GO is finding Pokémon in the real world—
walking around, discovering new places, meeting up with groups of friends to
raid or battle together. At their core, all of Niantic’s games are built
around the ideas of exploration, exercise, and playing with friends.
As we said last month, how we all play changed a lot in the past 15 months.
With the onset of the global pandemic, we realized that we had to change the
model for all of our games. We could no longer take going outside and meeting
people for granted.
We learned a lot. Thank you for coming along with us as we continue to
navigate through this together.
Today, as some parts of the world are moving toward recovery, we’re
New exploration bonuses that make it more rewarding to play outside are
coming over the next several months, including bonuses for spinning stops,
playing at in-person raids, and getting in those steps.
Bonuses introduced last year that we plan to remove or change, tested first
in the U.S. and New Zealand, followed by other countries and regions based on
local conditions.
Bonuses introduced last year that we are planning on keeping, including first
catch of the day bonuses, GO Battle League and Trainer Battle requirements,
and more.
We’ll only remove temporary bonuses introduced last year after Pokémon GO
Fest 2021, starting in the United States and New Zealand. We wanted to give
you an advance heads up of what’s coming and our thinking behind it, as we
said last November.
We’re committed to doing this in a staggered way, when it makes sense for
each place in the world, to help people play safely. As we return to the
outside world again, these changes are aimed at restoring the focus of Poké
mon GO on movement and exploration in the real world. These changes will be
introduced slowly and carefully to make it more exciting to explore the world
around you.
New exploration bonuses for playing together in the real world
Starting at the end of July, the following exploration bonuses will roll out
to Trainers for testing first in the U.S. and New Zealand. Trainers will:
Receive up to two free Raid Passes per day from spinning Gym Photo Discs.
Benefit from increased Incense effectiveness while moving.
Be guaranteed gifts when spinning PokéStops so long as they have not reached
their maximum gift inventory.
Receive 10x bonus XP from spinning a PokéStop for the first time.
These bonuses will end when the Season of Discovery wraps up September 1,
2021. Some of these bonuses may stay rolling into the following season, and
new bonuses will become available as well.
We’ll make these bonuses available in other countries and regions as it’s
safe to do so. We understand that every place is different. Rest assured, we
will be monitoring the situation and activating appropriate bonuses when and
where available. Because of this, Trainers may experience different bonuses
at different times. To see which exploration bonuses are available to you,
check out your Today View.
Bonuses introduced last year that we plan to remove or change
Over the next few months, we’re planning to remove or change some of the
bonuses introduced last year. We will not make these changes until after Poké
mon GO Fest in July, and we will remove them first as a test in the U.S. and
New Zealand starting at the end of July. We will remove or change them on a
rolling basis in other countries and regions over time, and at the same time
introduce new exploration bonuses.
Over the past year, Incense effectiveness was increased to attract Pokémon
to you more frequently, even if you weren't able to leave home. After the
change, this effectiveness will be set at the standard level when you’re
stationary and increased effectiveness will kick in when you are moving.
Previously, your Buddy Pokémon brought you more Gifts each day, up to five
gifts at once and up to three times a day. This was because we knew Trainers
were running low on supplies like Poké Balls and berries to help them catch
Pokémon. As we move to encouraging Trainers to play outside more, they can
continue to receive supplies from spinning PokéStops. After the change, the
frequency of these gifts from Buddy Pokémon will be reduced.
Previously, PokéStop and Gym interaction distances were increased, to enable
people to engage from further away. After this change the distance will
revert back to the standard distance, when it makes sense in different
places, though may be increased during future events and as part of certain
Remote Raids have become an important part of the game this past year and we’
re going to continue evolving them. Our intention is to find the right
balance between remote play and in-person play, so stay tuned for more
details in the coming months. Many of these in-person raid changes will be to
prepare for the eventual return of EX Raids.
Bonuses introduced last year that we are planning on keeping
Some of the changes that were introduced in the past year resonated well with
our Trainers and will provide continued value as countries and regions begin
to open back up. These changes will remain as standard parts of the game for
the foreseeable future, some of which were previously announced:
Incense duration will remain at 60 minutes.
No walking requirement for GO Battle League.
You can challenge any Trainer remotely with a QR Code, and the requirement to
battle with friends remotely has been lowered to Good Friends.
The maximum number of Gifts you can carry in your Item Bag at a time will
remain at 20.
Trainers will be able to open up to 30 Gifts per day, up from the previous 20.
You will continue to receive three times the Stardust and XP for your first
Pokémon catch of the day.
Please check out pokemongolive.com for further updates.
Thank you again. The path ahead will have some twists and turns, but we are
committed to being clear about how and why Pokémon GO will evolve in the
—The Pokémon GO team
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WqHftK9 (PokemonGO)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1624316535.A.509.html
推 : 取消補給站加倍距離.……1F 06/22 07:19
推 : N社在豪賭疫情會結束嗎2F 06/22 07:20
→ : 取消感應距離....哭阿3F 06/22 07:31
→ : 明知定位沒那麼準還要把距離縮回去 N社真會搞人4F 06/22 07:34
→ : 我記得很久以前曾經說不會縮回去的>"<5F 06/22 07:37
推 : 感覺美國漸漸解封就不管其他地區了...6F 06/22 07:39
推 : 補給站距離……no…….7F 06/22 07:47
→ : 之前說是永久放大的耶……那是覺得真是德政…
→ : 之前說是永久放大的耶……那是覺得真是德政…
推 : 我覺得現在距離很好的說9F 06/22 07:48
推 : 現在的距離明明很棒10F 06/22 07:50
推 : 看原文補給站距離縮回去那些也是先在美國紐西蘭測試11F 06/22 07:51
→ : 所以台灣短期內還不會有事
→ : 所以台灣短期內還不會有事
推 : 每天1張都懶得打了 2張還真雞肋13F 06/22 07:53
→ : 五週年活動斂財結束後就急著收回對玩家有利的獎勵14F 06/22 07:54
推 : 原文不只補給站距離縮,連道館距離也縮,原po可補充一下15F 06/22 07:56
→ : 道館距離縮就更慘了,原本很多打得到的塔又要打不到了
→ : 道館距離縮就更慘了,原本很多打得到的塔又要打不到了
→ : 繼取消每天20皮之後的爛調整17F 06/22 08:19
→ : 道館距離縮就不打了 佛系玩18F 06/22 08:20
推 : 說好的永久呢?19F 06/22 08:21
→ : 也是要看美西的反應啦,不過N社向來都是自說自的,誰知20F 06/22 08:51
→ : 道是不是真的反應民調
→ : 道是不是真的反應民調
噓 : 改這幹嘛?能賺錢嗎22F 06/22 08:57
推 : 改感測距離?是嫌玩家人太多23F 06/22 09:05
推 : 距離縮了就掰掰了24F 06/22 09:25
噓 : 我想罵髒話了25F 06/22 09:25
→ : 努力抓飛人好嗎,把對陸軍有好處的功能拿掉是怎樣?26F 06/22 09:39
→ : 繼20皮幣之後最爛的更改
→ : 繼20皮幣之後最爛的更改
→ : 還好目前只有美西紐西蘭28F 06/22 09:40
噓 : 對玩家造成困擾的Bug遲遲不解 有利的急著收回 厲害了你的N29F 06/22 09:42
推 : 外國疫苗都怕打不完惹 就台灣疫苗買不夠還要排隊才會這樣30F 06/22 09:42
推 : 距離恢復 我就不能在家轉補給了 哭啊31F 06/22 09:43
推 : 看起來國外解封了 所以改了32F 06/22 09:43
推 : 疫苗又不是出錢就會送來33F 06/22 09:46
→ : 送來之後的檢測、儲藏、運送、施打也要跟得上
→ : 這兩週已經有幾個縣市示範
→ : 手忙腳亂的藝術
→ : 再說國外都封十幾個月了…
→ : 送來之後的檢測、儲藏、運送、施打也要跟得上
→ : 這兩週已經有幾個縣市示範
→ : 手忙腳亂的藝術
→ : 再說國外都封十幾個月了…
→ : 超前部署 呵呵38F 06/22 09:52
噓 : 爛透了39F 06/22 10:13
推 : 又在講疫苗買不夠了 台灣被打壓的困境都視而不見40F 06/22 10:22
推 : 這麼愛改乾脆改成半徑一公尺算了,以後大家轉補給跟打41F 06/22 10:28
→ : 團戰都要跟打籃球一樣互相卡位啦www
→ : 團戰都要跟打籃球一樣互相卡位啦www
推 : 去年的新聞可以自己查43F 06/22 10:30
→ : 一是有人誇大副作用死亡率
→ : 二是有人說沒疫情買了浪費
→ : 然後這些人現在哭夭疫苗不夠
→ : 一是有人誇大副作用死亡率
→ : 二是有人說沒疫情買了浪費
→ : 然後這些人現在哭夭疫苗不夠
@PokemonGoAppExploration Bonus Updates Coming to Pokémon GO: https://pokemongolive.com/post/hello-world-pokemon-go …
推 : 好像還是有人覺得買疫苗像買菜一樣簡單48F 06/22 10:33
→ : 有推特帳號的可以直接上去跟N社靠妖比較直接有效 XD49F 06/22 10:33
推 : 四月要打不打 五月媽媽救我 怎樣都能吵 巨嬰50F 06/22 10:36
→ : 不要兩張免費、而是那一張免費可以遠距就好51F 06/22 11:30
推 : 疫苗不足是現況,國產要人當白老鼠也是現況52F 06/22 11:32
推 : 寧可一張遠距+153F 06/22 11:35
推 : 取消兩倍距離QQ54F 06/22 11:35
推 : 感應距離縮短原本摸得到四座補給站直接都沒了55F 06/22 11:41
→ : 覺得距離40真的不行、疫前每天都發生剛剛好站在邊緣上死不動56F 06/22 11:42
推 : 距離40m是直徑 回到以前半徑20m爛死57F 06/22 11:42
推 : 笑了 改距離 準備被噴爆58F 06/22 11:44
推 : 事實上現況是補給站「翻牌」距離增但「撒花」距離沒增.....59F 06/22 11:59
→ : 也就是翻得到補給站但撒花撒出來的怪你看不到
→ : 撒花怪現在還是一定得剛好在補給站正下方才會出來
→ : 也就是翻得到補給站但撒花撒出來的怪你看不到
→ : 撒花怪現在還是一定得剛好在補給站正下方才會出來
推 : 就是因為 補給站 可以刷的變多才回坑 改回來就撤62F 06/22 12:01
推 : 崩潰!為什麼好好的要改距離?63F 06/22 12:03
推 : 20皮每日不留下來,吃相真的很難看64F 06/22 12:06
推 : 是因為美國恢復正常了吧 美國的最高營收ip 就是Po65F 06/22 12:26
推 : 所以先試辦正常情況下的遊戲體驗?
推 : 所以先試辦正常情況下的遊戲體驗?
推 : 哈哈 要被罵爆了67F 06/22 12:30
→ : 美國沒完全恢復正常阿,只是漸漸恢復而已,n社也很敢68F 06/22 12:40
→ : 賭疫情真的能完全平復下來,再來距離縮短他營收真的會
→ : 增加?皮幣會影響營收改掉正常,但那些花皮幣的補藥、
→ : 寶貝球真的有人買?
→ : 賭疫情真的能完全平復下來,再來距離縮短他營收真的會
→ : 增加?皮幣會影響營收改掉正常,但那些花皮幣的補藥、
→ : 寶貝球真的有人買?
推 : 現行灑花制度狠的是灑得到(80m)卻吃不到(40m)72F 06/22 12:45
推 : 哭啊...薰香別改回去啊...73F 06/22 12:49
推 : 給遠距啦 油錢可能不會白花比較實際 不然只有早晚較有人74F 06/22 12:51
推 : 超爽,每天多一張免費券75F 06/22 13:24
推 : 特殊交換什麼時候要增加次數76F 06/22 13:45
推 : 不希望取消兩倍距離...QQ77F 06/22 13:59
→ : BUG不修 只會搞這些有的沒有的78F 06/22 14:09
推 : 反正罵一罵搞不好又會改回去==79F 06/22 14:26
推 : N社是欠人罵喔80F 06/22 14:27
→ : 還是轉去玩寶可夢的傳說對決好了81F 06/22 14:43
→ : 中路的皮卡丘不要再雷了
→ : 中路的皮卡丘不要再雷了
推 : 嫌玩家不夠少83F 06/22 14:45
推 : 黑心公司84F 06/22 14:52
→ : 嫌賺太多柚又在搞怪了85F 06/22 15:11
推 : 說好的兩倍感應距離不變跳票了86F 06/22 15:40
推 : 距離取消囉 哭哭87F 06/22 16:01
推 : 很好啊,每天免費多抓一隻神獸88F 06/22 16:31
推 : 當初說距離永久固定不會改,現在又說要改是怎樣89F 06/22 16:34
噓 : 已經快沒得玩了還改轉牌… 逼人退坑?90F 06/22 16:41
→ : 群聚老人或住家就有塔的人才有用吧 WFH的人一天十張綠
→ : 券也沒用
→ : 我忘了還有飛人
→ : 群聚老人或住家就有塔的人才有用吧 WFH的人一天十張綠
→ : 券也沒用
→ : 我忘了還有飛人
→ : 來看看免費皮幣測完是不繼續...這個惱人測完會不會...94F 06/22 16:50
→ : 話說禮物覺得根本應該用領取而不是隨機或強制啊
→ : 不過應該很少人是真的送禮心態所以不在意吧XD
→ : 話說禮物覺得根本應該用領取而不是隨機或強制啊
→ : 不過應該很少人是真的送禮心態所以不在意吧XD
→ : ..為什麼要改距離97F 06/22 17:00
→ : 改距離跟綠券2張還有轉新牌10倍都是有利飛人吧98F 06/22 17:22
→ : 之前好像有說距離2倍是永久的
→ : 之前好像有說距離2倍是永久的
推 : 陸軍越難玩就是飛人越有利啊。N社本來就超愛飛人100F 06/22 17:26
→ : 最後大家全都來飛哪天他賺飽要收了帳號Ban光就完了
→ : 最後大家全都來飛哪天他賺飽要收了帳號Ban光就完了
推 : 1張遠距>>>>2張免費 Zzz102F 06/22 17:44
推 : 要去哪裡反應距離縮短?103F 06/22 17:44
推 : 樣本數不多 至少我周邊的飛人朋友課金力量不下陸軍104F 06/22 18:14
→ : 距離改了就不想玩了 我家旁有補給站 明明在範圍內105F 06/22 18:25
→ : 但之前距離就是不能轉...
→ : 但之前距離就是不能轉...
推 : 薰香改回去 哭啊107F 06/22 19:30
→ : 當初2倍距離永久獎勵的說法只存在3天,就被改成非永久了108F 06/22 19:43
推 : 2倍距離無感 明明有感應到 但點進去還是不能轉109F 06/22 19:58
→ : 之前還說永久 真好意思110F 06/22 20:15
→ : 所以N社永久那次又偷改公告喔,扯112F 06/22 20:25
推 : 薰香最近要快點用掉了 之後又變成垃圾113F 06/22 21:57
推 : 改距離那在家就轉不到了哭114F 06/22 22:37
推 : 在家轉不到+1 QQ115F 06/22 22:45
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