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看板 ReadingBooks
作者 BonneCherie (小號詩人)
標題 [佳句] I'll see you around & Take care now
時間 2010年10月11日 Mon. PM 07:35:13

What  can  you  do  at  the  end  of  a  date when  you  know  you  don't want  to  see  this
person ever again, for the rest of your life?

What do you say?

No matter what you say, it's a  lie.

"I'll see you around?" 

See you around? Where is that?

"If you're around, and I'm around,  I'll see you around  that area. You'll be around other people,  though. You won't be around me. But you will be around."

"Take care now." Did you ever say that to somebody?

Take care now. Take care, now. Because I'm not going to be taking care of you. So you should take care of yourself now."

-- by Jerry Seinfeld(Comedian)

※ 來源: Disp BBS 看板: ReadingBooks 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/156-DZq
※ 作者: BonneCherie  時間: 2010-10-11 19:35:13  來自: WLAN98-130.Dynamic.NCTU.edu.tw
※ 看板: ReadingBooks 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 395 
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