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看板 Regular_Pony_Time
作者 tim383803853 (東山君)
標題 彩虹小馬_同馬合輯_Snowdrop
時間 2016-06-24 Fri. 23:59:34


Snowdrop 中文翻譯 - YouTube
Snowdrop中文翻譯 源影片: 作者: 因為之前那個錯字太多所以刪掉了 純翻譯推廣


The Return of Snowdrop- Act I(無字幕)

The Return of Snowdrop- Act I (Animation) - YouTube
Welcome back, Snowdrop! Are you ready for your adventures to continue? I think we are ready. Act I- Currently watching Act II-  A...


The Return of Snowdrop- Act II(無字幕)

The Return of Snowdrop- Act II (Animation) - YouTube
The fans have been wanting exposition... well, here it is. Next some *real* character development and stuff... Confused? Go watch the Original "Snowdrop" by ...


※ 作者: tim383803853 時間: 2016-06-24 23:59:34
※ 編輯: tim383803853 時間: 2016-06-29 11:06:31
※ 看板: Regular_Pony_Time 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 234 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
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