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看板 RenoSax
作者 RenoYeh (雷諾)
標題 [奏鳴曲] Sonata - Paul Hindemith
時間 2012年03月09日 Fri. PM 10:38:33

作曲:Paul Hindemith
演奏:Claude Delangle

HINDEMITH Sonata for sax and Piano - part I - YouTube
Claude Delangle and Marco Ciccone play Hindemith Sonata part I (www.marcociccone.it) - October 16, 2008 - Pescara Auditorium of the Conservatory

HINDEMITH Sonata for sax and piano - part II - YouTube
Claude Delangle and Marco Ciccone play Hindemith Sonata for saxophone and piano - part II (www.marcociccone.it) - October 16, 2008 - Pescara Auditorium of th...

HINDEMITH Sonata for sax and piano - part III - YouTube
Claude Delangle and Marco Ciccone play Hindemith Sonata for saxophone and piano - part III (www.marcociccone.it) - October 16, 2008 - Pescara Auditorium of t...

HINDEMITH Sonata for sax and piano - part IV - YouTube
Claude Delangle and Marco Ciccone play Hindemith Sonata for saxophone and piano - part IV (www.marcociccone.it) - October 16, 2008 - Pescara Auditorium of th...


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※ 作者: RenoYeh 時間: 2012-03-09 22:38:33
※ 編輯: RenoYeh 時間: 2012-03-09 22:39:38
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