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※ 本文為 roganjack 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-14 14:03:16
作者 warmhug (鹿角玟)
標題 [歌詞] Diamond @ 2011 SMTown Winter
時間 Wed Dec 14 04:03:55 2011

SNSD - Diamond @ 2011 SMTown Winter http://i.imgur.com/2sBDS.jpg

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3xVJQXrIk4 請搭配使用


All TaeYeon Jessica Sunny Tiffany HyoYeon YuRi SooYoung YoonA SeoHyun


When the snow begins to fly, above the smoky, smoky sky,
you came along like a snowflake, and brightened up my day
There is just one thing I need on this snowy winter day
Call me a fool to love you, but I want nothing but you
Oh, I have to hear your voice, the one that brings me joy
And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart... boy, can't you see?

The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

That's because I'm filled with emotions
Everybody's waiting for the holidays
Candies and toys of silver trays
And there is one thing special... Boy, you are my present
There is just one thing I need on this snowy winter day
Call me a fool to love you, but I want nothing but you
Oh, I have to hear your voice, the one that brings me joy
And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart...
Boy, can't you see?

The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

That's because I'm filled with emotions
That's because I'm filled with emotions

You're shining, you're gleaming
Oh, you melt me like white snow, oh
You're shining, you're gleaming
And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart
Boy, can't you see

The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like diamonds

To your heart

The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

That's because I'm filled with emotions
That's because I'm filled with emotions

(歌詞跟歌詞分配來自網路 如有誤會再修正^^)

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◆ From:
yyyy8818:半夜不睡搶頭推DD1F 12/14 04:04
TipAny:  半夜不睡+1~頸推XD2F 12/14 04:07
genius04:考完期末搶肩推XD3F 12/14 04:08
yyyy8818:這麼早考期末@@4F 12/14 04:09
sone19702215:半夜不睡搶胸推! XD5F 12/14 04:09
genius04:哈哈哈 因為我不在台灣 搶肋骨推XD6F 12/14 04:17
nccuwade:半夜不睡大腿推7F 12/14 05:22
i52048:準備要睡腳踝推XD8F 12/14 05:50
sheistheone:一大清早的腳底板推xDDD9F 12/14 07:29
starbox0703:早起讀書搶地下1公分推XDDD10F 12/14 07:57
kenkie:推推推11F 12/14 10:46
amose999:小鹿根秀英 只有一段:((12F 12/14 11:03
poneponecar:但我覺得小鹿那一句唱的蠻好的 聲音很漂亮13F 12/14 11:30
miksim:用手機推14F 12/14 11:55
bear1991:推~~15F 12/14 12:18
kenny771011:讚!!16F 12/14 12:21
candice0:小鹿那句真的很棒!!!  聲音好好聽!!17F 12/14 13:24
avrilrock:好聽18F 12/14 13:32
laurenlai:推~~~聖誕節萬歲!!!19F 12/14 17:10
r50824:很喜歡忙內那句20F 12/14 17:51
cmv039:推推21F 12/14 20:29
d61131:小鹿唱的那句好好聽!!!!!!!!! 很喜歡!!!!!!22F 12/14 23:06
orange062928:忙內那句好像小朋友,XDD23F 12/15 00:40
fst1985:推推推24F 12/15 00:47
JessicaAlba:好聽!25F 12/15 13:33

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