※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-12 21:40:50
作者 標題 [新聞] YoonA被正式任命為首爾中區名譽大使
時間 Tue Jan 10 23:47:28 2012
網頁好讀版 http://disp.cc/b/311-2VW3
1月9日 首爾中區區廳長崔昌植說: 大明星YoonA作為這裡中區名譽大使是很好的匹配
作為名譽大使, YoonA說:"和少女時代成員一起, 我希望去參觀'韓流明星街',
接著說: 接著會努力的宣傳中區的美, 這裡也是傳統和現代的文化中心"
在這一年, YoonA將拓展她的宣傳地區如明洞,南大門.北倉洞旅遊特區,東大門流行區等
製圖:Chiang. 翻譯:Chiang.
來源:edaily 轉載請注明Pretty 少女時代台灣首站
YoonA was officially appointed as the Honorary Ambassador of Jung-gu, Seoul.
On January 9th, Choi ChangSik, Mayor of Jung-gu had officially presented the
certificate of appointment as Honorary Ambassador of the district to YoonA.
Mayor Choi ChangSik said, “The top star (YoonA) who matches well with the
central district of Seoul, Jung-gu will serve as the Honorary Ambassador.”
On her appointment, YoonA commented, “Together with Girls’ Generation
members, I hope to visit the ‘Street of Hallyu Stars’ of Jung-gu.” She
continued, “In the future, I will work hard to promote the beauty of
Jung-gu, which is the center of both tradition and modernity.”
During the course of one year, YoonA will be carrying out her activities in
various areas such as Myeongdong, Namdaemun, Bukchangdong Tourism Special
Zone, Dongdaemun Fashion Town Special Zone, etc.
Credit: edaily.co.kr
Translated and Taken from: fanwonder.com
Shared by: kitty@yoonaddict.com
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偷渡一張 花朵
■□■□ She is like an angel.....■□■□■□ □ <>
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :本日第二篇文章!!! 還是不懂大使要做甚麼?1F 01/10 23:49
推 :果然連四拉四 推這篇XDDD2F 01/10 23:49
推 :小葵阿3F 01/10 23:50
推 :阿娥阿阿阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4F 01/10 23:53
推 :這...不會連五拉五了...安全下莊!?5F 01/10 23:55
推 :==============恭喜潤娥當選地球宣傳大使=============6F 01/11 00:06
※ 編輯: ROGANJACK 來自: (01/11 00:16)推 :所以大使到底要幹嘛 XDDD7F 01/11 00:17
推 :介紹韓國吧!!8F 01/11 00:24
推 :2012投Yoona好了(誤)9F 01/11 00:30
推 :直接當首爾市長不行嗎(我認真的!!!)10F 01/11 00:42
推 :好漂亮11F 01/11 01:26
推 :可以來台灣當總統嗎! 在小鹿的統治下,一定充滿幸福歡笑12F 01/11 06:26
推 :都說是宣傳地區了!那些地區都滿熱鬧,真的值得去逛逛.13F 01/11 06:53
推 :投小鹿一票 Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooona!!!!!14F 01/11 08:47
推 :YoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonA15F 01/11 08:53
推 :正翻了 !!!!!!!!!!!16F 01/11 10:30
推 :來台灣當總統,在小鹿的統治下,大家每天都幸福的鱷魚笑17F 01/11 11:02
推 :可能跟國花有相同意義!這花也太美!18F 01/11 11:33
推 :yoona~~19F 01/11 11:54
推 :這朵花太美了!!!!!!!!! Yoonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa20F 01/11 12:13
推 :投小鹿一票!21F 01/11 12:45
推 :林小鹿啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22F 01/11 12:51
推 :人正真好~23F 01/11 13:50
推 :小鹿阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!24F 01/11 14:57
推 :凍蒜!!!25F 01/11 15:51
推 :好瘦..26F 01/11 18:08
推 :潤~27F 01/11 20:30
推 :我...我看成名譽大"便",我對不起小鹿啊啊啊啊啊28F 01/11 20:41
推 :樓上XDDDDDDDDDDDDD29F 01/11 23:17
推 :樓樓上零分30F 01/12 04:20
刪除廣告推文推 :是說中區應該只有區廳長,不是市長(?)31F 01/12 16:42
真的耶 我修正一下※ 編輯: ROGANJACK 來自: (01/12 21:39)
→ :最正的大使32F 01/12 22:21
※ 看板: SNSD 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 988
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