※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-07 00:26:30
作者 標題 [轉錄][影音]120503~120603 TTS放送演出整理
時間 Tue Jun 5 12:23:32 2012
標題好難下....= =
我拾人牙慧 轉貼過來
(小小聲)雖然我自己是看一集抓一集啦 所以這整理對我來說僅僅是個對照
不過呢 如果有這一陣子剛好比較忙碌沒能跟全
或是檔案還有缺的版友 剛好可以按圖索驥
當然有人熱心的分享 如果有FB的版友
也希望去按個鑽給別人的熱心一點鼓勵~(我是希望這樣啦 個人意願囉~)
說大不大說小不小 加上最近硬碟價錢還是居高不下 又有各種大大小小吃不完的土堆
所以如果硬碟空間有限的版友 還是自己考慮清楚XD
隨著TTS GB想必很多人想收集她們所有的舞台吧!!
120603 SBS 人氣歌謠 - OMG+Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120602 MBC Music Core - OMG+Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120601 KBS Music Bank - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120527 SBS 人氣歌謠 - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120526 MBC Music Core - MC+Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120525 KBS Music Bank - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120524 Mnet M!Countdown - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120522 MusicTV Show!Champion - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120520 KBS Open Concert - Twinkle + Baby Steps
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120520 SBS 人氣歌謠 - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120519 MBC Music Core - MC+Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120518 KBS Music Bank - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120517 Mnet M!Countdown - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120515 MusicTV Show!Champion - Twinkle
Tellu - Girls Generation-TTS - Twinkle (120515 MBCmusic Show! Champion).mkv
Tellu - Girls Generation-TTS - Twinkle (120515 MBCmusic Show! Champion).mkv ...
120513 SBS 人氣歌謠 - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120512 MBC Music Core - MC+Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120511 KBS Music Bank - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120510 Mnet M!Countdown - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120508 MusicTV Show!Champion - Twinkle + Baby Steps
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120506 SBS 人氣歌謠 - Twinkle + Baby Steps
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120505 MBC Music Core - Twinkle + Love Sick
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120504 KBS Music Bank - Twinkle
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
120503 Mnet M!Countdown - Twinkle + Baby Steps
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :!!!太棒了!!頭推~1F 06/05 13:05
推 :用心整理推=D2F 06/05 13:05
推 :↖( ̄▽ ̄ )↗大推!3F 06/05 13:13
推 :推整理!!4F 06/05 13:31
推 :蓂z大推5F 06/05 14:19
→ :整理
→ :整理
推 :推推7F 06/05 14:24
推 :感謝 用心整理8F 06/05 14:24
推 :有MTV那場的嗎@@?9F 06/05 14:56
推 :推推推 好棒喔 :DD10F 06/05 15:25
推 :缺120525.SBS MTV.Twinkle11F 06/05 15:30
推 :超用心!! 非常感謝~12F 06/05 15:56
推 :請問包租裝是哪一天?13F 06/05 16:35
推 :12051314F 06/05 16:42
推 :我正好想問樓上的問題呢!! 剛好那次沒看到~15F 06/05 16:43
推 :還有 120522MBC Beautiful Concert-Twinkle+baby steps16F 06/05 18:04
推 :推推推 剛好有一天沒有高清說 感謝大大17F 06/05 18:25
推 :真方便阿 推一個18F 06/05 19:21
推 :辛苦的整理 必推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 感謝分享啦~~~19F 06/05 19:31
推 :每集都有看..還是必堆!!20F 06/05 21:14
推 :推推推用心推^^21F 06/05 23:24
推 :感恩!22F 06/05 23:28
推 :是"拾"人牙慧喔23F 06/05 23:39
※ 編輯: fxmy 來自: (06/06 14:10)--
※ 看板: SNSD 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 97