※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-23 14:35:08
作者 標題 [影音] 130622 Asia Style Collection in SG
時間 Sun Jun 23 13:29:59 2013
http://youtu.be/ZHOr4RNzLqI by absolutvanna
http://youtu.be/0GN5l3-VF7Y by TheYuriabs
http://youtu.be/J7kZpjblr04 by SuP3rShiN33Fer
http://youtu.be/FvUMhygb2PI by Mirza A.H.
[130622] Asia Style Collection SNSD - Hoot Fancam - YouTube
Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^
Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^

130622 SNSD - Hoot @ Asia Style Collection Singapore - YouTube *Scream* Its been a long wait to see SNSD in Singapore ever since SMTOWN! Super ♥ my 9 girls though 8 appear today (Sooyoung can't be here due to drama filmi...

http://youtu.be/FbfZtNJvESs by SdaNcerSDevil01
http://youtu.be/N6DStT718oU by soshibunk
http://youtu.be/5Ydguq2aOvI by porridge0123
130622 SNSD - Hoot @ Singapore Asia Style Collection 2013 - YouTube SNSD performing Hoot at Asia Style Collection 2013 Sorry for some shakiness and blurriness..i had a clear view until people rushed forward and those in front...

Daincing Queen
http://youtu.be/pTiY75rl_IM by absolutvanna
http://youtu.be/wLoEq-ZuO7c by TheYuriabs
220613 SNSD Dancing queen - YouTube


130622 SNSD - Dancing Queen @ Asia Style Collection Singapore - YouTube First time seeing Dancing Queen by SNSD live in Singapore! Can't help focusing on my bias YOONA♥ ! She's sosososo CUTE!

130622 SNSD @ ASC SG - Dancing Queen Pt.1 - YouTube
Basically two parts of dancing queen because halfway this VIP woman came and we had an argument of something but it was NOT MY FAULT. Anyways still, enjoy :)
Basically two parts of dancing queen because halfway this VIP woman came and we had an argument of something but it was NOT MY FAULT. Anyways still, enjoy :)

130622 SNSD @ ASC SG - Dancing Queen Pt.2 - YouTube
Pt2. Basically two parts of dancing queen because halfway this VIP woman came and we had an argument of something but it was NOT MY FAULT. Anyways still, enj...
Pt2. Basically two parts of dancing queen because halfway this VIP woman came and we had an argument of something but it was NOT MY FAULT. Anyways still, enj...

http://youtu.be/JkUSchpg3ss by SdaNcerSDevil01
http://youtu.be/Lv0DxJ0q1CU by soshibunk
http://youtu.be/2GHMSbXsL8I by porridge0123
130622 SNSD - Dancing Queen @ Singapore Asia Style Collection 2013 - YouTube Accidentally blocked the camera's mic at some parts haha... Some of their mics weren't working :(

I Got A Boy
http://youtu.be/GslsLN4lhe4 by cedge @ Soshified
[Fancam] 130622 I Got a Boy - SNSD (Asia Style Collection) - YouTube Fancam by cedge @ Soshified ( D/L (higher quality): ...

http://youtu.be/KWNTjZLyLlQ by TheYuriabs
http://youtu.be/E8lp9-XN8y0 by SuP3rShiN33Fer
[HD FANCAM] 130622 SNSD I GOT A BOY @ ASIA STYLE COLLECTION SINGAPORE - YouTube credit: @sup3rshin33fer

[130622] Asia Style Collection SNSD I Got A Boy Fancam - YouTube Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^

http://youtu.be/q11T7ktgDNs by lovexiaojie
130622 SNSD - I Got A Boy @ Asia Style Collection Singapore - YouTube Finally got to watch this song IGAB live in Singapore! Simply ♥ the way Yoona dance~~~ But its really a pity Sooyoung wasn't here as I wanna see her start th...

130622 SNSD @ ASC SG - IGAB - YouTube
Snsd at Asia style collection . I got a boy performed in Singapore for the first time !
Snsd at Asia style collection . I got a boy performed in Singapore for the first time !

http://youtu.be/KmwWcF4lMqo by SdaNcerSDevil01
http://youtu.be/N3j-RFouwRs by soshibunk
http://youtu.be/xMzBvR8dgG4 by porridge0123
130622 SNSD - I Got A Boy @ Singapore Asia Style Collection 2013 - YouTube 3rd song...arms aching...

http://youtu.be/OUmklS-QoVQ by absolutvanna
[HD/Fancam] 130622 Asia Style Collection SNSD Gee - YouTube
what better way to end with Gee? mics weren't working well for sica and seohyun but all is goooood. couldn't get the full view but i'm sure there'll be bette...
what better way to end with Gee? mics weren't working well for sica and seohyun but all is goooood. couldn't get the full view but i'm sure there'll be bette...

130622 SNSD - Gee (YOONA focus) @ Asia Style Collection Singapore - YouTube My Bias Yoona♥ focus of Gee @ Asia Style Collection Singapore

[130622] Asia Style Collection SNSD Gee (Yuri Fancam) - YouTube Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^

130622 SNSD @ ASC SG - Gee Pt.1 - YouTube
A policewoman unreasonably "attacked" me and kept blocking my camera because she wanted me to sit while everyone else was standing . -.- so I had to stop.
A policewoman unreasonably "attacked" me and kept blocking my camera because she wanted me to sit while everyone else was standing . -.- so I had to stop.

http://youtu.be/vBid_b1tWa8 by chocohollic
http://youtu.be/j6y0tAQr5gs by SdaNcerSDevil01
http://youtu.be/1kPjWcogkOo by aliciabuoey
[Fancam] 130622 SNSD Singapore ASC Gee - YouTube
Apologies to the hand blockings, crowd went crazy so this was the best I could capture. You can see a few moments of hyofany and hyosic, a pity Sooyoung coul...
Apologies to the hand blockings, crowd went crazy so this was the best I could capture. You can see a few moments of hyofany and hyosic, a pity Sooyoung coul...

http://youtu.be/W9GeXVV2Sl0 by cedge @ Soshified
[Fancam] 130622 Talk & catwalk - SNSD (Asia Style Collection) - YouTube Fancam by cedge @ Soshified ( D/L link: Please do no...

[HD/Fancam] 130622 Asia Style Collection SNSD Talk - YouTube
Tiffany telling the girls to catwalk, Taeyeon explaining Sooyoung's absence, Seohyun birthday project success! plus announcing GG tour Singapore stop in Octo...
Tiffany telling the girls to catwalk, Taeyeon explaining Sooyoung's absence, Seohyun birthday project success! plus announcing GG tour Singapore stop in Octo...

130622 SNSD - Talk + Catwalk + Seohyun birthday @ Asia Style Collection Singapore - YouTube Its SNSD talking time! SNSD should have done catwalk! LOL! Very happy Singapore Sone get to celebrate Maknae, Seohyun birthday! Can't wait for October SNSD W...

130622 SNSD @ ASC SG - Talk - YouTube
Snsd at Asia style collection 2013 in Singapore - talking session + cute soshi strutting down runway!
Snsd at Asia style collection 2013 in Singapore - talking session + cute soshi strutting down runway!

220613 SNSD Asia Style Collection - Catwalk & Talk - YouTube
confirmation of their world tour in sg in oct! & catch fany's kiss at 0:21 ^^
confirmation of their world tour in sg in oct! & catch fany's kiss at 0:21 ^^

http://youtu.be/-_fwML5xxLs by aliciabuoey
[Fancam] 130622 SNSD Introduction at Singapore ASC - YouTube
Members talking about the fanevent for Seohyun's birthday and announcement of GG World Tour Singapore in October. Shaky but enjoy! :)
Members talking about the fanevent for Seohyun's birthday and announcement of GG World Tour Singapore in October. Shaky but enjoy! :)

[130622] Asia Style Collection SNSD Catwalk - YouTube
Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^
Kindly do not crop out my logo, or edit this video in any way, cause you ain't skilled enough. Ha. ^____^

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :頭推~~~1F 06/23 13:37
→ :狂派鹿控錯了嗎 ...ej42F 06/23 13:37
推 :感謝整理3F 06/23 13:38
推 :推~小鹿不錯xd4F 06/23 13:38
推 :串起的主唱XD5F 06/23 13:47
推 :小鹿的崛起XDDD6F 06/23 13:51
推 :小鹿串通音控 想當主唱很久了XDDDDD(大誤7F 06/23 14:05
推 :老7老8最近主唱魂爆發XDDD8F 06/23 14:06
推 :SUNNY長髮有望...9F 06/23 14:15
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