※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-29 23:29:15
看板 StarCraft
作者 標題 [閒聊] StarCrafts Episode 出T-shirt了
時間 Sat Nov 10 11:51:07 2012
Swagling | Gaming Style and News
Video games and video game clothing. Swagling is home to design obsessed freaks who take pleasure in dressing you in your pixelated best. From retro to reinvented, from indie to blockbuster, Swagling's got love for em all. ...
Video games and video game clothing. Swagling is home to design obsessed freaks who take pleasure in dressing you in your pixelated best. From retro to reinvented, from indie to blockbuster, Swagling's got love for em all. ...
Will you be MINE | Swagling
Swagling Shop | The best StarCraft themed shirts online. Now featuring the official Car Bot Animations Star Crafts web series tees. ...
Swagling Shop | The best StarCraft themed shirts online. Now featuring the official Car Bot Animations Star Crafts web series tees. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :ZIMBA 連影片都要賣萌1F 11/10 11:53
推 :哪裡買2F 11/10 11:55
Will you be MINE | Swagling
Swagling Shop | The best StarCraft themed shirts online. Now featuring the official Car Bot Animations Star Crafts web series tees. ...
Swagling Shop | The best StarCraft themed shirts online. Now featuring the official Car Bot Animations Star Crafts web series tees. ...
推 :因為作者是Z民吧4F 11/10 11:58
→ :作者是P民唷5F 11/10 11:58
→ :疑 我記得哪篇說他是用P的 找不到了
→ :疑 我記得哪篇說他是用P的 找不到了
推 :期待代買+1 xDD 小狗太可愛了xDD7F 11/10 12:05
推 :好可愛的小狗阿!!!8F 11/10 12:08
推 :will you be mine (雙關:礦、我的)?9F 11/10 12:10
推 :小狗!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10F 11/10 12:10
推 :想買+111F 11/10 12:25
→ :不過當然要看價位.....y
→ :不過當然要看價位.....y
推 :好像750左右不含運費是嗎 我也好想請人代買(死13F 11/10 12:29
→ :是阿 750左右..請朋友帶回來比較好 運費好像挺高的14F 11/10 12:36
→ :我朋友說他寄回來的費用可以再買2/3件了XDD
→ :我朋友說他寄回來的費用可以再買2/3件了XDD
推 :有沒人發起團購XD16F 11/10 12:38
推 :應該要有SCVimba才對啊17F 11/10 12:44
推 :幹 買定了18F 11/10 12:47
推 :好讚 XD19F 11/10 12:56
推 :T-shirt 賣到25$居然大家還買得下手>O>20F 11/10 12:57
→ :沒辦法 ZIMBA 換成機槍兵就沒多少人要理了21F 11/10 13:02
→ :750 可以買一個永久序號了XDD22F 11/10 13:06
推 :第十集的狗可愛到爆炸! 還會舔力場XD23F 11/10 13:10
推 : gogo 有人要開團購嘛XD ? 750還OK啦 一堆潮T都賣1000= =24F 11/10 13:39
推 :團購+325F 11/10 13:41
推 :團購+126F 11/10 13:56
推 :團購+1 狗狗太可愛了!!27F 11/10 14:04
→ :玩車車的感染也是超可愛 拿晶礦檔臉的工蟲很無辜
→ :玩車車的感染也是超可愛 拿晶礦檔臉的工蟲很無辜
推 :我想買小狗XD 25美金算平價了29F 11/10 16:47
推 :可惡 想買30F 11/10 16:55
推 :+31F 11/10 18:12
※ 看板: StarCraft 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 198
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