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作者 標題 [新聞]`富爸爸,窮爸爸`作者的公司被法院判決巨額賠償
時間 Thu Oct 11 23:20:30 2012
Rich Dad, Poor Dad now a bankrupt dad: Best-selling author files for corporate bankruptcy after losing $24m judgement | Mail Online
Robert Kiyosaki, the financial guru behind the New York Times bestseller Rich Dad, Poor dad has filed for bankruptcy on one of his companies after losing a $24 million judgement in U.S. District Court. ...
Rich Dad, Poor Dad now a bankrupt dad:
Best-selling author files for corporate bankruptcy
after losing $24m judgement
The financial guru behind New York Times bestseller
Rich Dad, Poor Dad has filed for bankruptcy on one
of his companies after losing a $24 million judgement.
New York Times暢銷書作者;`富爸爸,窮爸爸`的作者
This April, Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Global LLC
was ordered to pay $23,687,957.21
to the Learning Annex and its founder and chairman, Bill Zanker.
Kiyosaki had used the Learning Annex platform to organize
several high profile speaking engagements,
including a 2002 appearance at Madison Square Garden
今年四月清崎的Rich Global公司被法院判賠 $23,687,957.21 美金給
Learning Annex公司及其董事長Bill Zanker
清崎曾經使用Learning Annex的平台去籌劃他的演講活動
A U.S. District Court jury ruled Zanker and the Annex were entitled
to a certain percentage of the profits from those engagements.
Zanker told the New York Post he was responsible for making Rich Dad,
Poor Dad into the global name it is today.
'I took Kiyosaki's brand and made it bigger.
聲名遠播的真正推手The deal was I would get a percentage and he reneged,' Zanker said.
'We had a signed letter of intent.
The Learning Annex is the greatest promoter.
We put his 'Rich Dad' brand on a stage.
We truly prepared him for great fame and riches.
But when it was time for him to pay up, he said no.'
Mike Sullivan, CEO of Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Co.,
told reporters Kiyosaki would not put personal
assets towards the judgement and claimed the
judgement was far more than Rich Global LLC's value.
'The dealings we had with the Learning Annex were with a company that
hasn't been in business for a number of years,' Sullivan said.
'I am not surprised Learning Annex is upset and angry,
the money doesn't exist in that company,
and we can't bring money out of the group.
'We have a few million dollars in this company, but not 16 or 20.
I can't do anything about a $20 million judgment.
We got hit for what we think is a completely outlandish figure.
清崎公司的CEO Mike Sullivan表示: 清崎不會用他個人的資產做出任何賠償
(翻譯: 林北絕對不給你一毛錢)
以前有人認為 羅伯‧特清崎 其實是因為靠賣暢銷書而變成有錢人。
台灣的 租金/房價 報酬率實在是低到不行
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :不是很邱很聰明很屌 賺很大嗎?1F 10/11 23:24
推 :觀念可以看看 但是不要走他的路2F 10/11 23:25
推 :你問問劉媽媽 他賺的可不是股息(租金) 而是價差xd3F 10/11 23:25
→ :富爸爸--爽 窮爸爸-哭哭 其實就這樣而咦
→ :富爸爸--爽 窮爸爸-哭哭 其實就這樣而咦
→ :為什麼我阿公不是李嘉誠~~~~5F 10/11 23:28
→ :破產爸爸 教你如何用公司破產來逃避債務6F 10/11 23:28
推 :楚狂人表示:7F 10/11 23:31
推 :恩 以我經驗 租金/房價 大約2趴 本金卻賠 很想哭8F 10/11 23:31
推 :賣輸變有錢人還是輸給靠保險起家的效率 XD9F 10/11 23:33
→ :楚狂人賺千萬保險金錯了嗎?10F 10/11 23:36
推 :楚狂人教你保險致富SOP11F 10/12 00:14
→ :那他可以去跟川普請教破產程序了12F 10/12 00:27
推 :照他書裡講的 他對破產經驗其實也不少XD13F 10/12 00:31
→ :可以開公司脫產然後放給它倒啊(大誤14F 10/12 00:32
→ :他已經破產過兩次了15F 10/12 00:34
推 :Learning Annex好像就是川普開的16F 10/12 00:37
推 :他會說要正向思考,成功的人有錢是因為他有價值,而17F 10/12 00:38
→ :非他的錢...
→ :非他的錢...
推 :沒甚麼 有錢人狗咬狗19F 10/12 00:51
→ :川普和他還有一起出一本書.結果現在..哈20F 10/12 01:07
推 :旗下的一間公司罷了 脫產 讓法人倒 錢根本人都沒事21F 10/12 01:29
推 :或許可以開另個系列:富爸爸窮爸爸-如何用10$過一天22F 10/12 03:44
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2141
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