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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-04 01:47:09
看板 Stock
作者 sluttervagen ()
標題 [新聞] 白宮醫生表示川普總統狀況"非常好"
時間 Sun Oct  4 00:54:27 2020

THE LATEST: White House doctor says President Trump doing ‘very well’ at hospital; Senate cancels work as lawmakers contract virus
The Latest on President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump testing positive for the coronavirus (all times EDT): ...



The White House says President Donald Trump’s doctor provided an update on his condition Saturday morning.

President Donald Trump’s doctor says he is doing “very well” as he spends the weekend at a military hospital for treatment of COVID-19.

Navy Commander Dr. Sean Conley said Trump has been fever-free for 24 hours as he updates the nation on the president’s condition from the hospital Saturday morning. Trump was admitted Friday after testing positive for the coronavirus.

While Conley said the president is not currently on oxygen, he refused to say whether the president had ever been on oxygen, despite repeated questioning. He said that Trump’s symptoms, including a cough and nasal congestion “are now resolving and improving.”

“He’s in exceptionally good spirits,” said another doctor, Sean Dooley.

Doctors said Saturday that while he had fatigue, nasal congestion and coughing, the president’s symptoms are now resolving and improving.

Trump was transferred to the military hospital on Friday afternoon in what doctors say was a precaution after he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19. He has not transferred powers.

Conley says the president has “a lot of work to do” and is doing it.

Doctors say the president told them: “I feel like I could walk out of here today.”

10 a.m. -- Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson says he’s tested positive for the coronavirus.

Johnson’s office announced the diagnosis in a statement Saturday. He’s the third Republican senator to report a positive test this week, following Utah Sen. Mike Lee and North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis. Johnson’s announcement is adding to the swirl of tension in Washington since President Donald Trump announced his positive test Friday.

Johnson, a second-term Republican, had reported exposure last month to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, and quarantined for 14 days without developing symptoms. Johnson said he tested negative twice during that time.

He returned to Washington on Sept. 29 and said he was exposed soon after that to someone who tested positive. Johnson says he was tested Friday afternoon after learning of the exposure, and it came back positive.

Johnson said he feels healthy and doesn’t have symptoms, but will isolate until cleared by his doctor.












到底快進ICU是誰傳的=  =

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egg87346    : 再不1F 10/04 00:55
s860134     : 空空最愛放假消息2F 10/04 00:55
egg87346    : 再不發好消息要崩啦3F 10/04 00:55
DogCavy     : 川普趕快病癒又能說嘴一番了4F 10/04 00:56
cssula      : 色色發抖。。射了。。抖兩下5F 10/04 00:57
TWeng       : doing very well -> 做的非常好 XD6F 10/04 00:59
TWeng       :                        得
DogCavy     : 應該是說狀況好吧...8F 10/04 01:00
dalyadam    : doing very well 你可以翻成做的好= =... XD9F 10/04 01:02
Carloslin   : 笑死 做的非常好 是做什麼啦!10F 10/04 01:02
VAIO911     : 呼吸困難=鼻塞 但傻空已進場11F 10/04 01:03
mikehuang12 : 噴爆啊12F 10/04 01:04
cssula      : 笑死。。。半夜風向又變,巴來巴去13F 10/04 01:04
Sweet83921  : 空空: 幹14F 10/04 01:05
madboy      : 空空 崩崩 塊陶R15F 10/04 01:05
TWeng       : 應該沒事吧,CNN昨天在那邊16F 10/04 01:07
cssula      : CNN不小心射了對方球門17F 10/04 01:08
wts4832     : 美國總統天天檢驗 一中標就打痊癒者的抗體18F 10/04 01:08
prog        : 太神啦19F 10/04 01:09
wts4832     : 要發病可能還有點困難20F 10/04 01:09
cssula      : 有權勢的輕症根本很難掛21F 10/04 01:10
※ 編輯: sluttervagen ( 臺灣), 10/04/2020 01:13:41
BIGETC      : 川川自己下重單22F 10/04 01:14
junnn       : 這次的空軍 不但笨且 倒楣 值得紀錄id 命中不帶財23F 10/04 01:18
cssula      : 川川自己推特了,空軍色色發抖24F 10/04 01:21
CaTkinGG    : 可惡 想低接25F 10/04 01:22
cssula      : 多軍才倒楣勒,星期五位階本來就是要大噴的東西26F 10/04 01:23
XXXXLINDA   : 阿就是標準的中標啊27F 10/04 01:23
cssula      : 但這次多嘎ㄧ些空軍,跳得更高更爽 哈28F 10/04 01:24
popo123456  : 英國首相剛感染時也說沒事29F 10/04 01:25
cssula      : 那快趁明天彈回來加空囉30F 10/04 01:30
cssula      : 不過,去查查中標非重症的官員,球星,明星掛點率
cssula      : 有多少,再下單吧
dalyadam    : 名人 高官的好像幾乎都能痊癒33F 10/04 01:34
mepass      : 這個病毒就是只死窮人 有錢人不可能有問題34F 10/04 01:41
WARgame723  : 快笑死35F 10/04 01:41
edward198791: 讚讚讚36F 10/04 01:43

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1樓 時間: 2020-10-04 10:13:14 (台灣)
  10-04 10:13 TW
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