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作者 標題 [其他] 6月有30%的美國人付不起房租
時間 Sat Jul 11 09:16:29 2020
老規矩 最後有不負責任翻譯
30% of Americans missed their housing payments in June
Published Tue, Jun 16 20204:50 PM EDT
As the United States continues to face record unemployment due to the coronaviru
s pandemic, 30% of Americans missed their housing payments in June, according to
a survey by Apartment List, an online rental platform.
That’s up from 24% who missed their payment just two months earlier in April an
d about on par with the 31% who missed payments in May. Renters, younger and low
er-income households and urban dwellers were the groups most likely to miss thei
r housing payments, Apartment List found.
At the same time that this “historically high” rate of Americans are missing t
heir housing payments, eviction protections put in place at the beginning of Cov
id-19′s spread in the U.S. are beginning to expire. Additionally, the current 3
0 million unemployed Americans will lose the extra $600 per week in federal unem
ployment benefits at the end of July.
Taken together, experts warn of a coming housing “apocalypse” unless the gover
nment intervenes. Some 37% of renters and 26% of homeowners are at least somewha
t worried that they will face eviction or foreclosure in the next six months, Ap
artment List reports. Columbia University researchers estimate that homelessness
could increase by between 40% and 45% this year over where it was in January 20
Some legal experts expect “at least” 50,000 eviction filings in New York City
alone when the state’s blanket eviction moratorium lifts June 20, most for nonp
ayment of rent. (A more restricted eviction ban is in place in the state until A
ugust 20.)
“In the current climate, with unemployment at record levels and with many unabl
e to pay rent for Covid-related reasons, neither housing court judges nor our la
wyers will be able to resolve many of these disputes, resulting in evictions, di
splacement, homelessness, senseless exposure to infection and more difficulty in
containing Covid-19,” writes The Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in a letter to
Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge at the New York State Unified Cou
rt System.
To prevent a homelessness crisis, governors could extend, or put into place for
the first time, universal eviction moratoriums for the duration of the coronavir
us crisis, advocates argue. Not only would this help keep people in their homes,
it would keep Covid-19 from spreading even more in the U.S., where at least 118
,000 people have died from the disease.
On the federal level, the House’s Emergency Rental Assistance and Rental Market
Stabilization Act would allocate $100 billion for emergency rental assistance,
which would help tenants around the country pay their rent and utility bills. Th
e HEROES Act, which was passed by the House in May but has so far stalled in the
Senate, includes an extension of the nationwide moratorium on eviction filings,
hearings and executions for 12 months.
These are needed responses to a coming crisis, Solomon Greene, a senior fellow i
n housing policy at the Urban Institute, previously told CNBC Make It.
“Housing instability has huge health consequences even when we’re not facing a
pandemic,” says Greene. “Exposure risk is so much more amplified and worsened
when you can’t shelter in place because you don’t have a place to shelter.”
線上租屋平台Apartment List的一項調查顯示
(跟5月很接近 5月是31%)這還是在目前政府有補助的情況下
停止(新的補助方案都還在嘴砲階段 還沒過)
專家認為 美國今年無家可歸現象可能比2019年
所以簡單一句話 專家要政府趕快出來救命 並且恐嚇無家可歸的人會做出什麼事 你自己想
除了要政府繼續幫忙付租金之外 還希望盡快通過眾議院於5月份通過的《英雄法案》,
這個法案厲害了,簡單說就是法院判定的所有不付錢租客 本來需要被強制驅離 或是被處罰
金 現在會延長到1年後再說 不會馬上執行
不過目前這個法案在參議院從5月躺到現在 還沒有動的跡象
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╰───╯│╟┬┬┬╢□ by 板主 gothmog
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推 : 先前拿補助來買股的散戶群,該不會為了繳房租又被迫1F 07/11 09:21
→ : 賣股了吧
→ : 賣股了吧
→ : 貪婪的人 繳不起房租被趕出去,剛好而已3F 07/11 09:25
推 : 70趴的人補助超過薪水,然後爽炒股票嗎4F 07/11 09:25
推 : 錢當然是先炒股呀!5F 07/11 09:26
→ : 突然覺得美國失業領的錢並有工作的人還多6F 07/11 09:26
推 : 一年不用繳房租,錢還不拿來炒股7F 07/11 09:27
推 : 反正美國保護租客8F 07/11 09:28
→ : 他們就不繳錢繼續霸佔也沒辦法把他們怎樣
→ : 他們就不繳錢繼續霸佔也沒辦法把他們怎樣
→ : 都在公園炒股了 還租個屁10F 07/11 09:31
推 : 沒事已經到夏天,夏天可以把人趕出去11F 07/11 09:32
→ : 美國到夏天可以找人處理
→ : 美國到夏天可以找人處理
推 : 美國公園還有位子嗎13F 07/11 09:33
→ : 奇怪 每個月領政府那麼多錢結果沒錢付房租??還是說14F 07/11 09:34
→ : 付不起的都是乖乖工作的??
→ : 付不起的都是乖乖工作的??
推 : 美國的制度保護租客 當然就有人把錢拿去付其他不付16F 07/11 09:37
→ : 錢會被追殺的帳單而不付房租
→ : 我有個認識的美國華人房東
→ : 租房子給白人結果沒付房租三年了
→ : 到現在房子都還沒要回來
→ : 錢會被追殺的帳單而不付房租
→ : 我有個認識的美國華人房東
→ : 租房子給白人結果沒付房租三年了
→ : 到現在房子都還沒要回來
推 : 繳不起房租的族群也沒錢買股啦,不用怕21F 07/11 09:39
→ : 結果中途他自己收入減少貸款遲繳被銀行追殺22F 07/11 09:40
→ : 房客依然免費爽住中
→ : 可憐哪
→ : 房客依然免費爽住中
→ : 可憐哪
推 : 無限QE不怕啦25F 07/11 09:48
推 : 不用工作爽爽領真好26F 07/11 09:48
推 : 台灣的制度也不容易趕欠租的啊 欠錢最大27F 07/11 09:49
推 : 沒事,道瓊繼續噴28F 07/11 09:50
→ : 道瓊完全不理瓊人,這30%就窮死吧29F 07/11 09:52
推 : 美國韭菜30F 07/11 09:54
→ : 都繳給Tesla了31F 07/11 09:57
噓 : 沒錢付房租卻有錢炒股,還是炒股賺房租?32F 07/11 09:58
→ : 補助都去買股了嗎?33F 07/11 10:01
推 : 無家可歸只好BLM34F 07/11 10:02
推 : 拿到錢不用付租金 拿來炒股 潮爽的35F 07/11 10:06
推 : 用扭曲的方法治標...該推廣儲蓄教育,別讓這麼高比36F 07/11 10:11
→ : 例的人口緊急存款不足
→ : 例的人口緊急存款不足
推 : 白癡才拿去繳給吸血房東 美國人真的覺醒了38F 07/11 10:12
→ : 美國缺現金印就好,幹麼存?39F 07/11 10:16
→ : 美國可以合法持有武器,無家可歸卻有槍在手,會發
→ : 生什麼事全世界都一個樣
→ : 美國可以合法持有武器,無家可歸卻有槍在手,會發
→ : 生什麼事全世界都一個樣
→ : 無腦QE啊 還要經濟模型幹嘛 一直多到選舉結束42F 07/11 10:18
→ : 最後的派對 玩得開心啊
→ : 最後的派對 玩得開心啊
推 : 每週領600鎂然後一堆人付不出房租?那30%被套牢?44F 07/11 10:20
→ : 我怎麼記得不用這個法案租客不繳錢本來就很難趕45F 07/11 10:26
推 : 所以眾議院是要不要發錢…46F 07/11 10:31
推 : 美股會再漲一波,因為會再拿錢出來47F 07/11 10:32
噓 : 聰明人都房租欠好欠滿 錢都全拿去炒股先賺一大波啊48F 07/11 10:36
噓 : 廢物黃猴子才需要儲蓄49F 07/11 10:36
推 : 美國可以這樣幹是因為美金本位 搜刮全世界的財富..50F 07/11 10:39
→ : .
→ : .
噓 : 一下領的比工作賺得多,一下領的不夠繳房租,搞得52F 07/11 10:50
→ : 韮菜賠錢咖們好亂cc
→ : 韮菜賠錢咖們好亂cc
推 : 會不會搞到揪團在房東家自殺?54F 07/11 10:51
推 : 這種低端人口的事 跟股票什麼關係? 就跟在台灣買55F 07/11 10:59
→ : 不起房的 跟房價有什麼關係?
→ : 不起房的 跟房價有什麼關係?
推 : 美國人人哀鳳 哀配 麥不可 腳穿喬丹 然後沒錢租房57F 07/11 11:06
→ : 看醫生
→ : 看醫生
推 : 之前不是說可不付屋租,然後請房東自己吞下去嗎?59F 07/11 11:40
→ : 每週600美,一個月2400。 去美國領補助屌打臺灣受60F 07/11 11:43
→ : 薪70%的人
→ : 薪70%的人
推 : 最後不是說這方案連動都還沒動嗎 樓上62F 07/11 11:44
推 : 最後變成無產階級專政就好笑了Xdd63F 07/11 11:54
→ : 美國人整體沒廉恥的比例真高。現在要換房東抗議嗎64F 07/11 12:05
→ : ?
→ : ?
→ : 大賣空66F 07/11 12:23
推 : 付不起房租就不要付啊....政府會買單67F 07/11 12:30
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 78
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