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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-15 22:46:11
看板 Stock
作者 qk123 (qk123)
標題 [新聞] Tesla to replace AIV in the S&P 500
時間 Tue Dec 15 20:44:23 2020

Tesla to replace Apartment Investment and Management in the S&P 500 Index | Reuters
Apartment Investment and Management Co will be removed from the S&P 500 as of Dec. 21 to make room for the inclusion of Tesla Inc, S&P Dow Jones Indic ...



Tesla to replace Apartment Investment and Management in the S&P 500 Index

NEW YORK (Reuters) -Apartment Investment and Management Co will be removed
from the S&P 500 as of Dec. 21 to make room for the inclusion of Tesla Inc,
S&P Dow Jones Indices said on Friday.

Apartment Investment and Management, which is spinning off Apartment Income
REIT in a deal expected to be completed post market close on Monday, will no
longer be representative of the S&P Composite 1500 indices market cap ranges,
S&P Dow Jones Indices said in a statement.

The company has a market value of about $6 billion and its stock is down 21%
this year. By contrast, Tesla’s stock market value stands at around $600
billion, and its shares are up 600% year-to-date.

“The subtraction of this relatively small REIT doesn’t have a significant
impact on the index at all, but the addition of Tesla does have a big impact,
” said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment strategist at Inverness Counsel in New

Adding Elon Musk’s Tesla to Wall Street’s most followed benchmark will
force index funds to buy over $70 billion worth of its shares, while
simultaneously selling shares of other S&P 500 constituents.

The electric car maker’s stock has surged nearly 50% since Nov. 16, when it
was announced Tesla would join the index.

“Definitely, traders have been accumulating the stock significantly in
anticipation of the indexes having to buy on the first day of trading,”
Ghriskey said.

Tesla will account for just over 1% of the S&P 500.

California-based Tesla’s meteoric rise has made it by far the most valuable
auto company in the world, despite production that is a fraction of rivals
such as Toyota Motor, Volkswagen and General Motors.

Apartment Investment and Management Co’s shares, which closed down 0.5% at
$40.58 on Friday, slipped to $39.00 in extended trading. Tesla shares, which
closed down 2.7% at $609.99, was little changed after the close.


Tesla 將取代 Apartment Investment and Management (AIV)
AIV 現在盤前暴跌 80%,股價從昨天收盤價 40.34 直奔 7.86

應該不是在跌被踢出 SP500
是在跌 split with Apartment Income REIT (AIRC)

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cuteSquirrel: @@1F 12/15 20:45
niji5143    : 樓下抄底2F 12/15 20:45
seemoon2000 : 這種跌法 老闆都想跳樓吧3F 12/15 20:46
CaTkinGG    : lol4F 12/15 20:47
henry318    : -81% 好扯@@5F 12/15 20:48
SYUAN0301   : 這太扯了吧 真的會跳樓XD6F 12/15 20:49
mummyqq     : 跌那麼多  該炒底了7F 12/15 20:50
icedog122   : 一年配兩元耶...8F 12/15 20:50
qwas65166516: 好扯,這樣跌在台股就要組自救會了9F 12/15 20:51
OhMyGoose   : 這是因為資產分離  不是踢出指數10F 12/15 20:52
bod2630     : 抄底也不錯11F 12/15 20:52
thbygn98    : 有點太誇張,乾脆買點樂透?12F 12/15 20:52
OhMyGoose   : 這支只剩原本10%的資產13F 12/15 20:52
thbygn98    : 喔原來是資產分離14F 12/15 20:53
thbygn98    : 感謝分享
wade00123   : 盤前好high16F 12/15 20:53
wade00123   : https://i.imgur.com/G6aTG5H.png
abramtw     : 沒在SP500對AIV獲利能力有那麼大影響嗎18F 12/15 20:53
※ 編輯: qk123 ( 臺灣), 12/15/2020 20:54:38
abramtw     : 太神經病了吧19F 12/15 20:54
castalchen  : 好像每季追蹤SP500進出吃法人豆腐就會發財了20F 12/15 21:06
castalchen  : 應該有人研究過這種操作吧
ken90007    : 所以近一年VTI贏VOO 2.7%,當大家都以為大者恆大22F 12/15 21:23
ecllyhpqno19: 直接打回10年前23F 12/15 21:25
castalchen  : VTI贏的該不會正好是特斯拉的比例吧24F 12/15 21:26
vincent5236 : 這抄底是越抄越低嗎 美股沒漲跌幅真的恐怖25F 12/15 21:29
astroboy0   : 豪帥,作空會爽死26F 12/15 21:34
Aaron8      : 剛剛查到是把正資產轉移走了 留10%的風險資產27F 12/15 21:36
Aaron8      : 等於是賺錢的業務被分割 剩下爛的業務 直接崩盤
Aaron8      : 公司等於剩下一個大空殼
vincent5236 : 感謝a大說明30F 12/15 21:37
Exusiai     : 已進場小購一波31F 12/15 21:38
alicet      : 感謝a大說明,這麼精彩@@32F 12/15 21:43
kainolife   : 空殼就等看有沒有要借殼上市的公司來買囉33F 12/15 22:10
intelb06385 : 那轉走的正資產誰拿走 原股東沒份嗎34F 12/15 22:11
Ashand      : 投資人被掏空??35F 12/15 22:26
w300204     : 12/5有股票的,每股可拿1股AIV+1股AIR36F 12/15 22:26
tsgd        : 跌出S&P500 是少了被動式資金的買盤 但會這樣崩盤37F 12/15 22:39
tsgd        : 是自己內部因素 VOO 500檔 VTI 3千多檔 也不是都只
tsgd        : 漲特斯拉吧 當然特斯拉今年目前漲了660% 可以去找他
tsgd        : 的權重來算算看是不是真這麼回事

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