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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-08-19 05:03:10
看板 Stock
作者 Severine (賽非茵)
標題 [新聞] FDA稱疫苗保護會隨著時間推移而減弱
時間 Wed Aug 18 22:55:34 2021


U.S. will begin wide distribution of Covid booster shots next month, saying
vaccine protection wanes over time







The United States will begin widely distributing Covid-19 booster shots next
month as new data shows that vaccine protection wanes over time, top U.S.
health officials announced in a joint statement Wednesday.


“The available data make very clear that protection against SARS-CoV-2
infection begins to decrease over time following the initial doses of
vaccination, and in association with the dominance of the Delta variant, we
are starting to see evidence of reduced protection against mild and moderate
disease,” according to the statement signed by CDC Director Dr. Rochelle
Walensky, acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, White House chief
medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and other U.S. health leaders. “Based on
our latest assessment, the current protection against severe disease,
hospitalization, and death could diminish in the months ahead, especially
among those who are at higher risk or were vaccinated during the earlier
phases of the vaccination rollout.”

疾病預防控制中心主任羅謝爾· 瓦倫斯基博士在聲明中說:"現有數據非常清楚地表明,
變種的主導地位,我們開始看到對輕度和中度疾病的保護減少的證據。 代理FDA專員珍妮
特· 伍德科克博士,白宮首席醫療顧問安東尼· 福西博士和其他美國衛生領導人。根據我

As a result, U.S. agencies are preparing to offer booster shots to all
eligible Americans beginning the week of Sept. 20, starting 8 months after
their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines, officials said. While
they said recipients of Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine will likely
need boosters, they are awaiting more data in the next few weeks before
making a formal recommendation.

二劑輝瑞或 Moderna 8個月開始。雖然他們表示,強生公司單針疫苗的接受者可能需要

The announcement comes ahead of a White House Covid press briefing Wednesday,
where federal health officials are expected to further outline their plan for
boosters. President Joe Biden is expected to speak on the U.S. effort after
the briefing, the White House told reporters Tuesday.


The decision to recommend booster shots comes as the public becomes
increasingly concerned about the delta variant and a rise in breakthrough
cases – infections in fully vaccinated individuals. It marks a shift from
previous comments made by U.S. health officials, who said in recent months
that fully vaccinated Americans did not need booster shots at this time.


U.S. officials changed their message on boosters in recent days as cases
continued to rise. Fauci said Thursday that everybody will “likely” need a
booster shot at some point. On Friday, federal officials approved
administering booster shots to Americans with weakened immune systems, which
includes cancer and HIV patients and people who have had organ transplants.


National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins, who also signed
on to the statement, said Tuesday that new Covid data, including from Israeli
health officials, caused U.S. health leaders to rethink their position on
vaccine boosters. Israel released new data Monday showing a reduction in the
effectiveness of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine against severe illness among people
65 and older who were fully vaccinated in January or February.

國家衛生研究院院長法蘭西斯· 柯林斯博士也簽署了這份聲明,他星期二說,新的Covid

The U.S. is beginning to see similar trends in vaccine effectiveness as well,
Collins said. He said the rise in breakthrough cases may be due to a
combination of the fast-spreading delta variant and Covid vaccine protection
waning over time.


“Although right now, it’s still as if our vaccine protection is working
really well,” he said. “But we don’t want to wait until it’s like oh, too


The move to recommend boosters is likely to spark criticism, especially as a
large portion of the global population has yet to receive even one dose of a
Covid vaccine.


Earlier this month, the World Health Organization asked wealthy nations to
stop the distribution of booster shots until at least the end of September to
give poorer countries the chance to vaccinate their populations with the
first rounds of shots. The request is part of WHO Director-General Tedros
Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ plan to vaccinate 40% of the world by December.

事特德羅斯· 阿達諾姆· 格佈雷耶蘇斯計劃到12月為世界40%的人口接種疫苗的一部分。

During a White House press briefing Tuesday, press secretary Jen Psaki said

the administration believes it can boost the American population while
ensuring the rest of the world gets vaccinated.

“We believe that is a false choice. We can do both,” Psaki said. “The
United States is far and away the biggest contributor to the global fight
against Covid. We will continue to be the arsenal for vaccines around the
world. We also have enough supply and had long planned enough supply should a
booster be needed for the eligible population.”

Once booster shots are approved, nursing home residents, health-care
providers and the elderly – the first groups to get vaccinated in December
and January – are likely to be prioritized to get extra shots, Collins said
Tuesday. He said “ideally” people should stick with the same manufacturer
they got their first two doses from.

“But if for some reason you don’t have access to it, well, then get the
other one,” he said. “Again, I’d feel more comfortable as a scientist
fixing our plans on real data, and that means sticking to the same kind of
vaccine that you got to begin with.”






剛剛突然發現MRNA怎麼跳兩根回平盤 找了一下應該是這個新聞


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gglong      : 就未來每年固定要打啊…早知道了1F 08/18 22:56
peter080808 : 一直打一直爽 疫苗賺翻了2F 08/18 22:56
pushstut    : 未來就一季打一次也不用太意外?3F 08/18 22:57
cuteSquirrel: 變成流感模式4F 08/18 22:57
gibbs1286   : 疫苗廠發大財5F 08/18 22:57
blackjack319: "助推器疫苗"這翻譯...6F 08/18 22:57
瀏覽器自己的翻譯 不過我也不是專業的 不知道該怎麼翻它
AdamCLT     : 所以疫苗要每年都打個兩針維持效力了7F 08/18 22:57
qwerty110   : 誰不知道疫苗效力打了會隨時間下降==8F 08/18 22:58

我把翻譯修改了一下 我的認知這是第三劑疫苗.所以用這個取代原本翻譯.
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 08/18/2021 23:02:05
stocktonty  : 什麼時候要開發出吃的9F 08/18 22:59
gibbs1286   : 不是好像有口服產品進三期了嗎?10F 08/18 22:59
iamten      : 疫苗變成合法毒品了 幹11F 08/18 22:59
hirosimamika: 變成小感冒疫苗了12F 08/18 23:00
totomo168   : 還用你講13F 08/18 23:00
gibbs1286   : 後年疫苗大概要納入健保了XD14F 08/18 23:00
gibbs1286   : 跟現在流感疫苗一樣,再分公費與自費疫苗
Inazuma     : 最後越打越上癮...變成一個月打一次16F 08/18 23:01

我又修改了一下標題 這是自我翻譯 希望不要太超譯QQ
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 08/18/2021 23:03:45
NiKuKuO     : 是很希望跟流感一樣威力減弱  不然以後沒打重症很慘17F 08/18 23:04
jason90814  : 乾我連第一劑都沒有QQ18F 08/18 23:04
fuyu1112    : 八個月第三劑 那基本上就是每年一劑當流感打了吧19F 08/18 23:04
gibbs1286   : 目前趨勢完全就是打疫苗變流感,沒打是武肺變種...20F 08/18 23:05
zakijudelo  : 那也是要打真正有保護力的疫苗,不是什麼阿沙布魯21F 08/18 23:06
zakijudelo  : 都能得利的
gibbs1286   : 現在確定有用也只有三家啊~~中俄的對Delta更慘23F 08/18 23:08
誰要打中俄的阿 打高端就好了阿
只要不開牌 就有可能是100%保護力拉
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 08/18/2021 23:10:41
lookapen    : 流感和肺炎 還是要分開談 .....24F 08/18 23:11
littenVenus : 美國前幾個禮拜早就下單第三劑給莫和輝了 都是1、25F 08/18 23:11
littenVenus : 2億劑的訂單 還今天第四季開始交貨
DORAQMON    : 反觀...27F 08/18 23:12
littenVenus : *今年28F 08/18 23:12
lookapen    : 美國生產 美國優先很正常....國產疫苗真的要發展29F 08/18 23:13
littenVenus : 所以WHO才會跳腳 這樣會排擠其他國家訂單 很多非洲30F 08/18 23:14
littenVenus : 國家連第一劑都沒得打
littenVenus : 南韓才會去催莫 不然真的會被美國訂單影響
banbanzon   : 打第三劑就有第四劑第五劑 那些反疫苗的肯定更加質33F 08/18 23:20
banbanzon   : 疑疫苗效用 以後越難推打加強劑
pippen2002  : 反觀一堆賺錢族~~ 1劑都沒淂打呢!顆顆?35F 08/18 23:24
HwaSIn      : 這種大長篇新聞要全部翻譯,好累哦,辛苦了36F 08/18 23:26
aegis43210  : 畢竟沒人想一直被打針37F 08/18 23:29
a70327cow   : 先幫持股打到嗨的劑量 不然我也不想撐下去QQ38F 08/18 23:50
eecoolty    : 要不要乾脆每個月打一劑啊39F 08/19 00:21
sidneys     : 不ey40F 08/19 00:36
hHolic      : 第三劑規模不可能像前兩劑41F 08/19 02:11
ANava       : 美國態度就是 不爽美國插隊你可以不要訂 反正還有az42F 08/19 02:41
ANava       : 高端國藥可以買
AirLee      : 口罩不戴 疫苗有不打 死阿都仔44F 08/19 03:09
AdamCLT     : 決定分批佈局高端了45F 08/19 03:58
visviva     : 看到智障網紅為了捧高端在IG取笑bnt要打第三劑46F 08/19 04:04
visviva     : 還是個一直吹自己跟醫生很好的網紅  只會舔沒有腦..
springman   : 打了疫苗之後,得重症的比例也是重要觀察指標。48F 08/19 04:28

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