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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-11 17:25:11
看板 Stock
作者 nangle (帥胖汪汪)
標題 [新聞] Elon Musk May Move Into Smartphone Pro
時間 Thu Mar 11 16:49:10 2021


Elon Musk May Move Into Smartphone Production Business As Tesla Teases Model
Pi "π" Concept




Wednesday, 10 March 2021 00:21:00 / by Ella Rose

Elon Musk is now a learning icon for many, and fans of Tesla CEO can never
predict what the 49-year-old tech billionaire will do in the future.

Most recently, Elon Musk unexpectedly announced a video introducing the
concept of the new smartphone on the Tesla website. This smart mobile phone,
temporarily called Model π (or Model Pi), displays the 21:59 timeline on
1/2/2021 on the recommendation screen, it seems like it's the latest video.
from the Tesla boss.

According to the introductory video, Tesla's smartphone can be connected to
the Starlink satellite network, connected to a brain-computer interface, the
Marscoin mining system, with solar charging. In addition, it can also take
high-speed images, built-in electric vehicle control.

This concept phone model has a design quite similar to the iPhone 12. On the
front, there is a hole-punch camera, with a shortcut icon for calling and
taking pictures at the bottom of the standby screen. The back is light gray,
is said to use solar energy, has an ultrasonic fingerprint unlock function
under the screen on the front, the back is equipped with a camera with 4

The connection functionality of Tesla Model π and the Starlink system of
Elon Musk can be seen from the video with the Upload / Download speed
reaching twice as high as 210M. In terms of electric vehicle control, this
could be an exclusive feature Musk has considered tied to Tesla models.

The brain-computer interface system connection function on Tesla Model π is
used to replace some functions lost due to human brain injury, and to
transmit information to control mobile phones or other other devices and
future memory storage function.

Normally, the shooting function will be the highlight of modern smartphones.
The Model π camera is currently equipped with 4 lenses but specific
functions are not introduced. However, the video shows the function of
capturing the starry sky with one click.

This is a function that is not available to any professional mobile phone
camera. Because in order to achieve long exposure shots, one often has to use
a professional camera with a tripod, which demonstrates the Model π's
powerful shooting functions in low light. In addition, the high-speed
photography function is also a significant highlight of this smartphone.

Regarding the specific specifications, the video from Tesla boss did not
mention details. However, with the available mining functionality, it's not
hard to imagine how powerful the configuration of the Model π is. In fact,
everyone knows that mining with PC consumes a huge amount of power and
requires a fairly high-end GPU, to be able to turn a smartphone into a
virtual money mining station, Elon Musk will surely equip it. Model π
 configuration "super crisis".

The Model π concept model was designed by Antonio De Rosa, known for its
Apple product ideas, in honor of Tesla's Starlink and SpaceX. As soon as the
initial concept of this model was released on De Rosa's blog, it quickly
attracted the attention of the public, including Elon Musk.

Since the first iPhones came out, the lives of many people, especially tech
fanatics, have had a lot of impact. In recent years, smartphones from Apple
and many other manufacturers have not changed much in quality. This upcoming
smartphone, if it can be released, is expected to bring a revolutionary
change to the current smart mobile phones.

As humanity (typically Elon Musk with SpaceX) accelerates into a future of
air-travel, air-exhausting vehicles and hopes to have an Apple Car soon, this
concept phone raises a question which is very important. Will Tesla enter the
smartphone market one day?


特斯拉挑弄model pi“π”的概念,伊隆‧馬斯克(Elon Musk)可能進軍智慧手機生產

埃隆‧馬斯克(Elon Musk)現在是許多人學習的目標,而特斯拉(Tesla)首席執行官的

最近,埃隆‧馬斯克(Elon Musk)出人意料地在特斯拉網站上發布了一段介紹新智慧手
機概念的影片。這款智能手機暫時稱為Model π(或Model Pi),在演示螢幕上顯示的時
間軸是1/2/2021 21:59,似乎是最新的視頻。來自特斯拉的老闆。


這種概念手機型號的設計與iPhone 12十分相似。在正面,有一個挖孔相機,在待機螢幕

從影片中可以看到Tesla model π和Elon Musk的Starlink系統的連接功能,上傳/下載速

Tesla Model π上的人機界面系統連接功能用於代替由於人腦受傷而喪失的某些功能,並

通常,拍攝功能會成為現代智慧手機的亮點。 Model π相機目前配備4個鏡頭,但未介紹

腳架的專業相機,這證明了model π在弱光條件下的強大拍攝能力。此外,高速攝影功能

像Model π的配置有多麼強大。實際上,每個人都知道,使用PC進行挖礦會消耗大量能量
,並且需要相當高端的GPU,才能將智慧手機轉變為虛擬貨幣挖礦站,Elon Musk一定會配
備它。Model π配置 “super crisis”。

Model π概念模型是由安東尼奧‧德‧羅莎(Antonio De Rosa)設計的,其以Apple產品
創意而聞名,以紀念特斯拉的Starlink和SpaceX。這種模型的最初概念一經在De Rosa的
部落格上發布,便迅速引起包括Elon Musk在內的公眾的關注。


隨著人類(基本上是帶著SpaceX的Elon Musk)加速進入有太空旅行、零碳排汽車的未來
,並有望盡快擁有Apple Car,這款概念手機提出了一個非常重要的問題。特斯拉有一天










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※ 編輯: nangle ( 臺灣), 03/11/2021 16:50:56
reksam      : 如果是現在型態的手機可能沒搞頭,未知型態就屌了1F 03/11 16:50
aJan5566    : 未來火星用行動裝置2F 03/11 16:51
gladopo     : 可以用腦波發推特3F 03/11 16:51
topfree     : 台灣是手機代工 搞不好利多?(沒被對岸搶單的話..4F 03/11 16:52
cedca       : 買手機送電動車嗎5F 03/11 16:52
lp2650056   : 潮出水6F 03/11 16:52
loat        : 又來搞事 XD7F 03/11 16:53
LimYoHwan   : 他早否認了 這假新聞8F 03/11 16:53
tangmouse   : 我是愛龍馬斯克。你是?9F 03/11 16:54
kissa0924307: 太假了 不給過10F 03/11 16:55
blackyady   : 我是中山醫 隆馬斯克 請問你是?11F 03/11 16:55
nangle      : 我沒有找到否認的新聞耶,有人可以補充一下嗎?12F 03/11 16:56
lrac        : 很假欸13F 03/11 16:56
kncc31      : 真的潮自家的車 衛星 手機14F 03/11 16:57
lrac        : 有這個的話推特還不爆炸15F 03/11 16:57
nangle      : 是說現在蘋果沒有賈伯斯是真的不潮16F 03/11 16:58
JotaroKaga  : 馬屎克又要炒話題了,敗類一個17F 03/11 16:58
qscgg       : 真的假的?蘋果都還沒說要做電動車就被侵門踏戶了18F 03/11 16:58
good5755    : Model pi v.s. iphone19F 03/11 16:58
naloer      : 這不是假新聞嗎?20F 03/11 17:01
mnb1234     : 絕對假的21F 03/11 17:01
yourock     : 在外太空打電話回地球跟你媽說今天不回家吃飯?22F 03/11 17:02
nangle      : 懇請萬能的鄉民幫忙澄清新聞,我手廢現在還沒找到23F 03/11 17:02
e820219     : Yt搜尋一下看留言就有了24F 03/11 17:12
beckgoahead : 應該也是走蘋果模式,要找供應鏈。25F 03/11 17:12
jason90814  : 有pi那會不會有 model e , model i26F 03/11 17:14
JuiFu617    : 重新定義AI手機27F 03/11 17:17
zakijudelo  : 難怪蘋果、特斯拉股價會一起下去,手機早就紅海市場28F 03/11 17:18
zakijudelo  : 了

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