※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-19 18:04:19
看板 Stock
作者 標題 [新聞] 俄羅斯央行 宣布3/21恢復交易所部分交易
時間 Sat Mar 19 16:52:58 2022
Central Bank of Russia to resume trading on the stock market section of
Moscow Exchange Monday and act as buyer of securities to stabilise market
俄羅斯央行 宣布下週一恢復莫斯科交易所"部分交易",央行會透過購買政府債券
Central Bank of Russia to resume trading on the stock market section of Moscow Exchange Monday and act as buyer of securities to stabilise market - Dimsum Daily
TASS 19th March 2022 – (Moscow) The Central Bank of Russia will gradually resume trading on the stock market section of the Moscow Exchange on 21st ma ...
12:22AM Sat March 19, 2022
19th March 2022 – (Moscow) The Central Bank of Russia will gradually resume
trading on the stock market section of the Moscow Exchange on 21st march. It
will start with OFZs and act as a buyer of securities to stabilise the
situation, said governor Elvira Nabiullina.
俄羅斯央行將於 3/21逐步恢復莫斯科交易所部分的交易。
“We have suspended trading on the Moscow Exchange in order to avoid sharp
fluctuations in the value of securities at a time of unprecedented change in
the economic situation. Now we are ready to gradually resume them. On Monday,
OFZ trading will open in the stock section of the Moscow Exchange. To prevent
excessive volatility and ensure balanced liquidity on segment during the
resumption of trading, the Central Bank will carry out OFZ purchases in the
volumes necessary to prevent risks to financial stability. After the
stabilisation of the situation in the financial markets, we plan to sell this
portfolio in full in order to neutralise the impact of this transaction on
monetary policy “, said Nabiullina.
On 9th March, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on amendments to
the Budget Code (BC) of the Russian Federation to increase the stability of
the country’s economy in the face of sanctions. The document is published on
the official portal of legal information. The law provides for the
possibility of placing funds from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) in Russian
government securities. Their acquisition will be available until the
threshold of 7% set for liquid assets of the National Welfare Fund is
reached. A similar opportunity is provided for shares of Russian issuers not
related to the financing of self-sustaining infrastructure projects.
The Russian securities market showed a large-scale drop on 24th February,
Russian indices reached their lows since 2016 during the day.
心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分
1. 俄羅斯央行將於 3/21日逐步恢復莫斯科交易所部分的交易
2. 不過就新聞內容看來, 只提到下周一先開放OFZ(政府債券)的交易....
3. 對於一般股票交易何時開放交易未說明
4. 要衝要賭的可以開始準備了...
股板功能: 打嘴砲 PO對帳單 裝反串 說笑話 看人崩潰 聽創作曲 讀畢業文
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YDPdlrW (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1647679983.A.D60.html
推 : 融起來1F 03/19 16:53
→ : 最大賭場要開了?2F 03/19 16:54
→ : 賭場(X)、割韭菜(O)。等資金進去再宣布休市3F 03/19 16:56
→ : 俄羅斯有熔斷制度嗎4F 03/19 16:58
推 : 糟糕眼藥水哥又要來賣眼藥水了5F 03/19 16:58
推 : 中國:快抄,以後用的到6F 03/19 17:00
→ : 眼藥水哥消失很久了 可能資金一直卡在俄羅斯不能動7F 03/19 17:00
推 : 富貴險中求...但強如馬雲還是......8F 03/19 17:03
推 : 俄羅斯QE!!!!!!9F 03/19 17:04
→ : 恢復部分交易,只能買不能賣嗎XD10F 03/19 17:08
→ : 崩崩崩11F 03/19 17:11
→ : 公開市場操作喔,那盧布跌定了12F 03/19 17:12
推 : 抄底,短期不贏長期絕對翻吧,俄不會滅亡13F 03/19 17:12
推 : 週末一片樂觀看漲,禮拜一直接被俄股拖下來…14F 03/19 17:18
推 : 槓槓能多大就多大 十倍資金歐印 財富自由15F 03/19 17:18
推 : 股市還是繼續封16F 03/19 17:19
推 : 週一是不是會有大場面17F 03/19 17:19
推 : 賭徒最愛的市場即將開門營業了18F 03/19 17:24
→ : 先猜猜跌停幾根19F 03/19 17:26
→ : 俄國的GDP才跟廣東省一樣大 能拖誰下水
→ : 台灣上市櫃公司除了華碩有誰做俄國市場嗎
→ : 俄國的GDP才跟廣東省一樣大 能拖誰下水
→ : 台灣上市櫃公司除了華碩有誰做俄國市場嗎
推 : 沒有限制漲跌幅???22F 03/19 17:27
推 : 開盤即收盤23F 03/19 17:28
→ : 抄底的時候到了...24F 03/19 17:28
推 : 這可以無腦多 財富自由25F 03/19 17:30
推 : 肯定噴,向上向下就不好說了26F 03/19 17:31
→ : 之前都-50%過了 沒漲跌幅限制吧27F 03/19 17:32
→ : 俄羅斯幾點開盤阿~~ 台股可能會被掃到28F 03/19 17:33
推 : 快結束了?!29F 03/19 17:34
推 : rsx 勇者準備好了30F 03/19 17:34
→ : 只開政府能控制的部分31F 03/19 17:35
推 : 小兒改賣俄羅斯股票 台股準備噴32F 03/19 17:36
推 : 送你一根大黑棒33F 03/19 17:37
推 : 怎麼買34F 03/19 17:39
推 : 要去哪裡買俄債etf35F 03/19 17:40
推 : RSX呢36F 03/19 17:40
噓 : 放風時間~放完回去關~~37F 03/19 17:41
推 : 最大賭場上線了 歡迎各路好友參與38F 03/19 17:42
→ : 咁…要噴了…布丁多單以買滿39F 03/19 17:42
推 : 要拿盧布還債了??40F 03/19 17:44
噓 : 部分交易:只能買不能賣41F 03/19 17:44
推 : 除非俄亡國才會變壁紙,花一點錢當買 怎麼買樂透42F 03/19 17:45
推 : A蛇:又被忽略了嗎?大家只記得石頭 (設計對白)43F 03/19 17:47
推 : 有人賣才有辦法買,除非改成只有官方能賣44F 03/19 17:47
推 : 最大賭場上線啦45F 03/19 17:48
→ : 或是只能漲不能跌46F 03/19 17:48
推 : 探底交易47F 03/19 17:49
推 : 抄底 然後過幾個月就沒俄羅斯了48F 03/19 17:55
→ : 抄底 再抄49F 03/19 17:56
推 : 完惹 一開盤就大綠棒50F 03/19 17:56
→ : 丸子,開盤大綠棒,再殺到最低點,然後強反彈51F 03/19 17:58
推 : 來買樂透52F 03/19 18:00
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 79
作者 awss1971 的最新發文:
- 59F 23推 11噓
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