※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-06 10:40:18
看板 Stock
作者 標題 [新聞] Palantir stock rallies more than 10% o
時間 Wed Oct 6 07:08:46 2021
原文標題:Palantir stock rallies more than 10% on $823 million Army contract
Palantir stock rallies more than 10% on $823 million Army contract - MarketWatch
Palantir Technologies Inc. shares rallied in the extended session Tuesday after the data-software company said it was selected for a U.S. Army intelli ...
發布時間:Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2021 at 6:47 p.m. ET
Palantir Technologies Inc. shares rallied in the extended session Tuesday
after the data-software company said it was selected for a U.S. Army
intelligence program contract.
Palantir PLTR, +0.17% shares surged and were last up 14% after hours,
following a 0.2% rise to close at $23.21.
The company said it won a $823 million contract to provide the Army with its
Gotham platform, which is “an operating system for defense decision making
and is specifically designed to connect the dots between disparate sources,”
Palantir said in a statement.
Palantir said the platform will “support Army Intelligence users worldwide
with a globally federated Intelligence data fabric and analytics platform
spanning multiple security classifications.”
“We look forward to the continued partnership with [Program Executive
Officer Intelligence Electronic Warfare & Sensors] and the Army’s
Intelligence Community in providing new and exciting technology that help
them in their modernization efforts,” said Doug Philippone, Palantir’s
global defense lead, in a statement.
The contract falls under the Army’s Capability Drop 2 program. Palantir said
the CD-2 contract is “one of several” projects it is working on to
modernize Army intelligence.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XNDi4Hr (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1633475332.A.475.html
推 : pltr to the moon1F 10/06 07:14
推 : Buy the dip2F 10/06 07:15
推 : 這合約大小真的問號 從沒看過B2B一次簽將近1B的合約3F 10/06 07:17
推 : 長期看好4F 10/06 07:20
推 : 是為了安撫共和黨嗎?5F 10/06 07:20
推 : 昨天是PLTR 真‧阿呆谷 還好我沒砍6F 10/06 07:30
推 : 這合約真的大8F 10/06 07:39
推 : 8億美金……9F 10/06 07:53
推 : 真正的一股不賣奇蹟自來的股票 不到30真d便宜10F 10/06 07:54
→ : 沒幾天又會下來了11F 10/06 08:01
推 : 睡覺前想說是在跌三小,睡醒想說是在漲三小12F 10/06 08:02
推 : 長期持有 跌破20再加碼13F 10/06 08:05
→ : 未來趨勢:精準分析,太空探索,虛擬世界,生命醫療
→ : 研究,割韭菜
→ : 未來趨勢:精準分析,太空探索,虛擬世界,生命醫療
→ : 研究,割韭菜
推 : 這股不做波段真的抱上抱下超智障 抱好幾座山了= =16F 10/06 08:30
推 : 還好沒砍17F 10/06 08:32
推 : 明天再倒給你們18F 10/06 08:38
→ : 反正這一定一堆內線
→ : 反正這一定一堆內線
推 : pltr這種靠消息面上下噴的股票最好能這麼精準預測漲跌啦,20F 10/06 08:39
→ : 開跌一週到底,一天回到開跌的地方 做波段大概整天買高賣
→ : 低
→ : 開跌一週到底,一天回到開跌的地方 做波段大概整天買高賣
→ : 低
推 : 沒轉虧為盈的哪隻不是消息面?還是 $Pltr23F 10/06 08:45
推 : pltr 一堆人在裡面衝浪阿,會覺得沒人做短線是???24F 10/06 08:46
推 : 轉虧為盈的時候早就to the moon跟不到了25F 10/06 08:47
噓 : 抱上抱下超多次26F 10/06 08:48
推 : 什麼時候才能把30王踩在下面27F 10/06 08:49
推 : 真 妖股28F 10/06 08:58
推 : 買這類型股票就當投資,數年後再來論成敗29F 10/06 09:06
推 : 一定有內餡30F 10/06 09:09
推 : ....原來13%是盤後拉的0.031F 10/06 09:26
推 : 這支真的長期投資32F 10/06 09:29
推 : 只恨自己本錢不夠多 前幾天跌到谷底撿不了33F 10/06 09:29
推 : 衝浪很容易跟不到主要漲幅就是了 除非勝率很高 這種都34F 10/06 09:29
→ : 突如其來宣佈個什麼收購案合作案盤後暴漲 沒抱住根本
→ : 吃不到
→ : 突如其來宣佈個什麼收購案合作案盤後暴漲 沒抱住根本
→ : 吃不到
推 : 我覺得加碼太難了,前幾天這支從27殺到21,能抱得住就偷笑了37F 10/06 09:34
→ : 還好買AMD時有練過 這隻還抱得住XDXD38F 10/06 09:39
推 : 昨天把從賺到賠的leap call 割肉了QQ39F 10/06 09:40
推 : 昨天23.4追了300股,睡醒笑呵呵40F 10/06 10:03
→ : 手上1000股放著當沒這回事,今天醒來以為看錯41F 10/06 10:15
推 : 這隻只能一直放著 或者自己抓停利點42F 10/06 10:29
→ : 想要吃到最高買最低除非你股神吧
→ : 想要吃到最高買最低除非你股神吧
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 95
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