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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-13 09:32:25
看板 Stock
作者 sandya ()
標題 [新聞]  藥華藥 獲美國 FDA核准一線用藥
時間 Sat Nov 13 07:06:07 2021

原文標題:FDA Approves Treatment for Rare Blood Disease


發布時間:Nov 12, 2021, 16:55 ET

原文內容:SILVER SPRING, Md., Nov. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the U.S. Fo
od and Drug Administration approved Besremi (ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft) inj
ection to treat adults with polycythemia vera, a blood disease that causes the
 overproduction of red blood cells. The excess cells thicken the blood, slowin
g blood flow and increasing the chance of blood clots.

"Over 7,000 rare diseases affect more than 30 million people in the United Sta
tes. Polycythemia vera affects approximately 6,200 Americans each year," said
Ann Farrell, M.D., director of the Division of Non-Malignant Hematology in the
 FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "This action highlights the FD
A's commitment to helping make new treatments available to patients with rare

Besremi is the first FDA-approved medication for polycythemia vera that patien
ts can take regardless of their treatment history, and the first interferon th
erapy specifically approved for polycythemia vera.

Treatment for polycythemia vera includes phlebotomies (a procedure that remove
s excess blood cells though a needle in a vein) as well as medicines to reduce
 the number of blood cells; Besremi is one of these medicines. Besremi is beli
eved to work by attaching to certain receptors in the body, setting off a chai
n reaction that makes the bone marrow reduce blood cell production. Besremi is
 a long-acting drug that patients take by injection under the skin once every
two weeks. If Besremi can reduce excess blood cells and maintain normal levels
 for at least one year, then dosing frequency may be reduced to once every fou
r weeks.

The effectiveness and safety of Besremi were evaluated in a multicenter, singl
e-arm trial that lasted 7.5 years. In this trial, 51 adults with polycythemia
vera received Besremi for an average of about five years. Besremi's effectiven
ess was assessed by looking at how many patients achieved complete hematologic
al response, which meant that patients had a red blood cell volume of less tha
n 45% without a recent phlebotomy, normal white cell counts and platelet count
s, a normal spleen size, and no blood clots. Overall, 61% of patients had a co
mplete hematological response.

Besremi can cause liver enzyme elevations, low levels of white blood cells, lo
w levels of platelets, joint pain, fatigue, itching, upper airway infection, m
uscle pain and flu-like illness. Side effects may also include urinary tract i
nfection, depression and transient ischemic attacks (stroke-like attacks).

Interferon alfa products like Besremi may cause or worsen neuropsychiatric, au
toimmune, ischemic (not enough blood flow to a part of the body) and infectiou
s diseases, which could lead to life-threatening or fatal complications. Patie
nts who must not take Besremi include those who are allergic to the drug, thos
e with a severe psychiatric disorder or a history of a severe psychiatric diso
rder, immunosuppressed transplant recipients, certain patients with autoimmune
 disease or a history of autoimmune disease, and patients with liver disease.

People who could be pregnant should be tested for pregnancy before using Besre
mi due to the risk of fetal harm.

Besremi received orphan drug designation for this indication. Orphan drug desi
gnation provides incentives to assist and encourage drug development for rare

The FDA granted the approval of Besremi to PharmaEssentia Corporation.

心得/評論: 台灣之光
市場之大 後續看好
感謝全額交割股 讓小股民有機會進場

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siarim      : 要飛天了嗎?XDD1F 11/13 07:10
rwhung      : 之前有漲一波了,不知道會不會再漲。但至少不會大跌2F 11/13 07:12
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julian42    : 好久没炒生技了,下禮拜會炒嗎7F 11/13 07:47
ichitakajoe : 週一來看看被嘴爆的藥華藥會不會亮燈8F 11/13 07:51
ichitakajoe : FDA認證一線用藥 NEJM認證 一路上被酸到不行
ichitakajoe : 之前有漲一波?目前還全額交割呢?
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lmc66       : 這個一定先噴三根16F 11/13 08:00
DieNuke     : 這也難怪aop想弄倒藥華藥 一線孤兒藥17F 11/13 08:13
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ah4645      : 不會被TH搞成這樣
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ubei        : 一線用藥是不是代表醫生要開藥就優先選擇嗎?24F 11/13 08:23
DieNuke     : 美國自己賣25F 11/13 08:23
DieNuke     : 還是要看後續行銷
DieNuke     : 這籌碼很鎖啊 全額交割 量又冷
niji5143    : 合一也龜好久了 帶一下吧28F 11/13 08:41
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faultless   : 要鎖漲停了30F 11/13 08:58
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f860506     : 這個真的厲害35F 11/13 09:14
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olivewood   : 噴37F 11/13 09:16
mitntu      : PTG300還在二期還出了大包 母公司市值六百億38F 11/13 09:17
DieNuke     : 觀察重點只剩下病人數 一線可以吃掉二線人數  12月39F 11/13 09:17
DieNuke     : 是肯定可以有營收了
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akira0956   : 這幾天看一直偷漲想進,昨天看他噴了一下43F 11/13 09:20
akira0956   : 忍不住檢了一點...不知道明天會不會被倒貨...
mitntu      : PV二線jakafi 母公司incyte市值最高時 達9000億45F 11/13 09:22
akira0956   : 之前PV藥各種好消息開始實現 股價就開始止跌回去了46F 11/13 09:23
SRadiant    : 在歐盟就是一線用藥了啊...47F 11/13 09:24
SRadiant    : 怎麼在美國就會變10倍了XD
yungo       : 一開就買不到了吧,漲三天後買到開始跌49F 11/13 09:26
sandya      : 歐洲 跟美國人數差很多。而且AxP當初不申請孤兒藥50F 11/13 09:26

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