※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-18 06:22:09
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作者 標題 [新聞] Amazon won't accept Visa's UK credit
時間 Wed Nov 17 21:51:17 2021
原文標題:Amazon won't accept Visa's UK credit cards from January
Amazon won't accept Visa's UK credit cards from January - CNN
Amazon said on Wednesday it would stop accepting Visa credit cards issued in the United Kingdom from next year due to the high fees charged by the pay ...
Amazon said on Wednesday it would stop accepting Visa credit cards issued in the United Kingdom from next year due to the high fees charged by the pay ...
Amazon said on Wednesday it would stop accepting Visa (V) credit cards issued
in the United Kingdom from next year due to the high fees charged by the
payment processor for transactions.
"As a result of Visa's continued high cost of payments, we regret that
Amazon.co.uk will no longer accept UK-issued Visa credit cards as of 19
January, 2022," an Amazon spokesperson said in an emailed statement.
Amazon (AMZN) customers can still use Visa debit cards, Mastercard (MA) and
Amex credit cards, and Eurocard, the company said in a note to its customers.
Merchants have long disputed with payment processors over transaction fees. A
Kroger (KR) unit in 2019 stopped accepting Visa's credit cards, citing
excessive fees.
Visa did not immediately respond to Reuters' request for a comment.
Amazon's plan to stop accepting UK-issued Visa credit cards was earlier
reported by Bloomberg News.
Amazon.uk 明年開始不能使用 UK 的 Visa credit cards 付款
一下 PYPL 跌爆
一下 AMZN 桶 V 一刀
V 這波如果掉到 200 以下
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XbGZNlZ (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1637157079.A.BE3.html
推 : visa抽多少?1F 11/17 21:54
→ : V這種價值股居然有如此掙扎的一年2F 11/17 21:55
→ : 不懂欸 為啥不接受visa?3F 11/17 21:57
推 : 亞馬遜覺得Visa抽的交易成本太貴4F 11/17 21:58
→ : 合作這麼久了,沒得談-..-?
→ : 合作這麼久了,沒得談-..-?
→ : AMZN 嫌 Visa 抽太多拔6F 11/17 21:59
推 : Amazon可能要搞自己的支付工具7F 11/17 22:00
推 : 要自已搞阿媽pay?8F 11/17 22:08
推 : 改用btc啊9F 11/17 22:13
噓 : Amazon不能用PayPal就是爛10F 11/17 22:15
推 : 不是有支援Venmo嗎?11F 11/17 22:20
→ : AMZN不是明年開始支援Venmo12F 11/17 22:21
→ : 要開放虛擬幣了嗎13F 11/17 22:32
推 : ma跟著跌也滿莫名的14F 11/17 22:36
推 : 崩 開撿?15F 11/17 22:36
推 : 99V16F 11/17 22:36
→ : PAYPAL 預設DCC根本詐騙幹嘛用?17F 11/17 22:38
推 : afrm該不會是漲這個吧18F 11/17 22:39
推 : 99v19F 11/17 22:47
推 : 支付類的都大崩盤啦20F 11/17 22:58
推 : 不管什麼pay不是都還是要綁信用卡媽? 除非是BNPL21F 11/17 23:39
噓 : 幹Amazon不要搞我的visa22F 11/17 23:41
推 : 5%招待23F 11/17 23:42
推 : 支付全崩笑死XD24F 11/17 23:55
推 : 用MA?25F 11/17 23:59
→ : 抄底V26F 11/18 00:05
推 : Visa常這樣亂漲手續費,被店家抵制也不是第一次27F 11/18 00:11
推 : Stripe一桶糨糊28F 11/18 00:15
推 : crypto29F 11/18 00:44
推 : 其他地方應該還沒變化吧?30F 11/18 00:50
推 : 99V 99PYPL31F 11/18 01:40
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 72
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