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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-06-14 20:35:21
看板 Stock
作者 m13579 (髮箍)
標題 [新聞] 美國悄悄地開放俄羅斯肥料交易
時間 Tue Jun 14 17:21:47 2022

原文標題:US Quietly Urges Russia Fertilizer Deals to Unlock Grain Trade


發布時間:2022年6月14日 上午12:18 [GMT+8]

記者署名:Elizabeth Elkin, Daniel Flatley, and Jennifer Jacobs


The US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies
to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with
the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, fueling
spiraling global food costs.


The effort is part of complex and difficult negotiations underway involving
the United Nations to boost deliveries of fertilizer, grain and other farm
products from Russia and Ukraine that have been disrupted by President
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of his southern neighbor.


US and European officials have accused the Kremlin of using food as a weapon,
preventing Ukraine from exporting. Russia denies that even as it has attacked
key ports, blaming the shipment disruptions on sanctions imposed by the US
and its allies over the invasion.


The EU and the US have built exemptions into their restrictions on doing
business with Russia to allow trade in fertilizer, of which Moscow is a key
global supplier. But many shippers, banks and insurers have been staying away
from the trade out of fear they could inadvertently fall afoul of the rules.
Russian fertilizer exports are down 24% this year. US officials, surprised by
the extent of the caution, are in the seemingly paradoxical position of
looking for ways to boost them.


The US push underlines the challenge facing Washington and its allies as they
seek to increase pressure on Putin over his invasion but also limit the
collateral damage to a global economy which is heavily dependent on commodity
supplies from Russia ranging from natural gas and oil to fertilizer and
grains. Prices for all of those have spiked further since the war started in
February, a point Putin regularly makes in his public efforts to undermine
support for sanctions.


Washington sent a representative to UN-led talks in Moscow earlier this month
on the supply issues, according to people familiar with the situation who
spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public.
Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s


The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


The Kremlin has called on the US provide assurances to buyers and shippers of
its fertilizer and grain that they aren’t subject to sanctions, suggesting it
’s a condition of any steps to unblock shipments of Ukrainian farm products


“For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear
signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food
security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev,
spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public.
Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s


The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


The Kremlin has called on the US provide assurances to buyers and shippers of
its fertilizer and grain that they aren’t subject to sanctions, suggesting it
’s a condition of any steps to unblock shipments of Ukrainian farm products


“For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear
signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food
security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev,
a sanctions specialist at the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs

克里姆林宮的俄羅斯國際事務委員會其中一位制裁專家Ivan Timofeev指出,「對俄羅斯

While Russia claims that sanctions fears are also holding back its grain
exports, total shipments this season are down only 14%, and wheat exports
doubled in May, according to the country’s Grain Union.


By contrast, more than 25 million tons of grain, sunflower oil and other
commodities are stuck in Ukraine because of security fears in the Black Sea
ports and shipping lanes traditionally used to carry them to global markets.
Officials warn the situation will become more dire with the new harvest


Talks on releasing those shipments have gone slowly, with Putin seeking to
pin the blame on Ukraine for not wanting to remove mines from ports placed to
defend them from possible attacks by Russian forces. Kyiv has said it’s not
convinced by Moscow’s assurances that it won’t strike, noting that Russia
also insisted before the war that it wouldn’t invade.


De-Mining Ukraine’s Ports May Take Months, UN Agency Says


Russia won the support of Turkey in its calls for sanctions relief last week,
but Ankara’s efforts to mediate a solution to restart shipments so far haven
’t yielded results.


Shipping companies remain extremely wary of the Black Sea given sanctions and
security fears, and industry officials say a more concerted international
push will be needed to reassure them. Efforts to ship Ukrainian produce by
rail to Europe have yield limited results amid differing track gauges and
other logistical issues.


“We’re working together with our partners to get about half of what Ukraine
exports out each month,” but that will take some time, James O’Brien, head
of the Office of Sanctions Coordination at the State Department, told an
online briefing June 9. “So we’re looking at a substantial shortfall.”

美國政府的制裁協調辦公室主任James O’Brien在6月9日指出「我們正與合作夥伴努力協



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qk31330     : 笑死1F 06/14 17:22
qwe78971    : 麻煩歐洲及其盟友繼續禁止 謝謝2F 06/14 17:23
ltflame     : 為了打擊通膨不擇手段3F 06/14 17:23
chunboy0812 : 可憐啊 失智登 美國開始下跪了4F 06/14 17:23
Shigeru777  : 美能你不能  笑死5F 06/14 17:23
jasontzymann: 可撥6F 06/14 17:24
CoryLuebke  : 呵呵7F 06/14 17:24
EstelleRinz : 笑死 垃圾老頭... 想請航運運貨還放三小話  可憐智8F 06/14 17:24
brian3639   : 快認錯啦9F 06/14 17:24
adsl12367   : 拜登帶領美國走向失智路線10F 06/14 17:24
uv5566      : 美國買了有民主價值 只好加價賣給歐洲11F 06/14 17:24
EstelleRinz : 障老頭  早點跟普丁和航商下跪才是正途12F 06/14 17:24
solid1109   : 拜登,老番顛13F 06/14 17:24
Brioni      : https://i.imgur.com/MlAOikF.gif14F 06/14 17:24
huaiken     : 制裁俄羅斯 但可以跟他買肥料喔15F 06/14 17:25
chanel1259  : 美國是烏克蘭堅定的盟友16F 06/14 17:26
chanel1259  : https://i.imgur.com/XVSsS3o.jpg
Abre        : 俄烏戰爭應該差不多要結束了18F 06/14 17:26
Abre        : 烏克蘭被賣應該就時間問題
ohrring     : 真香20F 06/14 17:27
hubert2222  : 笑到肚子痛21F 06/14 17:27
pipi2       : 歐盟:......叫我抵制原油跟天然氣...結果自己...22F 06/14 17:28
cblade      : 老美不意外,還真以為歐美正義聯盟,利益聯盟才是23F 06/14 17:28
cblade      : 真理
Makubex82   : 拜登什麼時候跟中國跪 也不用太意外了25F 06/14 17:29
aocpop      : 嘴念經手摸奶的一登大師26F 06/14 17:29
realmd      : 笑死,挺烏+制裁想拖死俄,結果自已先趴在地上27F 06/14 17:30
elmer       : 最大贏家 則倫斯基^ ^ 其他人都是輸家28F 06/14 17:30
aisitelu    : 解決通膨vs幫烏克蘭 沒多久就能看到資本家的嘴臉29F 06/14 17:32
hsiang0619  : 這就是資恐嗎30F 06/14 17:33
depo        : 美國爸爸發大財31F 06/14 17:33
victorrotciv: 左膠誤國32F 06/14 17:33
loopdiuretic: 美國佬空有大 但是很軟33F 06/14 17:33
qqazwss12345: 身體無法自拔34F 06/14 17:34
gibbs1286   : 一手買,一手幫烏克蘭是可以的啊。一直往前線運軍35F 06/14 17:34
gibbs1286   : 火就好了,只是他們要不要而已
learnbao    : 失智老人快點下台啦37F 06/14 17:34
ricky525    : 蔣介內戰開頭打的不錯 不就是被美國干預之後一路gg38F 06/14 17:41
cheetahspeed: 歐豬不准買 只准賣我39F 06/14 17:41
lc85301     : 笑死40F 06/14 17:41
aisitelu    : 跟民主沒關係啦 美國一直都是利益至上 不做虧本生意41F 06/14 17:41
vvnews      : 看來阿爸要跪舔俄羅斯惹42F 06/14 17:42
billy56     : 就說明了 國際只有利益 沒有道義 台灣是因為晶圓供43F 06/14 17:42
billy56     : 應鏈 所以才有話語權 現在一堆國家不就要GG去設廠了
billy56     : 就是避免台灣出事後 晶圓會斷鏈 還以為是利多嗎
Abre        : 之前美國商務部長的講話就很明顯啦46F 06/14 17:45
Abre        : 沒有說出來的意思是只有你台灣能製造高級晶圓
Abre        : 我們不想為了你跟中國鬧翻
billy56     : 所以等各國都人手一間GG廠之後 就會放生台灣了49F 06/14 17:47
joseph873   : 垃圾拜登50F 06/14 17:47
lai3637     : 西方世界蠻猛的啦 打從一開始普丁就沒有選擇了51F 06/14 17:49
Zoomyoyo    : 到底打完了沒啦 這鬧劇有完沒完52F 06/14 17:50
lai3637     : 北約一直擴進來 結果普丁一打 芬蘭 瑞典都想進北約53F 06/14 17:51
lai3637     : 你跟我說西方脆弱?? 還真弱 都弱到俄羅斯家門口了
Tossdog     : 年底要選舉>>制裁56F 06/14 17:52
fakelie     : 笑死,司機要哭暈在廁所了57F 06/14 17:53
q13461346   : 還在睜眼說瞎話 就慢慢偷偷摸摸買油吧 可悲58F 06/14 17:53
q13461346   : 糧食 能源 肥料都沒有 是要玩個卵蛋
fakelie     : 解決通膨vs幫烏克蘭 笑死XDDDDDD60F 06/14 17:55
※ 編輯: m13579 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2022 17:56:39
tuwgale     : 可悲拜登,自己派航母運啦!61F 06/14 17:57
ilw4e       : 美國:我先買了,歐洲請努力抵制62F 06/14 17:57
brain9453   : 笑死 真的看破手腳63F 06/14 17:59
abbasmart   : 你ok我先買64F 06/14 18:01
gamixxxx    : 美國在幫烏抽光俄羅斯的肥料啦,這樣明年俄就有糧食65F 06/14 18:03
gamixxxx    : 危機,你看美這麼挺烏
Marginal    : 斯基:e04…..67F 06/14 18:04
MUSHERS     : 廢物左膠失智老人68F 06/14 18:04
huk40199    : 加油啦美國到時候被超車69F 06/14 18:04
p8331407    : 便宜真的太香了70F 06/14 18:05
fakelie     : 衛道人士要生氣了 很氣很氣很氣71F 06/14 18:06
RuleAllWorld: 殺敵五佰,自損三千72F 06/14 18:06
allenJr     : 美國選了一個智障當總統…73F 06/14 18:06
stlotwa     : 不會派航母去烏克蘭搬74F 06/14 18:07
STAEGG      : 還我川普75F 06/14 18:07
hellk       : 俄羅斯:會怕就好76F 06/14 18:10
matlab1106  : 烏共要被割領土換資源了77F 06/14 18:10
ll6a        : 一堆沒OO價值的,是俄羅斯需要美國,懂嗎78F 06/14 18:13
Abre        : 烏克蘭要被割掉的部分是天然資源最多的地方...79F 06/14 18:13
XXXXXXXCC   : 美國:我先買了,請其他人好好抵制80F 06/14 18:16
QQdragon    : 敗燈81F 06/14 18:21
Skydier     : 應該只有傻了才會把歐美視為正義吧82F 06/14 18:21
comesome    : 沒打完前都是崩崩結局83F 06/14 18:23
crazydj     : 中俄能吃土 你美國人吃的了苦??84F 06/14 18:26
greattower  : 美能你不能85F 06/14 18:27
k1222       : 突然香起來了86F 06/14 18:27
starport    : 真香警告87F 06/14 18:27
weekend88123: 真香88F 06/14 18:32
ledmstony   : 笑死 有夠低能89F 06/14 18:32
BoyceChu    : 跟台灣好像,嘴罵腿跪90F 06/14 18:32
kamichu     : 美國最好一開始不知道肥料問題 根本就是在炒糧食跟92F 06/14 18:36
kamichu     : 能源
kamichu     : 從頭到尾都是美國在賺戰爭財
a0921387223 : 香95F 06/14 18:40
iuirigi     : 還我們三普啦96F 06/14 18:43
jen1121     : 看來戰爭差不多結束了97F 06/14 18:44
Shigeru777  : 軍工複合體餓很久了98F 06/14 18:45
ForeverZARD : 制裁傷不了普丁 芬蘭報告:俄靠油氣出口大賺980億99F 06/14 18:48
ForeverZARD : 。看到這篇。會不會拜登跟普丁說好 一直在烏克蘭打
ForeverZARD : 戰 就是想製造通膨危機
pucca068    : 美國就垃圾國家~102F 06/14 18:56
pucca068    : 整天吹民主~苗頭不對就先犧牲別人~
teddy72     : 學民進黨?104F 06/14 18:58
miles412    : 美國精神分裂膩105F 06/14 18:58
Argos       : 美國的陽謀106F 06/14 19:01
oyaji5566   : 制裁買家但不包括自己107F 06/14 19:05
leon1757tw  : 歐美通膨爆了不陪司機玩了 烏克蘭一定被押上談判桌108F 06/14 19:06
bruce2248   : 世界第一大國淪落到要跪舔求生109F 06/14 19:16
k258610     : 知情人士??110F 06/14 19:16
howhow801122: 笑死 失智登111F 06/14 19:17
k258610     : 幹嘛壓烏上談判桌啊,我買你們雙方的糧食/油/肥料112F 06/14 19:18
k258610     : ,你們可以慢慢打啊,反正烏東都打這麼久了,繼續
k258610     : 內戰有差逆
k258610     : 你願意耗,大國總是會退的,看看阿富汗
gm3252      : 笑死116F 06/14 19:22
olp123      : 阿不是有民主自由共同價值觀,哈哈,原來只是口號117F 06/14 19:22
Leo4891     : 左膠就是這樣  跪獨裁者跪得比誰都快118F 06/14 19:31
Leo4891     : 民主黨不行  換共和黨來好嗎
NEX4036     : Don't 撿120F 06/14 19:34
xxxg00w0    : 啊哈哈哈哈 有生以來沒看過美國窩囊成這樣121F 06/14 19:40
wulaw5566   : 美國跪真快122F 06/14 19:56
dai3345678  : 真香啊!!123F 06/14 20:14
s155260     : 智障拜登124F 06/14 20:18
waiting0912 : 真是不要臉125F 06/14 20:19
jing0607    : 普普不會輸,打20年都一樣126F 06/14 20:19
x8051rva    : 失智登是龜仔子嗎?怎麼回事啊??127F 06/14 20:21

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