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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-09-04 12:16:09
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作者 zzahoward (Cheshire Cat)
標題 [新聞] 歐元區通膨達到9.1%新高峰
時間 Sat Sep  3 18:57:16 2022


Euro zone inflation hits another record of 9.1% as food and energy prices soar




WED, AUG 31 20225:07 AM EDT


Hannah Ward-Glenton


Euro zone inflation hit a new record high in August of 9.1%, according to
flash figures from Europe’s statistics office Eurostat, with high energy
prices the main driving force.


The rate was above expectations, with a Reuters poll of economists
anticipating a rate of 9%. It is the ninth consecutive record for consumer
price rises in the region, with the climb starting back in November 2021.
Headline inflation in the euro zone hit 8.9% (year-on-year) in July.


Energy had the highest annual inflation rate at 38.3%, Eurostat said
Wednesday, down slightly from 39.6% in July. Food, alcohol and tobacco were
up 10.6% compared to 9.8% in July, with the knock-on effects of recent
heatwaves across the continent contributing to increases.


Non-energy industrial goods, such as clothing, household appliances and cars
were up 5% compared to last year, a 0.5 percentage point increase on last
month, while services were up by 3.8% in price year-on-year, 0.1 percentage
points more than in July.


French and Spanish inflation slows


Drilling down into national figures, the French inflation rate decreased to
6.5% in August, down from 6.8% in July. The rate was lower than expectations,
with economists polled by Reuters having anticipated a drop to 6.7%.


Spain also released slowing inflation figures for August, at 10.3%
year-on-year compared to 10.7% for July, according to the Eurostat flash


Meanwhile, the region’s largest economy, Germany, saw inflation reach its
highest level in almost half a century at 8.8% year-on-year in August.


Estonia currently has the highest inflation rate in the euro zone at 25.2%,
followed by Lithuania (21.1%) and Latvia (20.8%). Malta and Finland follow
France with the lowest inflation rates, at 7.1% and 7.6% respectively.



The ECB ‘has some catching up to do’


Inflation continues to hit new records just as the European Central Bank
mulls another large interest rate hike for next month.


The ECB increased interest rates by 50 basis points to zero on July 21 – its
first rate hike in 11 years – and a similar, or larger, hike is now expected
on Sept. 8.

歐盟央行在7/21升息0.5%讓基準利率來到0 - 這是11年來首次

“Some members are inclined to advocate a 75 basis points interest rate
increase,” Peter Schaffrik, global macro strategist at RBC Capital Markets,
told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe” on Wednesday.

Peter Schaffrik,RBC資本全球總經策略師告訴CNBC "有些成員傾向升息0.75%"

“Despite the slowdown in the economy that we will almost certainly be
getting, the central banks won’t let up on their hiking path,” he said.


The outlook for Europe’s economy is “pretty bleak,” Kenneth Wattret, head
of economics at S&P Global Market Intelligence, told CNBC’s “Street Signs
Europe” on Aug. 23.

S&P 全球市場分析師Kenneth Wattret表示:




1. 升息將會大大衝擊發展中的東歐經濟體

2. 目前通膨最嚴重的就是波海三小國和東歐如捷克等等

3. 不知道各位有沒有注意到,西歐運用一些手段進行保護主義





4. 挪威因為乾旱,大量水力發電減產所以也減少出口,目前出口的電力也越來越少


5. 除了歐元區外,英國已經直接對冬天為了供暖做出停電演練


6. 在2026卡達和美國新天然氣礦場開採前,歐洲都不會看到正常的天然氣價格

7. 目前中國因為各種封城和停產,天然氣需求還沒開到疫情前的水準


8. 目前TTF 天然氣現貨價格為340歐/MWh,是疫情前價格的16倍

   2026年Q1 TTF遠期價格甚至還在85歐/MWh,依然是過去常態的4倍左右



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