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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-07-25 14:43:07
看板 Stock
作者 kougousei (kougousei)
標題 [新聞] 馬斯克否認每月要捐給川普4500萬的報導
時間 Wed Jul 24 15:58:03 2024


Elon Musk denies reported $45 million a month pledge to Trump,
says he doesn't "subscribe to cult of personality"



Elon Musk denies reported $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn't 'subscribe to cult of personality’ | Fortune
Though the billionaire said he has created a new super political action committee (PAC) to fund the Republican candidate. ...


發布時間:2024/07/24 05:35 (GMT+8)

記者署名:Eva Roytburg




今天馬斯克今天在一場保守派名嘴主持的專訪上 否認這個報導

不過 馬斯克說他的確成立了一個超級政治行動委員會(super PAC)來挺川

Palantir的共同創辦人Joe Lonsdale會共同領導這個super PAC

但是 馬斯克又話鋒一轉說這個政治行動委員會沒有要挺MAGA

而是只有MAG (make America greater)


這個super PAC主要的議題是言論自由和減少政府管制

Elon Musk is not spending $45 million a month to elect former President
Donald Trump, though he has created a new super political action committee
(PAC) to fund the Republican candidate, the billionaire told conservative
commentator Jordan Peterson during an interview Monday evening.

During the interview, which was hosted on Musk's platform, X, Peterson asked
Musk if he had "shocked" himself by donating a substantial amount of money to
Trump's campaign. Musk – who has previously criticized Trump, calling him a
"bull in a china shop" – paused to correct the "media.”

"What's been reported in the media is simply not true," Musk said. "I am not
donating $45 million a month to Trump.”

The Wall Street Journal first reported on the claim, citing sources "familiar
with the matter." The outlet has not yet issued a retraction or follow-up
article altering its reporting.

Musk did note that he created a super PAC, called the America PAC, to help
support Trump. A super PAC is a group that can raise unlimited amounts of
money for a campaign's independent expenditures—such as for ads, or for
day-to-day operations— but doesn't donate directly to the campaign. They
have become prominent among both Democrats and Republicans since a 2010 D.C.
appeals court decision that authorized the existence of the super PACS. For a
normal PAC, donors are limited to gifts of only $5,000 a year.

Several tech company leaders have donated to America PAC, including Ken
Howery, an early executive at Paypal along with Musk, Antonio Gracias, a
private-equity leader, Sequoia Capital's Shuan Maguire, and the Winklevoss

The super PAC is also led in part by Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the
software company Palantir and politically ambitious venture capitalist in
Austin who is close to Musk, according to the New York Times.

The Austin-based America PAC "is not supposed to be a sort of
hyperpartisan" organization, Musk said. He said that he isn't part of MAGA—or
Make America Great Again, Trump's campaign slogan—but rather, his principles
are aligned with "MAG”: Make America Greater.

"I don't prescribe to [a] cult of personality," Musk said. But, he added that
Trump demonstrated "great courage"after being shot by an attempted assassin
on July 13, and that strength helps intimidate America's enemies.

Additionally, Musk spoke about the "core values"that make America great,
which he thinks the Republican party embodies more so than the Democrats.

"One of those values being meritocracy, as much meritocracy as possible, so
you get ahead as a function of your skill, and nothing else,"Musk said.

He also added that one of the principles the PAC aligned with was
"freedom," particularly freedom from "as much government intervention as
possible. "The hand of government gets heavier every year, and if we don't
roll back some restrictions and regulations, eventually," everything will be
illegal," Musk said.

When Peterson pressed Musk for why he was switching to Trump, after long
voting Democratic, Musk said that Democrats had become the party of

He also criticized a lawsuit that the Justice Department—under President Joe
Biden's administration— launched against his company SpaceX, last year,
alleging that Musk discouraged refugees and asylum seekers from applying to
work at the aerospace company. A court order later blocked the U.S. from
pursuing the lawsuit.

Editor's note: The headline of this article has been updated for clarity, to
reflect Elon Musk never personally confirmed the reported donation.

This story was originally featured on Fortune.com




馬斯克還是有成立一個super PAC(想成基金會就差不多了)來挺共和黨啦



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※ 作者: kougousei 2024-07-24 15:58:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ceBGE0i (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1721807886.A.02C.html
Xenia1050   : 想說放周四1F 07/24 15:58
house911    : 蛤 ???2F 07/24 15:58
joygo       : 民調難說先不要3F 07/24 15:59
※ 編輯: kougousei ( 臺灣), 07/24/2024 16:00:42
aimlikenoob : 捐給共和黨而已啦4F 07/24 15:59
ILike58     : 啥了才每個月噴快一億五給川普那瘋子......5F 07/24 15:59
allen0080   : ???之前舔到起火,照三餐拍馬屁耶6F 07/24 15:59
pwseki206   : 美國風向王又要變掛了嗎7F 07/24 16:00
Sweet83921  : 轉彎??8F 07/24 16:03
v58264579   : 他跟川普都是話題王然後也都超反覆9F 07/24 16:03
b9513227    : 尚書大人想換車?10F 07/24 16:03
他這篇還是力挺共和黨啦 沒到換車
※ 編輯: kougousei ( 臺灣), 07/24/2024 16:04:16
Kewseq      : 改舔賀錦麗11F 07/24 16:09
q8977452    : 個人不能捐到那麼多呀...12F 07/24 16:10
Noobungas   : 跌不夠還想再跌?13F 07/24 16:11
tmdl        : 哈哈14F 07/24 16:12
ltflame     : 那個川普已經沒用了,不支持電動車15F 07/24 16:16
knives      : 風向又變了16F 07/24 16:18
payneblue   : 基本上就是個風向仔 現在風向有點亂17F 07/24 16:20
jumpballfan : 看到川普電動車政策 直接轉彎18F 07/24 16:21
julian42    : 看到賀民調高又變了19F 07/24 16:22
yangrl      : 又要轉彎了喔20F 07/24 16:23
Refauth     : 變成黑道老大的狗了?XD21F 07/24 16:23
iAsshole    : https://i.imgur.com/W142Idp.jpeg22F 07/24 16:24
gigikaka    : 髮夾彎23F 07/24 16:26
iAsshole    : Trump could've said, "drop to your knees and ple24F 07/24 16:27
iAsshole    : asure me orally,"and Musk would've done it...
yu7038      : 哈哈哈26F 07/24 16:30
cycy771489  : 可能是要被查稅27F 07/24 16:30
max5209     : 笑死XD28F 07/24 16:31
sandwich1028: 丟臉29F 07/24 16:33
ysb727      : ???不排30F 07/24 16:33
sandwich1028: 川習現在可是麻吉麻吉31F 07/24 16:34
blueian     : 晚上跌停32F 07/24 16:37
DrGun       : 快捐R!!!我川上台後一定要說到做到 砸爛電動車產33F 07/24 16:38
DrGun       : 業!公司老闆花大錢請人打爆公司業績 絕對4前無古人
DrGun       :  後無來者 鐵定寫入教科書 馬seafood der歷史定位9
DrGun       : 穩惹!!!
FncRookie001: 馬投顧真的很好笑 反反政治正確還真以為共和黨會挺37F 07/24 16:41
FncRookie001: 電動車
s56565566123: 回去1字頭吧39F 07/24 16:41
e123456ddd  : 他其實支持取消補貼,而且支持減少政府管制同時合法40F 07/24 16:42
e123456ddd  : 拿政府的錢哪裡有衝突?他是商人不是聖人欸
Skydier     : 電車準備被川普排泄 乖乖去跟支那擁抱吧嘻嘻42F 07/24 16:43
picaroon    : 造反了43F 07/24 16:45
berserkman  : 尚書大人真機靈44F 07/24 16:45
tenghui     : 每次都差點叫成馬克思 雖然差異也不大45F 07/24 16:47
kitune      : 好好笑46F 07/24 16:50
intointo    : 至少捐45w吧  做人留一線47F 07/24 16:50
kitune      : 一龍馬又翻車了嘛48F 07/24 16:50
ysb727      : 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈49F 07/24 16:50
abc7360393  : 4500萬是15億不是1億5 二樓少算一個050F 07/24 16:50
abc7360393  : 五樓啦幹
LimYoHwan   : 7/4的新聞 一堆2486是在彈跳甚麼52F 07/24 16:51
改好了 打錯字而已啦不要緊張
kougousei   : 因為是24日的新聞啊只是我打錯字53F 07/24 16:53
※ 編輯: kougousei ( 臺灣), 07/24/2024 16:53:45
nidhogg     : 轉舵蠻快的喔54F 07/24 17:00
YLTYY       : 笑死55F 07/24 17:01
WTF55665566 : 髮夾彎大師XD56F 07/24 17:03
qoo60606    : 左右橫跳57F 07/24 17:07
kenro       : 縮回去了,川普說要終結電動車,馬當然越想越不對勁58F 07/24 17:09
pobby920    : 他否認但一樣支持啊,他不可能支持民主黨了啦,因59F 07/24 17:11
pobby920    : 為他兒子變性的關係。除非民主黨放棄激進的性別政
pobby920    : 策
nisi0773    : 會不會是在玩老招? 我沒捐啊 我旗下公司捐的^_^ 這62F 07/24 17:12
nisi0773    : 樣就可以二邊押寶 純猜測 反正他錢多到可以二邊押
pobby920    : 不可能,他不可能支持民主黨。64F 07/24 17:13
x2206223    : 有個2486被騙到 幫哭哭65F 07/24 17:14
kenro       : 沒支持民主黨又沒差,只是花錢等著被川普宰還蠻好笑66F 07/24 17:17
LimYoHwan   : 7/16就講了 7/24才在報67F 07/24 17:21
s147520     : 完了68F 07/24 17:22
TMDkid      : 切割切太快了 馬投顧69F 07/24 17:24
giantwinter : 不支持電動汽車70F 07/24 17:28
maxisam     : super pac 最後一樣挺川普 廢話一堆71F 07/24 17:30
Kimmy       : 不知有沒人被騙到去歐印特?72F 07/24 17:30
maxisam     : 當初舔民主黨 自由派 因為有電動車補助 現在大家都73F 07/24 17:31
maxisam     : 買車了 補助也都榨乾到上限 開始舔共和黨 非常聰明
maxisam     : 廢話 取消補貼對他有好處 他的早就拿完 用完了 他
maxisam     : 又不是傻蛋
leon1757tw  : 又跳車了77F 07/24 17:33
tw22861542  : 特垃圾 大餅馬78F 07/24 17:33
Kouson      : 所以是4600萬給某普「團隊」嗎79F 07/24 17:35
rbull       : 馬斯克生一堆 一個蠢孩變性還好啦80F 07/24 17:39
iamsosorry  : 川普當選他公司就要倒了只能改舔民主黨81F 07/24 17:40
oceanman    : 馬尚書82F 07/24 17:46
scum5566    : 因為川普不挺電池車就翻臉了嗎?83F 07/24 17:49
pili0830    : 等民調差距拉開就又會改口了84F 07/24 17:57
johnney     : 4500? 5000? 5500?85F 07/24 18:03
ter2788     : 會不會數字是錯的而已?實際更多86F 07/24 18:07
sssallen    : 不會買T87F 07/24 18:13
et69523820  : 尚書大人真機靈88F 07/24 18:16
ryanworld   : 看來是怕川普搞電車的樣子89F 07/24 18:22
gladopo     : 等確定當選的再舔嗎? 這就對了,下次不要太早舔90F 07/24 18:23
sunsolars   : 當初自己白目弄川普的91F 07/24 18:57
turndown4wat: 起風了92F 07/24 19:01
georgehsu119: 翻臉了93F 07/24 19:01
doranako    : 捐的不夠多,電動車被川搞94F 07/24 19:02
basterds    : 不支持個人崇拜,這是在打你粉絲的臉嗎95F 07/24 19:32
justin818281: 馬斯克的特斯拉準備跌進谷底96F 07/24 20:12
shawncarter : 真想看共和黨選輸的時候這咖跳船的嘴臉97F 07/24 20:22
OxFFFFFFFF  : 真想看共和黨選贏的時候酸民氣蹼蹼的樣子98F 07/24 20:30
OxFFFFFFFF  : 一群被傳統媒體操弄的猴子
moom50302   : 看新聞做股票……華爾街拼命抹黑馬斯克很久了100F 07/24 20:51
Refauth     : 兩頭草.....101F 07/24 21:13
jimhall     : 應該是更多 或是對方不收了 現在要漲價了102F 07/25 03:18

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