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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-12-17 23:45:45
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作者 capssan (Miracle)
標題 [新聞] Tesla is having major issue with its s
時間 Tue Dec 17 16:27:58 2024

Tesla is having major issue with its self-driving computer inside new cars

Tesla is having major issue with its self-driving computer inside new cars | Electrek
Brand-new Tesla vehicles are experiencing self-driving computer failures, which are resulting in significant problems. Inside sources say that the pro ...


發布時間: Dec 16 2024 - 10:08 am PT

記者署名:Fred Lambert

Brand-new Tesla vehicles are experiencing self-driving computer failures,
which are resulting in significant problems. Inside sources say that the
problem is contributing to overwhelming Tesla’s service.

Over the last few weeks, Electrek has received several reports from new Tesla
buyers claiming computer failures on brand-new cars.

We have been investigating the problem, and based on insider sources and
documents that we obtained, we can now explain the issue in more detail.

The problem is linked to a new version of Tesla’s HW4 (sometimes called AI4)
onboard self-driving computer. Internally, some refer to the new version as
AI4.1. The computers are short-circuiting. The cause is still being
investigated, but one source told Electrek that one of the possible causes is
the low-voltage battery short-circuiting the computer during the camera
calibration process.

Tesla drivers are reporting computer failures after driving off with their
brand-new cars over just the first few tens to hundreds of miles.
Wide-ranging features powered by the computer, like active safety features,
cameras, and even GPS, navigation, and range estimations, fail to work.

Insider sources told Electrek that the problem is quite wide-ranging. It
affects vehicles built over the last few months with the new computer.

Two sources said that Tesla is currently receiving a high number of
complaints about this issue, and it has yet to release a service bulletin
about it. One source said that Tesla service is being told to play down any
safety concerns related to this problem to avoid people believing their
brand-new cars are not drivable.

The issue arose at the end of the year when Tesla is trying to deliver a
record number of vehicles to avoid its whole year down in deliveries – a
first in a decade.

It’s unclear if Tesla reported the issue to NHTSA despite the fact that the
broken rear-view camera goes against federal safety regulations, which should
force a recall.

At the moment, the main remedy being discussed is a computer replacement, but
Tesla is also looking to push a software patch to help temporarily.

Tesla service is currently being overwhelmed by the issue, and Tesla is
pushing service appointments to next year.

I am not hating here. This is a significant issue that customers should be
aware of. It is significant enough that several inside sources decided to
reach out about it, and many customers are complaining about the issue.

It is worrying that Tesla has not issued a service bulletin about it, and
Tesla service is told to downplay the problem at the end of the quarter.

I would expect NHTSA to issue a recall here, and Tesla could be in trouble
for downplaying an issue that has been going on for weeks, but I don’t think
that’s going to happen considering what the Trump transition team, in which
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is greatly involved, is signaling to the federal agency.

We are in for an interesting few years regarding auto safety in the US.




在過去的幾周里,Electrek 收到了幾份來自特斯拉新買家的報告,聲稱全新汽車的計算


該問題與特斯拉 HW4(有時稱為 AI4)車載自動駕駛電腦的新版本有關。在內部,有些人
將新版本稱為 AI4.1。計算機短路。原因仍在調查中,但一位消息人士告訴 Electrek,

出現了故障。由計算機提供支援的廣泛功能,如主動安全功能、攝像頭,甚至 GPS、導航

內部消息人士告訴 Electrek,這個問題範圍相當廣泛。它會影響過去幾個月使用新電腦



目前尚不清楚特斯拉是否向 NHTSA 報告了這個問題,儘管損壞的後視攝像頭違反了聯邦





我預計 NHTSA 會在這裡發佈召回通知,而特斯拉可能會因淡化已經持續數周的問題而陷
入困境,但考慮到特斯拉首席執行官埃隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 積极參與的特朗普過渡







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※ 作者: capssan 2024-12-17 16:27:58
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1734424081.A.BFF.html
Plumpy      : 繼續上噴 現在是政治買盤>基本面1F 12/17 16:29
Crushredkiss: 安啦 不是都要取消自駕車事故通報了2F 12/17 16:30
chungj      : 空頭急了3F 12/17 16:32
x9002131    : 股價如果敢回調就加倉啊,easy4F 12/17 16:33
Liandh      : 一看就知道是想上車5F 12/17 16:35
Feting      : 如果這個資金真的出來會去哪裡?是不是回去躺平的NV?6F 12/17 16:35
s56565566123: 利空吃貨7F 12/17 16:36
jympin      : 鬼故事來了8F 12/17 16:36
by19        : 壓低吃籌碼?9F 12/17 16:36
jwiww       : 終於可以買了10F 12/17 16:37
asjh612     : no one cars. tsla就是噴11F 12/17 16:37
dahlia7357  : 越爛越噴12F 12/17 16:37
fourkg      : 空空急了13F 12/17 16:38
gladopo     : 川馬鬧翻才會崩,現在是政治盤14F 12/17 16:38
WisestCat   : 毫無反應15F 12/17 16:39
cosmite     : 政治買盤>基本面+116F 12/17 16:40
coldman519  : 笑死 Fred本身就是大反指 前陣子和馬斯克反目 九月17F 12/17 16:40
coldman519  : 出清特斯拉持股
oyaji5566   : 不用提車輛數據報告 無敵了吧19F 12/17 16:41
BruceChen227: 創新高就繼續捏 好爽20F 12/17 16:42
paulabxz123 : 根本沒差 從川普上噴成那樣就知道早就不是看基本面21F 12/17 16:43
paulabxz123 : 了
appledick   : 又沒有要監管了 who cares23F 12/17 16:44
GinginDenSha: 超級送分題 今晚把握了24F 12/17 16:45
gn7722      : 崩25F 12/17 16:46
mopa        : http://i.imgur.com/JqMvk5q.jpg26F 12/17 16:46
b455104     : 特斯拉等於美國政府車子有問題又怎樣27F 12/17 16:47
whyblu      : FSDx機器人x川普28F 12/17 16:47
runacat     : 又要吸籌碼啦29F 12/17 16:48
tslabull    : 不就是賣飛TSLA的 Fred嗎?他有內部消息了喔XD30F 12/17 16:55
turnpoint   : 想請教一個困擾很久的問題,為什麼自動駕駛功能會31F 12/17 16:56
turnpoint   : 是趨勢?為什麼車廠要研究自動駕駛?
darkangel119: Ha, who care. Price upup33F 12/17 16:56
ru04hj4     : 有差嗎 川普大大會處理34F 12/17 16:57
Chilloutt   : 繼續噴37F 12/17 16:59
jianpi      : 這咖崩潰了38F 12/17 17:03
ChikanDesu  : 來了來了 鬼故事做空39F 12/17 17:07
wxes50113   : 靠邀  打開之後  阿鬼你還是中文吧40F 12/17 17:08
tslabull    : 惡心的恐怖情人41F 12/17 17:11
geniusw     : 我等謝今河吹 就能賣了42F 12/17 17:13
blueet9380  : 來了來了 鬼故事43F 12/17 17:13
k798976869  : 收貨鬼故事 等川一上就要大利多噴飛惹44F 12/17 17:15
guexx3      : 盤前還漲2% 上不了車怎咪辦45F 12/17 17:16
idernest    : 急了46F 12/17 17:16
Tryy149     : 盤前繼續噴47F 12/17 17:23
Xoshi       : 只剩比特幣能買了!!48F 12/17 17:28
seekPeter   : 賣出訊號 唯一推薦老謝開金口49F 12/17 17:29
Haerin520   : 盤前持續創歷史新高50F 12/17 17:33
lc85301     : 爛車中國屌打51F 12/17 17:37
Xreay       : 別怕 ALL IN 特斯拉 To Mars52F 12/17 17:46
LimYoHwan   : Ptt大師都買油電 AAAAAAAA53F 12/17 17:46
Feting      : 自動駕駛只是幫未來的火星移民練功而已,他要的是自54F 12/17 18:07
Feting      : 動駕駛的宇宙長程移民飛船
opengaydoor : 空頭急了 狂放假新聞56F 12/17 18:12
Heedictator : 丸子57F 12/17 18:13
TomChu      : 賣飛的Fred58F 12/17 18:16
permanent27 : 你是不是想上車59F 12/17 18:56
bj45566     : 股價還是繼續創歷史新高60F 12/17 19:29
Karida      : 賣在起漲點沒賺到,氣瘋了,瘋狂詆毀特斯拉。61F 12/17 19:52
ce0336ce    : teslabull神回覆都沒人住意到嗎?62F 12/17 19:55
worksucks   : 趕快下來讓我上車63F 12/17 19:56
DUFTON      : 玩完了,空軍要死透了64F 12/17 20:02
ericyou0122 : 特現在盤前漲兩趴65F 12/17 20:26
d012375913  : 繼續噴 遲早一千66F 12/17 20:27
loveponpon  : https://i.imgur.com/PAAJDxM.jpeg 馬斯克我乾爹67F 12/17 20:35
jen1121     : 這車開太快,沒上車急了68F 12/17 20:36
Sean0428    : Fake news69F 12/17 20:48
KY1998      : 還以為是啥,不是大機構發的新聞根本不用看70F 12/17 21:42
Zoomyoyo    : 現在馬斯克大權在握 再可怕的惡鬼也是被打爛的份71F 12/17 21:59
yunf        : 早就知道了一切都是假的72F 12/17 22:02
yunf        : 他死巴著川普就知道一定有事情沒辦法解決
yunf        : 你或許能解決有問題的人但是你還是沒辦法解決真正的
yunf        : 問題
yunf        : 到時候就是民粹反噬
stocktonty  : 不管什麼消息 反正漲就對了77F 12/17 22:05
yunf        : 了不起兩年後給他噴到70078F 12/17 22:09
yunf        : 再兩年他準備接副總統

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