※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-15 16:13:51
看板 StupidClown
作者 標題 [無言] You tiger me
時間 Tue Feb 5 15:33:38 2013
板工提醒:內容少於二十字 或 少於三行,會立刻砍文,並視情況劣退!
<( ̄ㄧ ̄ )
剛剛因為心情有點煩燥,上了臉書喊了聲:You go to hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
有個朋友回我 蝦米碗榚
這位朋友又回 You tiger me
翻出來確實是 你老虎我
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :It's mother's gone1F 02/05 15:36
這句我就不知道了.. 這有什麼特別意思嗎QAQ?
推 :three small2F 02/05 15:38
推 :Go your mother3F 02/05 15:42
你們這樣讓我有點怕怕的 (?
推 :mix egg4F 02/05 15:42
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 15:45)
推 :nen5F 02/05 15:48
推 :cold chilly card is good6F 02/05 15:49
→ :me so see lu~7F 02/05 16:00
→ :what do you sar three small?8F 02/05 16:01
→ : y
→ : y
→ :sldwbb你是講味噌湯嗎(?10F 02/05 16:03
推 :How do you turn this on11F 02/05 16:06
推 :ice snow smart12F 02/05 16:18
推 :CP64 plz speak EN~13F 02/05 16:26
推 :here people english very good:)14F 02/05 16:48
推 :look three small TMDFK15F 02/05 16:50
推 :sky blue bear good !16F 02/05 16:51
→ :next people is gold town five
→ :next people is gold town five
推 :gold town five is here, thank you18F 02/05 17:00
→ :please bird me!19F 02/05 17:01
推 :MD20F 02/05 17:05
推 :new bamboo rice dust21F 02/05 17:08
推 :樓上一堆人的英文老ㄙ在cyr cyr22F 02/05 17:10
推 :show me the money23F 02/05 17:13
推 :Can say people words, can't you?24F 02/05 17:14
→ :Bitch就是bitch
→ :Bitch就是bitch
推 :Dry you mother26F 02/05 17:16
推 :demonny"s chinese teacher cry cry27F 02/05 17:17
推 :Give you some colors to see see28F 02/05 17:18
推 :close north29F 02/05 17:35
推 :dont John30F 02/05 17:37
→ :1F的意思是 去你媽的嗎31F 02/05 17:38
推 :north blue~32F 02/05 17:40
推 :denow!33F 02/05 17:46
推 :who call me??34F 02/05 17:48
→ :1 floor means your mother's gone!!
→ :1 floor means your mother's gone!!
我只不過睡了一覺怎麼就變成這樣... 〒△〒
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 17:56)
推 :bakayalo36F 02/05 17:59
推 :OMG ha37F 02/05 18:19
推 :Push sentence so funny38F 02/05 18:29
推 :original Po don afraid, just movie sentence la39F 02/05 19:02
推 :no no no 1F mean gone your mother40F 02/05 19:02
→ :推文太深奧了!41F 02/05 19:03
推 :how do you turn this on42F 02/05 19:07
→ :樓上用秘技43F 02/05 19:08
推 :Tigerblue板哭哭44F 02/05 19:25
推 :how do you turn this onXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD45F 02/05 19:27
推 :show me the money46F 02/05 19:28
推 :original PO好好笑XDD47F 02/05 19:44
推 :your mother's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!48F 02/05 19:45
把你們通通抓去谷哥翻譯(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 19:49)
推 :aegis49F 02/05 19:50
推 :FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY=GET original PO50F 02/05 19:52
推 :Tigerblue51F 02/05 20:08
推 :You all saying what I see no understand...52F 02/05 20:08
推 :推 how do you turn this on XDDDD53F 02/05 20:13
推 :how do you turn this on XDDDD .........54F 02/05 20:16
推 :you are very tiger55F 02/05 20:17
推 :whos your daddy56F 02/05 20:19
推 :how do you turn this on XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD57F 02/05 20:22
推 :Blue who say and whose58F 02/05 20:24
推 :tuck tuck tuck59F 02/05 20:35
推 :ho~~XD~~~catch bag~~~60F 02/05 20:36
推 :E04ˊ_>ˋ61F 02/05 20:45
推 :原PO沒經歷過大陸雞時代…的樣子62F 02/05 21:07
推 :不懂how do you turn this on Q___Q63F 02/05 21:10
推 :how do you turn this on XDDDD 推文超好笑XD64F 02/05 21:11
推 :到現在埋沒人推 sit down please嗎?65F 02/05 21:13
推 :You bird me~~66F 02/05 21:17
推 :good good eat67F 02/05 21:29
推 :rock on68F 02/05 21:34
推 :how do you turn this on 屁力車欸69F 02/05 21:54
推 :You smell like....BUUUURNING!70F 02/05 21:55
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 21:56)
推 :How do u turn this on是世紀帝國吧71F 02/05 21:56
推 :aegis72F 02/05 22:00
推 :原PO啥時要已尻73F 02/05 22:07
推 :cow back!74F 02/05 22:07
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 22:10)推 :orignal PO has no GG?75F 02/05 22:12
不想去弄個假GG QAQa
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/05 22:14)
推 :oh~ money back me home~76F 02/05 22:14
推 :Original PO super positive I rushed77F 02/05 22:28
推 :cow yao hahahaha XDDDDDDDDD78F 02/05 22:41
推 :show me the money79F 02/05 23:09
推 :morning night night how how one80F 02/05 23:10
推 :how do you turn this on81F 02/05 23:12
推 :I will give u some color to see see82F 02/05 23:18
推 :this is a book83F 02/05 23:51
推 :greedisgood 99999984F 02/05 23:58
推 :how do u turn this on xddd85F 02/06 00:02
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 00:08)
推 :may song might song86F 02/06 00:41
推 :A B C D E F G87F 02/06 00:57
推 :tigerblue88F 02/06 01:05
推 :my cow bei <--我朋友教我的XD89F 02/06 01:17
推 :north seven90F 02/06 01:42
推 :raccoon male what91F 02/06 01:44
噓 :反詐騙92F 02/06 01:49
推 :Why so serious?93F 02/06 02:31
推 :剛看還以為你朋友在講台語....94F 02/06 03:33
推 :Up up down down left left right righ b a , Wudi code95F 02/06 03:48
噓 :推文真的太好笑了,但還是要反詐騙一下96F 02/06 07:41
推 :i push again and again oh yeh97F 02/06 09:08
推 :mei show gang mo?98F 02/06 09:26
推 :推文好笑XD99F 02/06 09:34
推 :wi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~100F 02/06 09:40
→ :好賭又賭!!??101F 02/06 09:55
推 :push post lie me102F 02/06 10:11
推 :笑點是這推文~~XDDDDDDDD103F 02/06 10:27
推 :糟了!是世界奇觀104F 02/06 11:09
推 :this issue will blow up105F 02/06 11:38
推 :我怎麼看成 u trigger me106F 02/06 12:06
推 :how do you turn this on 這是什麼梗啊 想不起來〒△〒107F 02/06 12:56
推 :樓上,是世紀帝國招換霹靂車!108F 02/06 13:02
推 :chicken open109F 02/06 13:10
推 :Whosyourdaddy110F 02/06 14:02
推 :pily pily pily mou~111F 02/06 14:55
噓 :WTF112F 02/06 15:00
推文好可怕.. 〒△〒
然後可以附上翻譯嗎... 我發現有些我看不懂...... 囧
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 15:56)
推 :原PO剛睡飽113F 02/06 16:03
推 :morning nine nine how how one.114F 02/06 16:07
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:07)
推 :你的文章都好好笑呀! 你年紀一定很小 傻傻的115F 02/06 16:10
感覺都只有推文好笑XDD 原文是笨...TAT
推 :comments always saved op.116F 02/06 16:13
推 :seven morning eight morning, you cry father and117F 02/06 16:14
→ :cry mother
→ :cry mother
現在已經下午了( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
推 :推king1864119F 02/06 16:16
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:17)
推 :cow back120F 02/06 16:17
推 :king1864 我沒法理解! 解釋成:找舅舅好好玩XDDDDDDD121F 02/06 16:20
他是說摸你的.... 很好玩( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:21)
→ :我跟我弟剛剛解碼成功了 @@122F 02/06 16:22
什麼什麼!! 你們全部翻譯玩了嗎\⊙▽⊙/?
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:23)
→ :這未免太... 傷害我幼小的心靈QAQ123F 02/06 16:23
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:24)
→ :不是啦是說之前那一句解碼成功之後實在有點太震撼了@@124F 02/06 16:26
→ :我以為你朋友是想叫你TAG他 但是TAG打成胎葛125F 02/06 16:40
咦.. 聽你這麼一說也有可能..?
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/06 16:43)
推 :Jonson push126F 02/06 16:44
推 :說好的英文推文呢?127F 02/06 16:44
推 :blue who say and whoes128F 02/06 17:05
→ :TMD.. NMD.. CNMD.. <---- 這些通通真的有129F 02/06 17:34
推 :tigerblue130F 02/06 19:02
推 :推文XDDDD131F 02/06 19:49
推 :Gan nin nia !!132F 02/06 20:21
推 :Are you shiting me?!133F 02/06 20:27
→ :根本與龍共舞的梗XDDDD134F 02/06 21:25
推 :Let me morning nine nine,plz135F 02/06 22:07
→ :i can no can get in water bucket?!
→ :i can no can get in water bucket?!
推 :That's his grandma's bears137F 02/06 22:41
推 :whosyourdaddy138F 02/07 02:27
推 :cry already139F 02/07 03:33
推 :Are you shitting me?140F 02/07 03:57
→ :.....141F 02/07 10:09
推 :Original PO, I CAN!!! Come on~142F 02/07 12:25
推 :so whysy dfslgjri sdriojgp eojfse eogjpje e ejopgesj143F 02/07 14:10
推 :An apple a day, keep the doctor away.144F 02/07 16:17
→ :與龍共舞都沒看過 嘖嘖145F 02/07 18:52
推 :Mr. good~good146F 02/07 21:02
推 :perverted147F 02/08 00:53
推 :我還以為是說you胎哥密(台語)....148F 02/08 05:01
我可以堅持他是說"你唬我"的說法嗎Q Q?
※ 編輯: cyray 來自: (02/08 09:40)
推 :1樓是 它媽的 XDD149F 02/08 10:48
推 :ca ma ki ve an nua gia150F 02/08 11:06
推 :聽不懂比較正常吧這串151F 02/08 15:02
推 :與龍共舞耶~~~~152F 02/08 17:09
推 :i think this need anti crafty lie one down153F 02/11 11:08
→ :no pass i still give push
→ :no pass i still give push
推 :give your father remenber155F 02/11 22:31
( ̄︶ ̄)b JMJSON, aa2378923, xerolim, rona32, legend0123 說讚!