※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-24 01:35:26
看板 SuperJunior
作者 標題 [情報] 深深打破官網 - 赫海將為歌迷獻上食物
時間 Wed Dec 21 22:12:31 2011
http://www.livestream.com/lovesuperjuniorandshinee 線上收看網址
Super Junior Shindong's SHIM SHIM TA PA - live streaming video powered by Livestream
Super Junior Shindong's SHIM SHIM TA PA on Livestream. From 12 midnight to 2am (KST), there will be streaming unless otherwise stated. - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like Super Junior Shindong's SHIM SHIM TA PA in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.
Super Junior Shindong's SHIM SHIM TA PA on Livestream. From 12 midnight to 2am (KST), there will be streaming unless otherwise stated. - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like Super Junior Shindong's SHIM SHIM TA PA in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.
심심타파 (mbcsimsimtapa)
@mbcsimsimtapa님의 트윗
@mbcsimsimtapa님의 트윗
Suprise news!!!
Hi,international fan of Super Junior!!
嗨 SUJU的外國歌迷們!!
If you come here MBC before 2AM,
You can meet 東海和銀赫 and get delicious food made by them!!
你將可以見到東海和銀赫 並且拿到他們親手做的食物!!
If you can come, please send message to us right now.
假如你們可以來 請馬上傳送簡訊給我們
The number is <#8002>!!!
號碼是#8002 !!!!
Then, I'll send back to you inviting message. Hurry up!!!
然後 我將會傳送給你邀請的簡訊 趕快!!
Only foreigner!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :真好~~我也想去T^T1F 12/21 22:13
推 :我也想阿!!!2F 12/21 22:15
推 :天啊好心動 現在衝來的及嗎? XDDD3F 12/21 22:15
推 :怎麼這麼好T.T4F 12/21 22:15
推 :謝謝分享~~~赫海好貼心噢!!!5F 12/21 22:17
→ :赫海自己準備的食物...我怎麼沒有很想吃的感覺XDDD6F 12/21 22:19
推 :赫海OPPA好貼心!! 而且外國人限定 好想去喔!!!!!!7F 12/21 22:20
→ :請給我水果沙拉或者是蔬菜沙拉就好XDDDDD8F 12/21 22:21
推 :只給外國人!9F 12/21 22:24
推 :親手做的食物!!!!!!哭 我在台灣阿阿阿QQ10F 12/21 22:25
推 :我也想搭專機飛過去啦 齁~!!!!!!!!!Y11F 12/21 22:26
推 :赫海...他們是能做出什麼東西XDDD 但是只給外國人耶~~12F 12/21 22:26
→ :小叮噹!我要任意門啦~~~~13F 12/21 22:27
推 :外國人!!我朋友現在在韓國啊!!14F 12/21 22:29
→ :我們都是外國人啊 只差沒有在韓國了QAQ15F 12/21 22:30
推 :為毛之前沒有這活動 T^T16F 12/21 22:32
→ :我是外國人~赫海不是只會煮泡麵 一人一小碗嗎? 我想吃~17F 12/21 22:32
推 :不在韓國的外國人+1><18F 12/21 22:33
推 :天阿!!!!!!!!!!!QQ19F 12/21 22:33
推 :只給外國人也太貼心Q_Q送上暖暖參雞湯???20F 12/21 22:34
→ :深深打破有線上可視嗎?求連結~21F 12/21 22:34
推 :好有心的OPPA們 T^T 但我不在韓國啊啊啊~~~22F 12/21 22:34
推 :我也是外國人啊!!!!只是不在韓國QAQ 好想吃哦...23F 12/21 22:39
推 :該不會是包飯24F 12/21 22:41
推 :我想到東海的BABY XDDD25F 12/21 22:48
推 :感覺好可怕...(汗)26F 12/21 22:55
推 :這邊幾乎都是不在韓國的外國人 好奇赫海準備了什麼食物~27F 12/21 22:58
※ 編輯: babyjelly 來自: (12/21 23:01)推 :有看到特耶@@ 而且東海在oppa什麼啦XDD28F 12/21 23:08
→ :已經開始了哦~
→ :已經開始了哦~
SBS Young Street / KBS Kiss The Radio Livestream - live streaming video powered by Livestream
SBS Young Street / KBS Kiss The Radio Livestream on Livestream. *Please read the description below on this Channel* Young Street - Broadcast Time: 8.00pm to 10.00pm KST & Kiss The Radio - Broadcast Time: 10.00pm to 12.00am KST - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like SBS Young Street / KBS Kiss The Radio Livestream in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.
SBS Young Street / KBS Kiss The Radio Livestream on Livestream. *Please read the description below on this Channel* Young Street - Broadcast Time: 8.00pm to 10.00pm KST & Kiss The Radio - Broadcast Time: 10.00pm to 12.00am KST - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like SBS Young Street / KBS Kiss The Radio Livestream in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.
→ :利特是不是很想念當DJ啊~~31F 12/21 23:09
推 :OPPA LIVE耶~~~ 利特也來了 XDDDD32F 12/21 23:10
→ :怎麼喊的歐爸聲音有點.....欠揍.........XDDD33F 12/21 23:10
推 :偷說一開場東海就喊歐爸讓人想巴他的頭(學女飯尖叫歐巴)34F 12/21 23:11
推 :好吵的OPPA XDDD35F 12/21 23:12
推 :下面有開Live文了36F 12/21 23:12
推 :我笑了!!37F 12/22 11:36
→ :東海做的食物除了拉麵外還有能吃的嗎?XDDDD38F 12/22 15:54
推 :當時在韓國但沒網路的外國飯崩潰 > <39F 12/24 00:01
※ 看板: SuperJunior 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 67