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※ 本文為 swallow 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-09 10:50:17
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作者 Iseria (Ise)
標題 [問題] 請推薦氣勢磅礡的ACG音樂
時間 Fri Aug  9 10:14:20 2013

幻想水滸伝ⅡOP - YouTube




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npc776:獨角獸剛彈1F 08/09 10:16
lav1147:http://ppt.cc/qcqA2F 08/09 10:17
Legend of Mana OST (HD) - CD2 - Track 18 - Overlapping Destinies - YouTube Composer: Yoko Shimomura VGM ripped from original CD as WAV DISCLAIMER. I do not claim any rights of the uploaded song, this content is meant be shared with ...

roy047:http://ppt.cc/B6Wu3F 08/09 10:18
chshsnail:http://tinyurl.com/o5w6cgh 最近很夯的環太平洋4F 08/09 10:18
Pacific Rim Soundtrack - 01. Pacific Rim - YouTube
Pacific Rim Music by Ramin Djawadi

ccpz:Fate zero http://youtu.be/_S-UpM7dbcg5F 08/09 10:23
Greatest Battle Music Of All Times: On The Battlefield - YouTube From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...

Outstanding Tracks Collection - You are my King - YouTube
Artist: Yuki Kajiura Opinions may vary, I'm just uploading music that I personally find really impactful. Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to a...

bluejark:http://youtu.be/pn44s_LH_AI LOL7F 08/09 10:25
Season 2 World Championships 世界冠軍賽決賽開場交響樂.mpg - YouTube Season 2 World Championships 開場震撼交響樂~ 720P剪輯片段~TPA萬歲!!!!!

chuckni:http://ppt.cc/AkyQ  two step from hell,雖然不算acg8F 08/09 10:26
Two Steps From Hell - To Glory - YouTube
Epic Music on iTunes  SUBSCRIBE for more awesome epic music!

roy047:樓上也推LOL XD, 我是推咆嘯深淵音樂9F 08/09 10:26
chuckni:但他們做過不少電影遊戲bgm10F 08/09 10:26
ccpz:打工魔王 http://youtu.be/xj8hQ6j5lx811F 08/09 10:27
DKEE:推two steps from hell12F 08/09 10:36
MORRIGAN - 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life (4K!) - YouTube Can Border of Life get any more bad-ass than this? I honestly do not believe so. Morrigan's ear for orchestral music is beyond this world. Most game-OSTs and...


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