※ 本文為 ONISUKA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-10-23 00:51:25
看板 WOW
作者 標題 Re: [情報] Mists of Pandaria Preview Panel - 3
時間 Sat Oct 22 20:01:39 2011
Pet Battle System
寵物對戰系統(一言以蔽之: 神奇寶貝)
You will be able to collect, level, and battle with companion pets.
你可以蒐集非戰鬥寵物 升級牠們 然後跟其他玩家透過寵物對戰
It will be accessible to all players.
Works with almost every pet
Pet Customization, you will be able to name your pet, give them visual
abilities, etc ...
寵物客製化 你可以改變寵物名字(叫黃色老鼠皮卡丘之類的)
There will be "Wild pets", you can find them in the world and engage in
battle with them. You will then be able to get that pet and add it to your
Pet Journal.
有一些野生寵物 你可以在世界各地找到牠們 並且進行戰鬥收服
Pets have random stats, some of them will be very good at tanking, some will
have a CC ability, etc ...
寵物有隨機屬性 有些適合坦 有些有控場技能等等
Some pets will only be found during a specific season, while it's raining, or
during the day or the night. Some of them will only spawn in the spring, when
it's raining, in elwynn forest at night!
有些寵物只能在特殊情形下碰到 例如下雨天 或者白天or晚上
有些甚至只會在春天出現 例如下雨天的晚上在艾爾文森林
(我直接說白天碰的到比比鳥 晚上碰的到咕咕會不會比較好理解)
Most pets will become tradable, even after it's leveled, etc ...
大部分寵物都可以交易 儘管牠們已經升級了
Pets will be account wide
Your pet journal will display info on all your pets, including stats, skills,
and also drop locations and lore info for the pets you don't have yet!
你的寵物手冊可以看到所有你的寵物資訊 包含屬性技能
Winning battles earns you experience, and levels your pets.
對戰獲勝你的寵物可以得到經驗值 用來升級
You will learn new abilities. Every pet can use 3 abilities in a battle at
one time.
你可以讓寵物們學到新技能 在每場對戰中每隻寵物可以使用三個技能
Every time you level you will also increase the stats of your pet.
You will level multiple pets to build your team.
You have 3 battle slots, one for each pet in your team.
Pet Battle System - Battle
PvE and PvP Battles
It will be turn based.
A simple combat system.
Fight with a team of 3 pets
Queuing system, you will be able to find a fight pretty fast depending on the
level of your pets.
透過排隊系統 你可以根據你的寵物的等級來進行對戰
Pet Battle System - Customization
You will finally be able to name your pets, and see that name in battle.
Items for your pets, you will have an item slot for your pet and might be
able to socket gems in those items, etc ...
可以讓寵物獲得道具 每個寵物會有一個道具格 有可能可以放寶石在這些物品上...
Individual builds of abilities and different teams.
Masters and Masters abilities, there will be different NPC pet masters in the
world who will let you earn abilities when you beat them. For example,
beating the master of mechanical pets will get you a new ability for your pet!
透過跟不同NPC寵物訓練師進行對戰 獲勝可以獲得訓練家技能
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :真的就是神奇寶貝...XD1F 10/22 20:02
→ :不喜歡..2F 10/22 20:02
推 :完全神奇寶貝啊,真的是欠告 XDDDDDDDDD3F 10/22 20:02
推 :喂喂..4F 10/22 20:03
推 :果然是"魔獸"世界5F 10/22 20:03
→ :聽說還有道館可以打 (默6F 10/22 20:03
推 :...7F 10/22 20:03
推 :這不是神奇寶貝嗎? 完成度好啊8F 10/22 20:04
推 :..版權沒問題嗎...XDDDD9F 10/22 20:04
推 :靠....一整個就神奇寶貝啊 我快收集完125隻了10F 10/22 20:04
推 :我的銀白小兵終於不是只是當跑腿扛旗子的了~上吧!皮卡丘~11F 10/22 20:05
推 :魔獸寶貝2.012F 10/22 20:05
推 :哈哈哈哈13F 10/22 20:05
→ :魔獸寶貝…14F 10/22 20:06
推 :神奇寶貝.....15F 10/22 20:07
→ :寵物是帳號綁定 那怎麼交易... 難道是交換XD?16F 10/22 20:07
→ :要先用球把寵物裝起來吧...(咦?)17F 10/22 20:08
推 :我笑翻了....5.0就是功夫熊貓+神奇寶貝 無誤 XDDD18F 10/22 20:08
→ :最近日本頗缺錢...版權要橋一下吧.. XDXD19F 10/22 20:09
推 :神奇魔獸20F 10/22 20:10
推 :就決定是你了 小智21F 10/22 20:13
推 :美國真的是盜版王國22F 10/22 20:16
推 :志祥的西荒雞...23F 10/22 20:20
推 :XDDDDDDDDDD24F 10/22 20:25
→ :XDDDDDDD25F 10/22 20:25
→ :那獵人的特色不就被砍一半了= =26F 10/22 20:26
推 :獵人哭哭 特別是獸王獵...27F 10/22 20:27
推 :完了完了 要有無盡的小寵物每日去換天王球了...28F 10/22 20:28
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDD29F 10/22 20:29
→ :小寵物PVE還要去石英高原打四大天王30F 10/22 20:29
→ :Pokemon in wow...31F 10/22 20:32
推 :推 Induction:假如有熊貓族, 種族技能再爛再蠢我都會32F 10/22 20:32
→ :去培養成主角色
→ :文章編號2241 最後一段推文~~~
→ :去培養成主角色
→ :文章編號2241 最後一段推文~~~
→ :BZ:以後考慮開放各主城都有道館可以讓玩家去挑戰(?)35F 10/22 20:35
推 :說真的 對種族的愛是無價的...36F 10/22 20:35
推 :會有NPC叫 小智 嗎..XD37F 10/22 20:35
→ :版主這樣賺到吧 食物增益*238F 10/22 20:37
推 :BZ:因應可愛熊貓登場我們決定以後野外PK改成野外寵物對戰39F 10/22 20:39
推 :版主是先知啊!!!40F 10/22 20:43
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (10/22 20:45)推 :版主是先知啊!!!41F 10/22 20:44
推 :推 i109:志祥的西荒雞..42F 10/22 20:48
推 :我可以練一隻朵娜當我的補薩嗎?44F 10/22 21:04
推 :我要蓋倫幫我轉轉轉小兵45F 10/22 21:19
→ :又一位先知產生了 XD the Induction of Pandaran XDDDD46F 10/22 21:52
推 :.......那氣球那個能算嗎 瞬間被秒掉 打到就破了47F 10/22 23:06
推 :account wide不是帳號綁定,否則不能交易48F 10/22 23:15
→ :我在想account wide可能是自己的帳號內共通
→ :就像去B社商店購買的虛擬寶物那樣
→ :現在戰網帳號綁定的寫法是Battle.net Account Bound
→ :我在想account wide可能是自己的帳號內共通
→ :就像去B社商店購買的虛擬寶物那樣
→ :現在戰網帳號綁定的寫法是Battle.net Account Bound
推 :這樣搞可以嗎XD 那要不要作個NPC叫大木博士負責解說一下~~52F 10/22 23:55
推 :是不是該創個小智了 XDDDDDD53F 10/23 00:46
※ 看板: WOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 172