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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-12-24 22:22:06
看板 WomenTalk
作者 teramars (tomorrow never knows)
標題 [討論] 你心目中最經典的聖誕歌是哪一首?
時間 Sat Dec 24 09:16:21 2016

這幾天 四周的店家紛紛都播放起了


還是流行歌曲 ,都一再的提醒你




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※ 編輯: teramars (, 12/24/2016 09:16:44
blackzero1: 十年來聽的都一樣,聽都聽膩了…1F 12/24 09:17
Esperanto: 陳奕迅的聖誕結XDDD2F 12/24 09:18
ZXCWS: 我住的城市從不下雪~3F 12/24 09:19
hoij79627: Last Christmas4F 12/24 09:19
是娟 - 哭泣的聖誕節 - YouTube
哭泣的聖誕夜 作詞:韓道光 作曲:是娟 Merry Christmas 再次給你我最真心的祝福 Merry Christmas 再次給你我最真摯的祝福 沈靜的夜晚 平安的夜 人們再次傳遞那聲聲 Merry Christmas 沈靜的夜晚 寂寞的心 我獨自守候這冷冷的夜 北方的天空 Christmas 下著雪 南方...

yeah8466: MC來了6F 12/24 09:23
Twelve Days of Christmas with Lyrics Christmas Carol & Song Children Love to Sing - YouTube Favorite Christmas song Twelve Days of Christmas beautifully sung by top talented children's choir - great for performances, schools, choirs and church.🎵Subs...

ela0314: Jingle bell8F 12/24 09:25
anshley: 經典是得經過很多年考驗才有資格叫經典9F 12/24 09:26
a2396494: 推四樓10F 12/24 09:28
sandy0925: Last christmas All I want for christmas is you11F 12/24 09:30
redosmanthus: 記憶卻堆滿冷的感覺~12F 12/24 09:32
libido: Last Christmas13F 12/24 09:40
TifShine: Last Christmas14F 12/24 09:41
Princess77: 新生王 超好聽15F 12/24 09:41
hoyayato: Last Christmas16F 12/24 09:42
Princess77: 比較新的歌 周興哲 愛在聖誕 很好聽17F 12/24 09:42
FFantasy: Jimmy Eat World - Last Christmas18F 12/24 09:42
lcy666666: All I want for Christmas is you20F 12/24 09:46
gibassier: 只有The Christmas Song21F 12/24 10:03
tran628: All I want for Christmas is you22F 12/24 10:05
aileen5522: last christmas23F 12/24 10:07
caicing: 記憶卻堆滿冷的感覺~24F 12/24 10:07
a52051vik: Last Christmas25F 12/24 10:16
Blink 182 I Won't Be Home For Christmas With Lyric - YouTube
Blink 182 I Won't Be Home For Christmas With Lyrics Lyrics (Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la) (Tis the season to be jolly fa-la...

ns19: last Christmas27F 12/24 10:25
kristie: All I want for Christmas is you28F 12/24 10:27
eitingirl: last christmas29F 12/24 10:34
peachings: Last Christmas30F 12/24 10:34
peachings: 可能旋律淡淡的感傷 反而不像歡樂的聖誕節
starrywell: cinderella christmas~32F 12/24 10:36
seediq: 想祝福不知該給誰 愛被我們打了死結33F 12/24 10:37
jyekid: 山下達郎34F 12/24 10:38
sn99930: Last Christmas35F 12/24 10:39
christine52: lonely lonely Christmas36F 12/24 10:40
tristine: 山下達郎 Christmas eve37F 12/24 10:41
staygold7: Last Christmas38F 12/24 10:41
johnwu: Last Christmas 絕對是第一名39F 12/24 10:43
greenowl: All I want for Christmas is40F 12/24 10:46
WoooEooo: Last Christmas41F 12/24 10:47
teramars: Last Christmas和山下達郎Christmas eve42F 12/24 10:47
momochia: last Christmas!43F 12/24 10:49
orangeyo: Last Christmas44F 12/24 10:49
BeStone: When Christmas comes to town 小時候看動畫聽到就愛上了45F 12/24 10:55
alikeps2: last xmas46F 12/24 10:58
ahahahahah: AIWFCIY47F 12/24 11:03
lovemy: 第一時間就是想到last christmas 經典48F 12/24 11:05
MEOWWW: 魯道夫49F 12/24 11:12
yesapple: 聖誕情歌貌似都很虐XD 推一個merry Christmas everyone50F 12/24 11:13
newsoulth: Let it snow~~51F 12/24 11:23
sirenita: Santa claus is coming to town52F 12/24 11:24
thecrown: Twelve days of Christmas 很有趣的歌而且唱起來超喘53F 12/24 11:27
hogu134: Last Christmas54F 12/24 11:38
abruby2522: All I want for Christmas is you55F 12/24 11:39
applepowpow: 雪花隨風飄~~56F 12/24 11:52
efghhhh4848: 雪花隨風飄,馬路在奔跑57F 12/24 12:00
joyy6p: Last Christmas58F 12/24 12:03
cyls62266228: 普天同慶59F 12/24 12:04
sallyhelp: 聖誕結QQ60F 12/24 12:05
deangogi: Hark the herald angels sing61F 12/24 12:06
kelvinjolin: Happy Xmas (War Is Over)62F 12/24 12:10
blusky3027: Last Christmas63F 12/24 12:14
Winter Wonderland - Darlene Love - YouTube
What on earth are they doing? Have they gone crazy? Why are they posting a Christmas song on their channel of love? ... Very good questions indeed. Those of ...

nanaling: 金勾杯~金勾杯~65F 12/24 12:31
makinoyui: 粉多唷66F 12/24 12:38
goofyfeet: 聖誕老公公 開車歐北撞67F 12/24 12:42
grimmd59570: All I want for Christmas is u ~68F 12/24 12:43
SeasoningP: Last Christmas69F 12/24 12:48
priest66: 我愛過的人沒有一個留在身邊70F 12/24 12:51
fourmi: all I want for Christmas is you ~71F 12/24 12:51
McHamburger: Last Christmas雖然是聖誕節題材 可是不是聖誕歌曲啦72F 12/24 13:10
McHamburger: 歌詞是有一個人被甩耶
KISSCHUN: 除了兒歌類型,腦子裏也只有 Last Christmas這首XD74F 12/24 13:11
shuir0810: The Christmas song......Although it's been said man75F 12/24 13:24
shuir0810: y times, many ways. Merry Christmas to you
a27647535: 星巴克竟然有放 Happy Christmas Mr. Lawrence  ......77F 12/24 13:26
a27647535: ....
a27647535: 一點也不快樂啊
yuuga: 有人喜歡貓王的Blue Christmasa嗎?80F 12/24 13:27
mayday15221: 推5F81F 12/24 13:40
ann7773631: All I want for christmas is you82F 12/24 13:54
kailontong: nat king cole- the christmas song83F 12/24 14:06
vfiloveu: B’z - 不知何時的聖誕節84F 12/24 14:09
Christmas is all around me - Love Actually [Music Video] - YouTube Love Actually Tribute. Cast: - Hugh Grant - Colin Firth - Emma Thompson - Keira Knightley - Bill Nighy - Liam Neeson - Laura Linney - Alan Rickman - Lúcia Mo...

changmada: Christmas is all around86F 12/24 14:28
BECHI: last christmas歌詞有點慘 聖誕節開心點啊87F 12/24 14:56
ctc22378: Santa tell me88F 12/24 15:02
realsalt: 絕對是all I want for Christmas is u89F 12/24 15:05
deurpye: 兩個人的下雪天90F 12/24 15:19
babiiannie: All I want for Christmas is us~91F 12/24 15:30
asheniere: God rest ye merry gentlemen92F 12/24 15:44
rongwu0830: Last Christmas93F 12/24 15:54
micorice: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU94F 12/24 16:05
airdust: John Lennon-happy Xmas(war is over)95F 12/24 16:38
manabi: o holy night96F 12/24 16:56
ihatebee5566: 阿彌陀佛!阿彌陀佛!南無阿彌陀佛~(看了影片後被97F 12/24 17:01
ihatebee5566: 洗腦
danny00118: The Carpenters, Merry Christmas darling99F 12/24 17:43
chim21013: All I want for Christmas is you100F 12/24 17:54
azass: Last Christmas101F 12/24 18:16
amyg812: 金鉤背102F 12/24 18:28
yora: Last Christmas103F 12/24 19:02
ty306: 突然發覺 單身在家裡聽節日歌 有點哀傷啊104F 12/24 19:07
haewang: All I want for Christmas is you105F 12/24 19:08
doraemifly: Last Christmas106F 12/24 19:21
chingfish: 1999年12月 gogo&meme - say forever 不是聖誕歌但很107F 12/24 19:34
chingfish: 應景XD
sh9630: All I want for Christmas is you~109F 12/24 20:50

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濁水溪公社 - 聖誕快樂  https://youtu.be/u3MJe5rR4Qk
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