※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-09-16 08:20:53
看板 WomenTalk
作者 標題 [閒聊] 推薦我上班的輕音樂
時間 Sun Sep 15 22:34:19 2019
像是紫羅蘭永恆花園的OST 我也很喜歡
後面隨機 10推 發100P
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1TValj4_ (WomenTalk)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1568558061.A.13F.html
推 : 閃靈1F 09/15 22:34
推 : 好啦董運昌
推 : 好啦董運昌
推 : Yeye的ゆらゆら、蕭邦的夜曲3F 09/15 22:35
※ 編輯: gg7965977 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2019 22:36:26Relaxing Guitar Music - Easy Listening Light Music - Ambient Elevator Music - YouTube Please Subscribe! 📝 Music For Business「Cafe Music BGM Station」 English: JAPANESE: http...

→ : 你在youtube搜尋心靈音樂,就有很多了!5F 09/15 22:40
推 : 我都直接播spotify的deep focus6F 09/15 22:41
推 : 三月のパンタシア7F 09/15 22:41
推 : ㄉ歌
推 : ㄉ歌
噓 : 四月は君の嘘9F 09/15 22:44
→ : 插屁ㄛ
→ : 插屁ㄛ
→ : 嘻嘻☺11F 09/15 22:44
推 : 寶寶音樂12F 09/15 22:48
Animenz Piano Sheets - YouTube
Hello, and welcome to Animenz Piano Sheets! In this channel, you will find all the piano arrangements for anime OST/Openings and Endings that I have c ...
→ : 這頻道的呢 可是似乎都動漫 很久以前發現的14F 09/15 22:49
Taylor Swift Cafe Music - Comfy Jazz & Bossa Nova Instrumental - Taylor Swift Cover - YouTube 0:00 Lover 3:18 The Archer 6:15 You Need To Calm Down Please Subscribe! 📝 Music For Business「Cafe Music BGM ...

【宮崎駿コレクション ピアノとハープ】睡眠と作業 用ジブリ癒し - YouTube subscribe and like Dowland Full Epsode 【宮崎駿コレクション ピアノとハープ】睡眠と作業 用ジブリ癒しの音楽

推 : 推薦 何真真老師的<三顆貓餅乾>19F 09/15 22:56
→ : 其實風潮唱片出過很多這類專輯,有機會你可以去聽看看
→ : 其實風潮唱片出過很多這類專輯,有機會你可以去聽看看
何真真- 橘色溫度《三顆貓餅乾》 / Chen-chen Ho - If You were by my side "Three Cat Cookies" - YouTube This is Taiwan's first album that combines music (by Chen-chen Ho), Illustrations (by Ah Wen) and literary writing (by Nelly). This is also an illustrated bo...

→ : 你可以聽看看24F 09/15 23:00
推 : 甜梅號25F 09/15 23:00
推 : 睡前聽"也"很適合26F 09/15 23:02
→ : 綠鋼琴還不錯,不過我自己習慣聽鋼琴,像蕭邦.柴可夫斯基27F 09/15 23:04
→ : 等還不錯,我聽莫札特安魂曲,覺得心靈可以平靜
→ : 等還不錯,我聽莫札特安魂曲,覺得心靈可以平靜
推 : 搖曳露營 ost29F 09/15 23:09
→ : 搖曳露營ed
→ : 搖曳露營ed
→ : 聽久了會覺得身邊有仙女在跳舞32F 09/15 23:12
推 : 推33F 09/15 23:16
早上最適合聽的輕音樂 放鬆解壓 - 抒情鋼琴曲 鋼琴曲 純鋼琴輕音樂 - PIANO MUSIC - YouTube 早上最適合聽的輕音樂 放鬆解壓 - 抒情鋼琴曲 鋼琴曲 純鋼琴輕音樂 - PIANO MUSIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

推 : 綠鋼琴36F 09/15 23:19
(Sungha Jung) Rainy Day - Sungha Jung (piano ver) - YouTube
Sungha composed and played "Rainy Day". Original Score :
Sungha composed and played "Rainy Day". Original Score :

推 : 東洋音樂38F 09/15 23:24
推 : 惘聞39F 09/15 23:25
推 : 推40F 09/15 23:29
推 : 推41F 09/15 23:29
推 : 推42F 09/15 23:30
推 : 楓之谷bgm43F 09/15 23:52
민니 of (여자)아이들 (MINNIE of (G)I-DLE) - 'Gravity / Sara Bareilles' (Cover) - YouTube (G)-I-DLE Official YouTube: (G)-I-DLE Official Twitter: (G)-I-DLE Official Facebook: https:/...

推 : 初音未來的深海少女45F 09/16 00:01
推 : dj okawari46F 09/16 00:06
推 : 久時釀的歌曲47F 09/16 00:16
噓 : 上班聽三小音樂48F 09/16 00:21
推 : Ludovico Einaudi的鋼琴曲,我超愛49F 09/16 00:25
→ : 或是yt搜尋 hang drum
→ : 或是yt搜尋 hang drum
推 : ryo fukui51F 09/16 00:27
推 : 我都放spotify的coffee table,或是caf con leche歌53F 09/16 00:41
→ : Cafe con leche
→ : Cafe con leche
推 : older55F 09/16 00:44
推 : Lofi hiphop56F 09/16 00:58
推 : 蜜蜂與遠雷57F 09/16 01:03
推 : YT上很多Jazz bgm很棒58F 09/16 01:15
推 : bill evans59F 09/16 01:36
推 : 上面有的Yeye-ゆらゆら、DJ Okawari都不錯,推個offonoff跟60F 09/16 01:36
→ : In Love With A Ghost
→ : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0SIpvitssPQrgOr
→ : In Love With A Ghost
→ : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0SIpvitssPQrgOr
Oops! Something went wrong. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
Oops! Something went wrong. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
→ : CMg423bJqlrLB6dH965F 09/16 01:36
推 : carole kissme66F 09/16 01:45
推 : 何真真的好聽67F 09/16 02:00
推 : √48色の虹が映った水たまり68F 09/16 02:03
→ : 去聽這首,真心推薦
→ : 去聽這首,真心推薦
推 : 打開Spotify 找到你喜歡的歌手隨意一首歌聽電台70F 09/16 02:22
推 : 推薦YouTube 頻道 dreamwave,或在youtube搜尋Lofi h71F 09/16 03:28
→ : ip hop 或 jazzhop
→ : ip hop 或 jazzhop
推 : 拜託絕對要聽Ryuichi Sakamoto!你一定會喜歡的73F 09/16 06:51
推 : 愛的羅曼史74F 09/16 07:23
推 : Bolero75F 09/16 07:38
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