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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-09-16 08:20:53
看板 WomenTalk
作者 gg7965977 (吾郎實況發文機)
標題 [閒聊] 推薦我上班的輕音樂
時間 Sun Sep 15 22:34:19 2019






像是紫羅蘭永恆花園的OST 我也很喜歡



後面隨機 10推 發100P


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flower42: 閃靈1F 09/15 22:34
flower42: 好啦董運昌
bobo940308: Yeye的ゆらゆら、蕭邦的夜曲3F 09/15 22:35
※ 編輯: gg7965977 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2019 22:36:26
Relaxing Guitar Music - Easy Listening Light Music - Ambient Elevator Music - YouTube Please Subscribe!  📝 Music For Business「Cafe Music BGM Station」 English:  JAPANESE: http...

elfeana: 你在youtube搜尋心靈音樂,就有很多了!5F 09/15 22:40
SherryHungC: 我都直接播spotify的deep focus6F 09/15 22:41
hua828797: 三月のパンタシア7F 09/15 22:41
hua828797: ㄉ歌
ilovemiao: 四月は君の嘘9F 09/15 22:44
ilovemiao: 插屁ㄛ
hua828797: 嘻嘻☺11F 09/15 22:44
chahoo: 寶寶音樂12F 09/15 22:48
Animenz Piano Sheets - YouTube
Hello, and welcome to Animenz Piano Sheets! In this channel, you will find all the piano arrangements for anime OST/Openings and Endings that I have c ...

owntime: 這頻道的呢 可是似乎都動漫 很久以前發現的14F 09/15 22:49
Taylor Swift Cafe Music - Comfy Jazz & Bossa Nova Instrumental - Taylor Swift Cover - YouTube 0:00 Lover 3:18 The Archer 6:15 You Need To Calm Down Please Subscribe!  📝 Music For Business「Cafe Music BGM ...

elfeana: 上面那個是泰勒絲新歌17F 09/15 22:53
elfeana: https://youtu.be/3upqzRL0IEc
【宮崎駿コレクション ピアノとハープ】睡眠と作業 用ジブリ癒し - YouTube subscribe and like  Dowland Full Epsode 【宮崎駿コレクション ピアノとハープ】睡眠と作業 用ジブリ癒しの音楽

tmcharvard: 推薦 何真真老師的<三顆貓餅乾>19F 09/15 22:56
tmcharvard: 其實風潮唱片出過很多這類專輯,有機會你可以去聽看看
hiimlove: https://youtu.be/4dggbCWfhuM 認真21F 09/15 22:58

tmcharvard: 我偶而會去買來聽,睡前聽很適合22F 09/15 22:58
tmcharvard: https://youtu.be/vaYS3ldYIww   這是專輯其中一首,
何真真- 橘色溫度《三顆貓餅乾》 / Chen-chen Ho - If You were by my side "Three Cat Cookies" - YouTube This is Taiwan's first album that combines music (by Chen-chen Ho), Illustrations (by Ah Wen) and literary writing (by Nelly). This is also an illustrated bo...

tmcharvard: 你可以聽看看24F 09/15 23:00
wenhotspring: 甜梅號25F 09/15 23:00
tmcharvard:                   睡前聽"也"很適合26F 09/15 23:02
wafer: 綠鋼琴還不錯,不過我自己習慣聽鋼琴,像蕭邦.柴可夫斯基27F 09/15 23:04
wafer: 等還不錯,我聽莫札特安魂曲,覺得心靈可以平靜
siang0213: 搖曳露營 ost29F 09/15 23:09
siang0213: 搖曳露營ed
keroming: 聽久了會覺得身邊有仙女在跳舞32F 09/15 23:12
ricksons: 推33F 09/15 23:16
tmcharvard: Peder B. Helland的也很推薦34F 09/15 23:17
tmcharvard: https://youtu.be/6dctMHje2E8 這是他的合集
早上最適合聽的輕音樂 放鬆解壓 - 抒情鋼琴曲 鋼琴曲 純鋼琴輕音樂 - PIANO MUSIC - YouTube 早上最適合聽的輕音樂 放鬆解壓 - 抒情鋼琴曲 鋼琴曲 純鋼琴輕音樂 - PIANO MUSIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

eunhailoveu: 綠鋼琴36F 09/15 23:19
(Sungha Jung) Rainy Day - Sungha Jung (piano ver) - YouTube
Sungha  composed and played "Rainy Day". Original Score :

kiss377017: 東洋音樂38F 09/15 23:24
wpra: 惘聞39F 09/15 23:25
searchmark: 推40F 09/15 23:29
chilin2064: 推41F 09/15 23:29
fufulin: 推42F 09/15 23:30
aa4655527: 楓之谷bgm43F 09/15 23:52
민니 of (여자)아이들 (MINNIE of (G)I-DLE) - 'Gravity / Sara Bareilles' (Cover) - YouTube (G)-I-DLE Official YouTube:  (G)-I-DLE Official Twitter:  (G)-I-DLE Official Facebook: https:/...

mosquito1230: 初音未來的深海少女45F 09/16 00:01
hibaru710218: dj okawari46F 09/16 00:06
kitty51024: 久時釀的歌曲47F 09/16 00:16
dageegee: 上班聽三小音樂48F 09/16 00:21
ninife: Ludovico Einaudi的鋼琴曲,我超愛49F 09/16 00:25
ninife: 或是yt搜尋 hang drum
Blafro5566: ryo fukui51F 09/16 00:27
wenzao6040: 我都放spotify的coffee table,或是caf con leche歌53F 09/16 00:41
wenzao6040: Cafe con leche
cuuuuu: older55F 09/16 00:44
ebok: Lofi hiphop56F 09/16 00:58
ilovesoccer: 蜜蜂與遠雷57F 09/16 01:03
SWS7983: YT上很多Jazz bgm很棒58F 09/16 01:15
Eddie82: bill evans59F 09/16 01:36
yeeru: 上面有的Yeye-ゆらゆら、DJ Okawari都不錯,推個offonoff跟60F 09/16 01:36
yeeru: In Love With A Ghost
yeeru: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0SIpvitssPQrgOr
Oops! Something went wrong. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...

yeeru: k02Q_-2sQBFznHXch63F 09/16 01:36
yeeru: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW6vF0T12eZaaf2N
Oops! Something went wrong. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...

yeeru: CMg423bJqlrLB6dH965F 09/16 01:36
ilover52092: carole kissme66F 09/16 01:45
mingbayf: 何真真的好聽67F 09/16 02:00
Jabarkas: √48色の虹が映った水たまり68F 09/16 02:03
Jabarkas: 去聽這首,真心推薦
rossiwen: 打開Spotify 找到你喜歡的歌手隨意一首歌聽電台70F 09/16 02:22
westendgirl: 推薦YouTube 頻道 dreamwave,或在youtube搜尋Lofi h71F 09/16 03:28
westendgirl: ip hop 或 jazzhop
AdoraVitale: 拜託絕對要聽Ryuichi Sakamoto!你一定會喜歡的73F 09/16 06:51
salmon12706: 愛的羅曼史74F 09/16 07:23
nk7260ynpa: Bolero75F 09/16 07:38

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