※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-01 11:41:08
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Love昨晚拜訪了波士頓
時間 Sun Jun 1 09:00:55 2014
Kevin Love visited Boston last night to "see what it's like"
Minnesota Timberwolves big man Kevin Love was in Boston last night to "check
out the city and see what it's like," according to Dirty Water News.
Apparently he visited The Greatest Bar, which happens to be right across the
street from the home of the Boston Celtics, TD Garden.
Kevin Love昨晚現身波士頓,據《Dirty Water News》的透露,Love說「我只是來瞭解
一下這座城市,看看這座城市是什麼樣子。」他還去拜訪了一間名叫「The Greatest Bar
Dirty Water News – Kevin Love in Boston all weekend… LOVE IT!!!
Right off the plane he headed to The Greatest Bar for dinner up in the
mezzanine. He sat in The Greatest Bar with his to buddies for a couple hours
and then Rumor has it he headed over to Rumor for a night cap!
《Dirty Water News》-Kevin Love將會待在波士頓一個禮拜耶...太棒了!!!
Love下了飛機後就直奔「The Greatest Bar」的私人包廂內用餐,他和他的朋友們待了
When asked why he was in town he responded " I’m here to just check out the
city and see what it’s like"… Tomorrow (actually today as it’s 2am) he
will be walking around the city checking out all the sights . We hear he is
headed to Del Frisco’s in this evening (Sat. Night). Sunday he will be going
to the Red Sox game.
樣子。」他說明天他會到處走走,欣賞下各處的風景名勝。他今天晚上將會去Del Frisco
Considering the Celtics are rumored to be after Love, it's quite interesting
that he's actually here in the city, assuming the photograph was actually
taken last night. Perhaps, he's touring the cities of teams that are
interested in him or maybe a deal is more finalized than we think it is. Who
It's not worth speculating about -- I know you all will anyway -- but the
fact that he's reportedly in Boston for the weekend suggests that something
is possibly going down and that the Celtics are a team that's heavily
interested in him.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401584459.A.E7E.html
※ thanos:轉錄至看板 Celtics 06/01 09:01
推 :軟愛連線!!!1F 06/01 09:02
推 :狼王集中營...2F 06/01 09:03
推 :灰狼要變賽爾提克3A了嗎?3F 06/01 09:04
推 :灰狼農場4F 06/01 09:06
推 :...5F 06/01 09:09
推 :去過塞爾提克才能成為真狼王6F 06/01 09:12
推 :love認證 亂斗酸G子登7F 06/01 09:14
→ :加州人去波士頓? 科科...8F 06/01 09:16
推 :加州人去波士頓?PP9F 06/01 09:19
推 :Minnesota => Boston => NY10F 06/01 09:27
推 :要當狼王要先領頂薪讓球隊補強不起來啊 !11F 06/01 09:31
推 :愛鬍獸連線!12F 06/01 09:32
推 :張開雙受歡迎你13F 06/01 09:43
推 :新舊狼王合體!!14F 06/01 09:46
推 :我新目中的狼王只有一個 那就是Ricky15F 06/01 09:48
推 :塞隊也是有反饋啊 射手布!16F 06/01 09:50
→ :去給其他出價的隊伍看的 快抬價喔17F 06/01 09:52
→ :狼王都要去賽爾提克18F 06/01 10:12
推 :ㄅㄈㄅ?目我種直在我也很好有肥昌煩19F 06/01 10:13
推 :超賽現在PF滿出來了 還是新舊狼王都要轉職C?20F 06/01 10:14
推 : 朗愛連線 多愛連線21F 06/01 10:21
推 :這次火箭真的要換Lin了,雙贏22F 06/01 10:21
推 :又是狼王23F 06/01 10:23
推 :是isoft 愛軟連線24F 06/01 10:41
推 :重建基石凱文愛25F 06/01 10:44
→ :去東區才能打季後賽26F 06/01 10:47
→ :2A>3A>大聯盟27F 06/01 10:56
噓 :56這球你怎麼看28F 06/01 10:59
→ :守三分吧29F 06/01 11:06
→ :沒差!就算雷霆2罰全中待會也是馬刺罰球
→ :不過這時候在比罰球準度了
→ :Love根本就不是狼王
→ :沒差!就算雷霆2罰全中待會也是馬刺罰球
→ :不過這時候在比罰球準度了
→ :Love根本就不是狼王
推 : 大家都很會預測....沒打就知道雷霆最後一擊BBBBB33F 06/01 11:11
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 62
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