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看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H  is  enough)
標題 [外絮] Perkins建議Durant去重訓練壯一點
時間 Fri Jun 20 11:28:19 2014

來源: NBC SPORTS RADIO   http://ppt.cc/Z6gg
Kendrick Perkins says Kevin Durant should hit the weight room | ProBasketballTalk
Some muscle could help Durant in the post and just getting through the grind of the season. ...


Kendrick Perkins says Kevin Durant should hit the weight room
Jun 18, 2014, 11:41 AM EDT

Kevin Durant is going to come back a better player next season.


The NBA’s MVP works hard in the off-season to add parts to his game, for
example his handles improved, he picked up Dirk Nowitzki’s one-legged fade-
away and more. When asked at his exit interview what he would do this year,
Durant was vague saying he wanted to improve his overall game.


Kendrick Perkins had a specific idea for KD — add some muscle. Hit the weight
room and get stronger. To help his defense, to help his low post game, to help
get through the grind of the long season. Perkins explained his logic to Darnel
Mayberry at the Oklahoman.


“I feel like he could get stronger, in my opinion,” Perkins said.
“I think that would help him a lot. I told him all the good and great players
 that played the game, from Jordan, Kobe, LeBron, they all put size on them,
 and it helped them….


“Seems like there was possessions he was tired,” Perkins said of Durant.
“But, like I said, I think that’s (when) getting in the weight room plays a
 factor. Cause then you could let your body take over.”


Would adding muscle help his post game? There is no part of Durant’s offensive
game that is weak and that includes the post — he got 9.1 percent of his used
possessions there and shot 47 percent, scoring 1.03 points per possession, and
he didn’t turn the ball over much (stats via Synergy Sports). He was good on
the block. Maybe he could be a little better if he were stronger and could over
power people a little more, but Durant is not at the point in his career where
he needs to go to the post much yet. He is still incredibly dangerous on the


But the idea that adding some muscle would help him through the grind of a
season where every defense is targeting him makes some sense. Durant has added
25 pounds since he came into the league, according to Mayberry, but there is
certainly room to add more.


Just something to watch this summer. Whatever he does,when Durant comes back
next season you can be sure his game will have improved.


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thanos      :Perkins:KD 要把你的圓開到最大1F 06/20 11:29
VVizZ       :應該是裁判要去練壯一點吧 再亂吹下去我怕客場都會被2F 06/20 11:29
VVizZ       :打死
MAGICMCGRADY:圓練得更強比較實在4F 06/20 11:29
isequ       :Perkins還是先擔心自己吧5F 06/20 11:29
windsad2006 :可以去看獵人把圓在加大一點  剛好繼續連載了6F 06/20 11:29
focoket12   :KD:你给我練進攻啦7F 06/20 11:30
opopopo     :看Perkins這樣  我想KD應該也不想練壯吧!!8F 06/20 11:30
ebaby2002   :萬一跟小傑一樣念使不出來就冏了9F 06/20 11:31
patrick11108:應該建議聯盟每場多個裁判才對10F 06/20 11:31
ykten       :史上最灌水MVP11F 06/20 11:32
oopsmamamiya:做秀的吧 全世界都知道他碰不得12F 06/20 11:32
dcoog7880   :臭臉這季....13F 06/20 11:32
w28103566   :perkins: 你罰球不夠多 場均10顆太少 明年要罰15顆14F 06/20 11:32
popstarkirby:Perkins好意思說人家..15F 06/20 11:32
kidd826     :加強指揮裁判的技能吧?!16F 06/20 11:33
bibby0414   :纏和練的基本修行有每天做嗎?基本工做好原才會變大啊17F 06/20 11:33
nopa118     :把圓和3哨點到滿還比較實際18F 06/20 11:34
F7          :練壯一點圓的範圍更大啊19F 06/20 11:36
keepstudying:KD:你才應該去把臉練得更臭一點 XD20F 06/20 11:36
johnny23    :半徑增加一碼?21F 06/20 11:39
kazake      :KD:三哨,暑假加練肺活量!22F 06/20 11:40
cloud72426  :把圓練到練到zoom比較實在 何必捨近求遠23F 06/20 11:41
Landius     :可是...KD是放出系的啊.24F 06/20 11:47
YamagiN     :裁判需要鍛練肺活量25F 06/20 11:49
sweetchord  :裁判肺活量練好一點吧26F 06/20 11:49
pttyeon     :rielY:暑假特訓教練團肺活量 早上游2km 下午跑4KM27F 06/20 11:50
theowind    :傻傻的,就是要輕點才可以一碰就倒,懂28F 06/20 11:53
potterpig   :去GREED ISLAND升等可能比較快 只要89億戒尼29F 06/20 11:55
theowind    :看看甜瓜這麼壯,結果切入怎麼碰都要不到哨子30F 06/20 11:55
Raskolnikov :Perkins打成這樣 還有臉說話31F 06/20 11:56
peterhuo    :白癡,練那麼壯,重心會太穩,B個屁32F 06/20 11:56
Liking      :三哨不夠 再加個兩哨差不多33F 06/20 11:58
myenet      :KD:Perkins誰阿?算老幾................(e04同隊的)34F 06/20 11:58
Ca7         :練壯跌倒就不夠自然了35F 06/20 12:05
kullan      :傻子 就是要弱不禁風的樣子才能吹啊36F 06/20 12:09
Alipapa     :[外絮] Durant建議Perkins去重訓練瘦一點37F 06/20 12:15
serendipity :perkins有資格教KD?38F 06/20 12:17
paso        :練壯一點...三哨:碰觸範圍比較大比較好吹39F 06/20 12:19
johnli      :雖然討厭肚爛 但Perkins你連B咖都稱不上也敢建議別人40F 06/20 12:21
szuta       :練壯小心膝蓋承受不了41F 06/20 12:22
jorden      :加強圓的範圍~42F 06/20 12:25
Xmasbowl    :應該練習罰球43F 06/20 12:28
JessicaA1ba :烏龍球MVP44F 06/20 12:33
a33071201   :Perkins會變這樣根本是雷霆不會用 曾經10分8板的球員45F 06/20 12:37
cjepj       :練低位還滿中肯的46F 06/20 12:42
brian5pig   :Kevn Durant should git the weight room47F 06/20 12:43
ooxxman     :沒什麼說服力 這建議是人盡皆知的 老生常談48F 06/20 12:46
voddov      :Shaqtin' A Fool界高手的建議一定要聽49F 06/20 12:47
kerry0496x  :老巴也是說   KD應該活用自己身材優勢50F 06/20 12:47
kerry0496x  :有可能的話要往低位打
holyhelm    :perkins自己低位是有很強喔52F 06/20 12:57
zangyo      :可以練更多更強大的買飯技巧53F 06/20 13:11
kenyon0619  :好像有點中肯 KD變壯好像有點恐怖54F 06/20 13:12
waderu      :[外絮] Perkins建議Durant打球更聰明一點55F 06/20 13:21
tomoti      :要練壯啊,不然連CP3都可以守住KD56F 06/20 13:21
steven211   :整場都是我的圓57F 06/20 13:36
kuo1922     :太壯會不會影響kd化緣??58F 06/20 13:39
brian980466 :練撞點就可以跟我一樣強!!59F 06/20 13:48
brian980466 :perkins:想把我的知識傳授給durant
holyhelm    :乾脆說歐尼爾身材配ai技巧61F 06/20 13:59
heha751019  :你懂屁?KD要增加氣量啦,這樣圓才會越來越大,懂?62F 06/20 14:01
Erotomania  :MVP級的喊話63F 06/20 14:06
mackulkov   :以KD的身高... 不知道有沒有辦法加重又維持速度64F 06/20 14:12
CW4         :練壯一碰就倒看起來就不自然了65F 06/20 14:23
abacada     :Perkins 1冠>>>>>>>KD 0冠66F 06/20 14:31

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